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Show THE FK3V0 SPEECH Ti: ES. Y OP !CBUsHIU evfiiy TH'JaSDAT TBES3AT, AND HcT:rt 0-- SATl DAT. F, Lyons, Cscar 7, SLFraa, . Editor Hud Proprietors. .Saturday, jest: Judge Advueato llolt of uneti- - tune, ft ml tin War Department la 'Washington, a soldier, or a Itand of the Mine, can enter &dt Lake City, steal, rob, fight, break the peace, and attack civil Sable ' officers without being anrenaUe to any Luv, or any authority hut that of his commander .and vffi-- " cers reddlnjrTiiiies away from the Ticuie cfuaiun.-Jf'atrlr.i- e agretrt any citizen, or a breach of any ordinance bo committed by 'the lioys in blue' he cannot bo arrested; and If he fly to his quarters in camp, his officer alone is the judge whether he should Is;. delivered up to the Civil authorities. No military despotism was ever greater, no more unjust ruling ever made. And yet the ml-bon-t- s of able, ignorant Tribune would and defiantly its justice, Cut why? . defend the Injustice. Mormon Becau-- e it imposes oa Mormon defies authority ami laws, and justice for the citizens of Halt Lake City. That incetidi-sir- y to journal sheet is a Ism; there is nutaspark of humanity in the hearts of its conductors, r.or a scintilla of light In their depraved intellects. There is no alternative left now for any citizen who may he in Milted, annoyed, robbed or be im pored upon In any way by a drunken soldier, but to defend friinrelf against any and all recent the insults In the mot effective way he can, and take the law in his own hauds. lie has no redress in taw, and may expect no satisfaction from the officers, even after traveling to the Camp w ith process to seek it. One word out of a complaint, or warrant would suffice for an excuse to refuso delivering up the culprit. ' Certainly a patrol will lie noed-r- d every day and evening to par-- . ado Kit Lake City, to convey the to Camp und . preserve peace. We would ask our apjogetic T ribunt how would they like, if a soldier on a spree would break the windows of their office, or steal some of their truck, to lx prevented from having the man arrested. Or, for some scandalous attack on some soldier in their columns, the man would pummel the noddle qf tho editor, would they let him go unscathed, and next day, nt great inconvenience, to get the apply at man punished, but not Ixdngable to Identify him change of dress or manner, would let the matter simp booui'C he belonged to the loyal army of the Uni toil States We think we eo him in sneh n plight, find kuosy how ho would fed if he were the victim. , City c rd i nances are1 known laws of the ignd, and better known than hundreds of laws that lie on er di-gm- ee ttacks, soldier-law-breake- rs -- head-quarte- the U. t. fctatuto lvook. Str well-kno- are they that nearly nil the large cities in the country haveonlinances alike for the protection of Its citizens, and tho maintenance of peace. These are really tho known laws of the land, and in all civilized cotin- - tries, the soldier is n amenable to them as tho civilian. The color ettho cloth, the evrstume- or profession, or station Is not known or regarded it u tho act that in taken cognizance of alone, and tthecUrt power has always control f nil citizens, uhether i v U or military. But our military in repuls-l.capvejr has prvMMuhnee America, oven to tho disregard of civ may.. TliC Fplrit ofldierty has ed its jjorition. Thcso arechangMormons1 in Utah, heap only every Indignity iqn them you can, no 1 h what the mjttxr may bo the consequence. What a i.Cl is that, my country-- . - - xacn. - - OX TUB POLAND IlIL I. June 3J. Lot womlers a'k themselves how tliey would like such legislation enacted for them If they were objectionable for religion or any other reason. Put yourself, sir, in tho condition of the Mormons, nnd ask yourself liow you would like to have such a law as this passed against you. It may lx; said that the Mor-moare heretics, but this tines not Justify Congress in making this bill a law. thieli legislation never, in the history of the world, put down herey. If 'such legislation can. then all history belies itself, for history bears testimony that no such measure as is propped in this bill ever was an in accomplishing such object. 1 1 did not in the case of the ns isti. io, the rendering of the Luv by iy Hon. CEO. Q. CANNON From the Congressional Hccord, TlOXBEUrU. DECISION! 1 aro like Iy to be. (lONCLlDF.O.) The Speaker. The forty-fiv- e mirvitos allowed to the gentleman from Utah have expired. Mr. Cannon, of Utah. I trust the House will grant mo more time. It is tho first timo tlut I have appealed to the Home for any courtesy of this kind. several Members. Go mi. Mr. Poland." Mr. SpeAker, I have no sort ofobjection tooxL ud-ithe gentlemans time to long as the lioure may choice to extend It. I have already yielded to him and to thKre to. whom he c might choo-- e to yield rs of an hour, taking for my-- t If only fifteen minutes in ami fifteen minutes for dosing. But I mu-- object to an extension of the gentlemans timo unit's the Mime additional time that may be allowed to him shall be allowed to me. The speaker. 1 low much t iioe does the gentleman from Utah ng oje-niii- couiuV. ty ca-t- Ivis-tri- et Tho Iloure this morning pus- ernments Pir isirUnus of t'uc territory of the tultej Stales have been oryanixeU lias pemlod the rules and incorporatto llie inhatit-ant- s ed in tho sundry civil npprepria-- J eerlen that of ieovlng eelf'iPernuititcon-HKtun- t tionx bill an appropriation or all the powi-raovrlih th supremacy and superi-lo- n to pay the Choctaw. Inof national authority, and with certain dians in accordance with an old etatili-hi- sl fundamental princiiacs hy treaty stipulation. ul a As 17I ail tnlhm,uc oartj with a number of I Ciiigis.ss. The Pre-den- t, was a.toj'fed by the t Diin -- s f Un i and the " Cabinet, I Congressmen ulUtH pruvUliii-- nr the n IsioJi vf ajt on llugaenotsjitdid notin theen'eof live territory rsd.sl or lo b. cmIi'I In'o goes to Cape 3Iny, and w ill return on the Puritans; it has not in any case, -artalm-- l hv the with leaimlnries audit never .will, nevvr, , w idle- Stati, onhltanee. Tie O S'ati'S were sevefwlly Moiubiy. nahuman stands and the earth auUutrise.l to a. to) S. for their tetoporary CALIFORNIA. Jupe possesses ps present features, Csermtv t tin; esaoSifuIiou. UttJ I .U tI 12. There were unless, indet'd, you rtamp n was hint iif stuti the pmvNinn anyone wi r v VTOAl s t hi . ef re.artbq,!) a I Ly ifigiUl its be- sasu!ciUr AloU.silon.hji Nl here lievers. at o'clock or the foiled Into the eight fngrss . What Is now Utah Territory rjali dune. th sum . We thus ami th" tint plan damage s when tir-- t retried was a country estaUUshtm iit of governmenfs In the Nine hundred sacks of wheat, $2,-100,0- 00 nue-ce'sf- thrte-quar-t- - thcp-ntlenia- five-twen- c.n; i. z. from Vermont, stated by LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. tho contrary hs been tho case tho usurpation has been on tho part of tho Federal officei and tho Vnltetl Ktates DISTRICT OF C0LUL10IA Supremo Court has oo dieidol. Secretary Bristow gives notice In one of tho decisions niado ujon a that certain designated of lnqiortaneo Clinton against londs with accrued in-- 1 r.nglebreeht ap;ealei from the terestWill be paid Kept 5th, 1871, Court to tho United States Su- n t the United states Treasury.! premo Court, Chief Justice Chare said: The amouut called in is 1,000,- Tin thisirr njion mlilch llio various gov- OlH). Vn-feU- cr ile-stro- g j theix-hUimat- ; zxo ' CO-OPERATI- VE x-- it. fr d Ttr-rttore- that notxKly desired. When my tuitliorir.Hl the aUnpttnn sr stB' the first of the new crop, were) K.VI.T LAKE CITY, constituents went there it was governments hum the Mart, and commit- received hero supposed thfy would either fall ted All m.v'ers of Internal legislation to Grover is elected governor of) victims to the Indians or starve to the diserelion of tho InhalatauU. Oregon. Tho legislature Is about j. t i death. But after struggling- - for oftn rw'.se tl mi by t! t Kate equally divided between Domo-erttransin Mlceeetleil thcra. orighudly adopted by years they itepublicans and Indepeu-- j forming it from a desert ton pbu-That was the language used by tho dents. Mr. Cannon, of Utah. Ido not of A. dispatch from Prescott, toIx'auty. But this wavs only Chief Justice in rendering this decision, think I shall require much longer done immetwe sacrifice and by says Lieut. Ileyl, on the The attention of our patron is time. I feubmit this to the House. toil. Sane of tho settlements of which rever-e- d the proceedings of the night, 27th of Maj had a fight with the called to the folloicing DepartMr. Poland. I do not wi'h to Utah have had their jude or the third judiiLd district inu Apaches near Tot) to Crokis and be considered as objecting to tho entire Territory ofj-taments of the Institution A&socjae tilled four and captured boveu crops swept oil livo years the Territory gentleman, s proceeding, But I in succession by In anil the class of goods Bradley, in another decision recent- squaws and two children, wish the same extension given to 1V the of the entire Ter- ly given, also sustains tho territorial crops dealt in by each . the committee that is given to ritory were destroyed by those and the election of an attorney-gon- e OHIO. law, him. insis ts. I do not think I overColumbus, 12. Tho riotous ral for tho Territory by tho LegisThe Pj'caker. If the gentleman state tho case when I say, remote demonstrations of miners at Those lative Assembly of the Territory. from Utah will specify the time as Utah then wavs from all has caused Governor WHOLESALE DRY GOODS help, consider exceedingly Allen to ho wbhe, the Chair will submit that of other community sim- two decisions I for orders several any "give DEPARTMENT. of the request to tho House, situated hundreds would Important as show ing the character of tohold themmilitia ilarly companies ' Mr. Cannon, of Utah, I would have starved to death and their tho proceedings in Utah. They show selves ih readiness to march Dri Goods , Notions , Jfats, Cap , like to have fifteen minutes lon- - settlements would have lKen that tho people themselves have main- thither at a moments ' U'aR rayfT, Curtain Materials warning. abandoned. It was the religions tained tho law, have boon tntrenched Ammunition' has been already -- The. and Carjxts. gentleman prompting them to within" tho law have not sought to forwarded. A special says negro from Utah asks for fifteen minutes, sentiment, w to divide ith each other the last tranMvnd the law, but have acted in troops have been guarding the and the gentleman from Vermont mouthful, that saved them. accordance with the organic act of the mines all day. The miners are asks that the same time be given there was tin talk Mr. the laws passed by the quiet. The union men held a WHOLES A LE OR O CER Y to the committee. If there be no then about laws for the Territory and mass meeting y but without l AND HARDWARE DEenacting objections these requests will lie Territory of Utah. No; the Mor- Ijegisla.ive Assembly of tho Territory, definite Gov.' results. Allens PARTMENT. grantd together. The Chair hears mons could struggle on and perish and submitted to you for your approval secretary, who is in charge there no objection, and the extensions if t ne. at the declines to call out the Inilitlu Groceries , Hardware , Glass .and fthoy chore, and there zealous of time are granted. ivtriot-- who now proffiss such InI find that I must hprry.oji. . In,- the without stronger evidence of its M r. Ca ri non ,of Uta h. Mr. SpeakWooiltn TTttrr, Queenticare, terest for Utah cared nothing short time allowrel me 1 tind It iinKssi being needed. Imer, the condition of Utah Territory about her. It is only since mines ble to make Fuse, Potcder, w Agricidlural ahonld hich ville Nelson A dispatch says explanations Is such that I can .speak of it with have been discovered , and city Ire made to give a correct idea of affairs matters there are essentially unplements, Dye Stajfii, Pajntsr a gotnl deal of pride and without Ixroim valuable, and in the T( inhavo The strikers property of and Oils. changed. third Tn section, tho rritory. any fear in relation to the result railroads have l'en constructed duced forty; of the negro guards T find this pru tston f this I bill of any examination to w hich its It was found it Is only to join them. Tito operators are affairs may Im subjected. Mormons had valuable Aiil w lifiwur, in any proceeding for -- confident of success. that the Utah Territory has now boon x.sessions that this intere-- t is vonv.uriu any civil cans.', or fsoirr,mDRUG DEPARTMENT. It 1a nrcesMiry to pen e the settled nearly twenty-seve- n years. Uken by tho pnsent crusaders imil MISSOURI. On the 21th of the coming month again-- t Utah. You remem lx r, evidence of the inarnl?e relation bt wet-St. Charles, 12. A saloon keeper Drugs, Medicines, Liguors , Chemto tw perkons, it khatl not he neis's-ar- y we shall have been there twenty-seve- n was said It that four years ago icals, Perfumeries, Paints, Oils, y the mnie by the peMlnctlon of any Thomas Welch, actuated by wo are out sir, years. unless Congress intcr;ose(i lrova that his shot wife hut the and Dye Stuffs. of the r. ccrtiilnue murrlaze, through of debt. The counties, the cities, there would lx UotKiahed in that color s heart lost night. cvt.lcneo of cohabitation and the Territory are entirely free Terri tor A n off ort was nimb to Mi I. usla. ml and w lie, wiul tho tu:U, from debt. There Is not a bond of convincejv (Amgre-sthat unites Condurt.deel.irations, and adintsslons of ENGLAND. n afloat. kind The flairs of the any was enact tnt for Utah the parties shall tx admissible, and the legislation London, 13.' Tho77w special CLOTJIJNQ DEPARTMENT. Territory have lX'Ji managed in UuoLhcil would be inevitable, inarrtsze Way be eUi Wished Lktf' any dateth Bari" at midnight, ty: Men's and TUns Clothing; finder the most economical manner. The Ftiur years have passed, and the qmstion of fh.'t. Tho Iloulevanls are crowed to- -l aim has been to have taxation y and Gentleman's Furnishas as is ieneeable Territory In this connexion I call attention td night, and all the rafos are AjII of wear, light as iMjs'ible. There are those It was at that time. Goods. ing the decision of the United Stales who w irii a change, w ho desire to neopie. An immense conflagration U Mxittle in the northern obtain the control of affairs, and But it i said that the courts are lm d part of Court in the case of Cuntiniinn f Missouri, It will ix; thedty. The freight fetation ofthe this bill is in their interest. It is up nnd cannot execute the laws be- t'k. 1 lie Mate 4 Waliare, and I w ill read an Northern Railway is in flames, in found to what the result BOOT AND SHOE DEPART easy imagine cause of tho d.ftkulty of obtaining juand all firemen in the city nre would be if it were to pas and rors. K:r, that is no more tho case now extract from pares 25 and S2i: . MENT. .e hurrying to the spot Thousands of the control of the Territory were than it has bre-- fur a score of Ity an rx jmt tef law ls meant yeaqi. and soldiers are for an a vrhieh of of ad Imposes taken out the hands those going Men, Women and Children's Bools policemen laws of Utah courts wlildi wns not punlshnieut who at the present time lave the Under tho present punj'habte at tlie time It in tho same direetion. Tho fire and Shoes, Sole and Upper cares have been hi M and (ril'd fora was committed, or liu poses additional began at ten oclock. majority there. What an excel .Leather it were and Shoe Findings of And or of lhnt tlien lo feuvession prvserllsd, years. lent field there Would lie for I long ITALY. was going to say plunder, and 1 not for tho obstinacy of the Judge of ehamse the niles of evidence, by which every description. do hut know that It is too fctrong tho Thud JiiJILuI District Fiore Vtotild lew or different testimony Is sutHalent to ' Borne, 72. The 'American was then reipilretl. conv let than at the palace of Cara word to ure. Experience else- le th there at tho present where has shown how easy it is to time. In the other districts of Utah This bill propores to change tite rule dinal Borromco, were made mem- WAGON AND COMMISSION and I submit it comes in bers of the issue bonds and to involve a com court', have been held and Jurors have of evidence, for the promoconflict with this deci-io- tt of the Su- tion of the society ' DEPARTMENT. In Catholic interest in debt. muuity inextricably Ivon summoned. But it has ben pub- preme Court hi the care I have cited, U. S. conthe The is this Cardinal praised Schuttler that my It against Sir, I know tho prejudices w hicii ex- their zeal in a da.ly paper of largo circula-Litio- u Wagons, all kinds of Agand eon rage. Prince stituents protest. They wish tho lished in S fit Ttke City, tlie editors of ist on this Mormon question. I know ricultural Machinery, Wagon mem-herto welcomed new the that many meitaro ready o do any majority govern. They govern returned Timber, Steam Engines, Turelsewhere, why not in. Utah? which, are rC'Mnsihle men, that the tlunstw that iinty have theU'.vtto desBishop Dwenger Why aid the minority? What Judins of t lie Third Iistrielh.id t.dd tn troy bat is railed MormoniMir. I iin bine Wutcr metis, Ac., Ac. presented have the majority done that this substance he would carry his point idore metubf rs to reftisd and not act tlio Pope with $100,000 in money, bill. this Such legislation Im inflicted tijsu a coffer of gold nuggets upon them? It has with Congress if ha rmn.vl ties entire lris'ily w ill pot that aysfetn; Its "be- Insides from been said, let the railroad le built tend business Of the Territory.' t. r lievers American mines. They leave' iiava suffcrtHl theiuVflvcato be The Institution is agent for the across the confluent and tho Mor - T!i qu. sti.ij) asm which ts ti.e right- driv en f:m their homes time and time Romo on tho 20th; mnn power will soon l broken ful oliicer of tlo courts under the laws again for thtjir religion. They cannot be celebrated S ingcr Sewing Machine, convinced bv the bayonet j they cannot Then it was said, let mines L of tin Tv 1 over one million in use in America. rritory the United states lie conv iikssI by vioi. iuv; they cannot discovered, so tlmt emigration ESTRAY HOTICE. or Attomey-Ocnorthe lm Jins-tilconvinced bv such e means. nny may flow in, and the overthrow of thoAttorney It WE IX MY POSSESSION TUB F0L legislation will not have that ciict Territory has Ixs n subuiltteii to of the Mormons will then be Inwlnx utrmys: If t lie Mormons are in error, reason is The railroad has !mhu the Inited htah-- Supremo Court, and the title - Orders to insure prompt attento vv hich a.pjH al im.st to j asf.llcht red Ifeticr; arguuicnt iii ha the favor Iwn decision have of the underthe leon opened, No nrkcr brands vis bcliy. huilt, mines made. . lWr-tion should be addressed to the S emigration has flown to Utah, oil us' r creat.sl by Territorial statute. At tho present tune and ever suiee ne renrltn dark red; qurccrop or Secretary church w and schools have leeu The enre-o- Unite.! Htnfes Marshal r,v. I' tali has leen setihsi h.-- ssfie have off l lie ri.'hl mtHull, II in Ur bit lr tlie I.ft or. -Tlie Ktmv tf not ctnlniedand huilt and organized I LUievo tlw Terri'oriat Marshal Ls an analogous ojM'iic.1 tlieir pi kcs of worship to men taken .tiay., bv I lie Zii h of J nno next, will of every denomination to enter nnd ft" W.H. HOOPER, there are five or six different de- oao. In two instances tiio dd hi lb" 1vtrvv Pouml tn IYiivq Oty, as a Supreme know. Sir, distm"msh preach. you nominations bn'ily engaged there Court f the Unite.! .States at ltjoclock a.in. ofihuf ituv. sl divine of thisci'y iu nt to U'tnh and have, J. T. AltltOWSMITH, and vet there is a cla-sthat is p!3 held a controversy tlio lnrgst s tlio t'sul Prvn( anthorhii i(y Foundkecper. Terriof the net sniislhd. The overthrow of I June Jmvij ith, that City, could bo ju3 pndiuidy cnrregation y tho majority in Utah has not been tory kmexa which have txvn carried conveissl In tie Uni'i.l Sta'es, onlbe s accomplished as they hoped. They up from tins court which nmv question of jndvg nny, and so it ever ESTRAY HOTICE. of tc mg locked op. Tho United has Iss-i- i y ilii t linn. Whenever a now want Congress to aid Them minister of any knmiimtion by granting hostile legislation kt.Ues Supreme Court has sustained or MY laissEssION THE V'tah, lie lias had T I Itwn IN travn; against this majority, and thus tlio law a of theTe rritory. This does not an crcslluvs goneof to Idiwln? srx ivking in tlie hubs J.On opjtorfumtv u rest tho control oftuffiira from look ns brmdt" Urtfer; bs. vrld'e though the propJe of tho Terri- ot tho I ntter dsv Cams. Ili-r- e has liecn Mol in fun1; a J.'arllnj kinali hole in tar. vo tin ir Lairds. v isilile. no no to exclusiveness, brunt', ns disjavsitnm or tory vt givauthority usurping Hir, it is Iwt another scheme One while nl neck yrarllnff Steer, tiieir iloors 8iirtst r uson. As tlicir mils era power not guxiuutouJ close h4 In bft ewf, for robbing that people,-mu- l havo already said, tl.tv c, tuVul hndSnn mnaii rit is ing law oue .lark red llfthT, ktinut M month and Instead f a tisurpv-tio- n dav k liools are cstalilisjied there by ohl. s hojnsl that It cun Im dono under by No or tirsmls Ttsihle. of ijvvfv an the (.sut of the L gi v relmlou S.V!S oppos'd to the Mor the guise cf law. McmUrs should If not elkuninl Iliev wilt to sold In ten t or Utvh, or ojv tho tnous, nnd if Uds system can be put dav, nt tin I l ray round, Aiiicnoin fork, hesitate before they cast their l.itive dovv n it ill lo bv reason and not bv wi Monduj , June 2id, LS7I. nt one n n. vote for; a t psert of u oili.s'r ceewtol by tlietr M. oil NT, and vloh ncc. Compulsion ri t Pounds. till pef. "ill the result of such legislation nl nguinkt the United States officer, as the hammer lc!. Vm'Ticnn Folk, June I'JjUTU Jull do-ir- to-da- unrv-vMet- ed - s, e? e Jus-tie- h. gras-hoper- s. Nel-sonvil- le e-speaker. S'jM-ake- to-da- -- - s (11- jea-oux- To-da- y, jar-th- S to-da- I I k-e- f . puui-hme- nl Tal-prim- doad-liK- to-da- k s, y, In-celot- te s. thanks.-The-pilgri- ms de-tr- oy - -- Pis-hi-- al I tl. s I fe , r -- hv Supt mih-hfic- id s JS7-- . run-plain- I I Us-ig- inn-k- I -- Asre-mbl- vv hllL-lIxam- iuo m-- VV |