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Show 1 lito. It U that p Salt Lfii.8 lisas. LlCUTMMi 5TAKKS. itiuii of honedy is LATEST BY TELEGRAPH commissioner- iuidcr'lixxl w ill prcvct-s' additi-uaVde take the following from the at once ami a;k fur a stron nvta of its cor;oidv proof V m hi from sailed n t Rochefort and iarty hnd return within ary and blood thirsty Melbourne Herald of this morning: rupt on Saturday. month ami move the agency Tl 1 f I E V YORK. TLEiSAY, UlTllXI k2 SAT; :T. I aqsi-cL'o matter how' high Mr. while On Sudny evening, visit of the coininlsJun, i ; f Perrino made propo-d- s New York,' IT his iiodtioo, pure his character, Bond, tailor, was at a meetwr-ts- l to X CarlisU which George only the destroy the Tiie steamer C'row brought ClTect vr r.4 WwM ing, Ids shop on Commeraiul strw t and honorable Ids conduct,' that were rejected. prtxlucvd by the troops.' worth and valuables nnd ls2 was steerage entered, The who Arc keen d, does not allow his mind to ! ami bid of the crew servers,Indian?, Secretary Richardson had a liet ween ?5'ri;'.nd$b;') t ikon therehave noticed that thoiC to be rt.'rv unt Pit prti tors. and heart he poisoned, long eon vers it ion with 1re.sidont from. Mr. Bond states that bia.'cd, .and the mail of the wrecked ia a hitch somewhere iat he i reon but j account his on The left Picked, and shop Jlarope, given by ing of things relating to wort ty iguorint views, Grant Saturday, warped them found the dour unlocked, of the Greece of J I. 1S74. and its corrupt dishonorable one thing from th, The Harrisburg, Ta., puddler? turning the nrtieh's stolen were j expect they are substantially jug the Enroj 7 ami are led t0 Rim - i hut H attacked, con- have abandoned liio Union, and several . res of jewelry, some the came ns that of the salvage military, pi else faun the iya reduced at to work wages. something in its gone demned, and ridiculled prooiou stones, ami u few d.. liars crew brought to LivcrjKiol by the Com mi "ions. CO'EMI'iSIONS. FittevI Tail aa edie statement to In ti bank The New York columns. Tho irresponsible money, 'there ino due I'iJ'jpt', but there is a marked cured the Commirsionow in p,. not it showed week in and for the to stidements their burglars. not brains enough, of seeking to stir niJ before th it atom tors have rf $1,300,- - One of tho ino-- t horriMa iinir tliO'i of the Eurojt'la ofiim'rs as to council U'tween in the n understand his and subject, - miv-iom. front the Governor made grasp tiers ever com. '.fitted in thin Ter- tlie condition of the latter, and the northern Indians.is.pU Rv p even their defend to nor ability no man on officer.-- ' If a man. is A pren.afurc explosion in a ritory was that of tin hilling of Jhe eircuui'tances attending the aid of an interpreter he Mid B o Greece ow a narrow iew s on any matter and blaxt Tl of tain Burn-tthe J. c.q i in, wa:itsl them to ,a ly elected and quarry, at Allentown, the Israelite, up, the Earnjtc had but eeven he had lieen moveddryaround or right. lingua few d y hi ia c. Tlie dec-says law workoft kidod two filth, aa'j oir i Friday, ted,-hraf, an ofi.ra.r in law dirf middle water town of in the feet a gloom over the entiie ca'-rf our . to us much men. fills tliC'O fe'tcnxl opinion .... by express . erannm-sionwhen &le was. first from the Unto of the (I avert' or where the old gentleman had and father, that hi The - Jlei:'xhrnf h on Monday, Urn a highly is onfy a tUlr tncacuc;?, ignontneo citizen. Kiarded; that it only increased wanted hisgreat That commi-i- on words written dovrt t Efvlo'an-jtbi.... hill, the .... . and this . didionesty. parsd Ihe .cfllcers 'then immedr.itolya one foot during the night, been to show to all of then' time, pnv f of the nra'iU ingen ufficcr. wUhtlrcw the of to the have theves'td whereupxm the for ;hat cornmenceil the seari.ll might speak Tliey attempt who come hogging around hereWo hive Ut'n annoyed at the and with commendable saved. Captain Lenuire, of the after, that he won't talk to then' U. & Supreme in a Jody. of the in, decisions f that Executive was pervemene'S nundcr of famine diligence did they labor; the cit- Europe , complains that he The offici-anymore. No doubt but Fiotte and affect to ridicule it be officer reto treated the official in refudng to cominivdon Court, a subscribed by izens infamously fim in and Red Cloud are acting ic Tail district, sufferers largely foolnot support the and well cause it does is 4,073,000, and the famine ward for the arrest of the homi- of the Greece; that they wouldnt accord. The former at the Brat": liw fully thcUd per-oIndia, Terin this ish rulings of a Judge cide, still, for a time, the affair allow him to return to the Hurope council, after a few words pn the increase,. qualified and t fiicient men, w hlle spien as if it would forever after lie eumo alxxird the Greece; in an excited manner, waved has that enough notability ritory, his has appeared in the spirit rf that irver-ene'- S Fmnop save no to made effort Emperor j A Jroph that in they veiled, remain., to of mystery. the sent a conclii hand his people and they all to till the office of a Justice to the to reply or tl.e dory lilt taken rlv it arrestthe cargo, though of Chinamen were njv. p!;ih Rtggage left. The same secne tavurred at that honorable recent protest against the couple Peace, and we understand, tncre was could iuve lieen done, notwith- Ret Cl"iid. A show of countin' ed, yet, pifintmul conunlsMon. picn who court does not crush tho laws In Pojies MU. CcciCbListical . only slight cir umlanti:d - evi- standing the terrible sea. One of the Indians has lcen nude; that Mere in every same worthies' and write or the dence agiin-- t them. But from the jKH'cngers on the Idurtpe is, the agent calUxl in the head with Utah They wrong. steamer The ! Greece, right ignorant, fellowv. The Governor articles on law and derisions like rescued and cnnvof the the following dUp.itch, received says perfect order and discipline men and tok their word for the h.vs no right to refti-- e a commit t evening, it up irs one of the prevailed on the Europe, and the numlier they had. tir, rii the mcrc.4 novice In studying Europe wm signalled, Monday, Celest to lieing passengers were unaware of the thou.and have I son has cimfe.s-e- d als , don when n uian ii duly elected, olfSandyllqok. reghtered. man nttaek "and" any they the perpetrator of danger until the Greece was sig- There are probably four - find a certificate of that Gcction is law, The President of the Erie R. R. not chime in with their is the nalled to take them off. Another or Ies. Se veral bands thousand, does will ou who .Murder have jffiiir. office. misunder-tandinHe cannot on file in Ida g 'id saying, which the public will passenger neco-- es the French offof what should denies any notions to either little counted la or & paltry Atlantic and. on the legality of tlie.Erio judgment lie glad to learn operates with icers of cowardice, and says they numlier for which the should Great Western Cas. and how be change persons done, to as to save the whether he that office, nor Chinaman or has in thison-- e as refes si to allow them they have heretofore drawn raThe tran'.Vr ( f Tlie Orli-- t forces before S.rnna well as w i th others. Legal That is be treated. oggjge. lias Ioen fairly tions. some of after they alwas elffis-tei- l without acci- had handed inthem, The lion. Judge Emerson de- have retired, the municipal auapplied,. judiciously their numbers fur tbw Charts to .determine cn : elec-thorities having paid them one ways has a good effect, in &uch dent or loss of life. came next day and claimed they Certiorari or no "Warranto. A livered his opinion on the s. reals. to law, hundred thous-uihad forgotten t hei w omen anil him tion of officers 13. Corinr.e is nil governor shall notcon-titot- e and wanted to rghtt-Ogden, children, s and arroga-fionThe Trench government hi tliis evening. The murself a judge rf law or f.utv Jet and the usurpations them. The lcaee Commlv-iuncr-j w attackstie paper up derer of Bornstein has been found. MASSACHUSETTS. of the' Executive; prohibited ycstej-.lay.arrived at rivals for offiirrbring-the-matte- r Cheyenne tm fVjvtennal-am- d Iri dhmmity It proved-ter-be- a B(wfong-l.B fare tho Judges. Jlis duty is and because he hormstljvHb'bunT-McMahons powers are incontesti-ble- . whom Bernstein had disehargetl The 21t ballot was asftiUows: stated he ciY commission Ac. the law and tho h'gMiture, the He has con- Total, 216; Decenary to a c hoice, SUTURECin EUS1SESS." fiom his employ. Its in sheet attempts A fire tit Junction Citv, Kansas, fessed. But our Executive makes law s in blackguard to 119; lriwcs, hV; Hiwr, 54; Curtis condemn him for it Monduy, destroyed seven buildm inner, filthy way n mo't unwarrantable Arlam 14;S.inford, 7; Banks, l; Emerson' 'consulted m ings in the business part of the 9. Bullock,' C; SPECIALTIES and conmd'dons men illegally Judge lo; scattering, L'ora of Pace Tua. no mans opinion, town. Loss, $Co,003; insurance, IT Boston, wild without any slimy of author, man, asked r.D.ooo. t rnr.o Ci rrs April 1 1, 1ST I. A... AT Twenty-secon- d ballot for Sencourted no mans approbation, nor -does and he to great injustice The steamers Abyssintn and fly, Prorrv ate was as follow: Whole num- TAYLOR & CUTLEK'S men leg illy in office hy h I course. feared any mans scowl or .frown; Minister Room, from Bremen, arI wrle ymi once more, not in ber of vote, 219; necessary to a hut as an honorable man, a learn- rived at New York on Mundiy. S.VTT T.7VTCT7 CITY. to ' Pace Tim's last letter to the choice, 116; Dawes 03; Ih'ar, 52; Ve have a ca'O in point. Two ed o d They report very rough weather an upright 02; Adams, Bullock, 11; hfs Curtis, Judge, in not to for jurist, there mis king Tncn were duly elected Tribune, Wash-buruRMxmm 25 ecxlt per ysni. whole the Eostnri &. voyage. 16 ids 0; ids opinion nceordiog le'terju'tirvinq; an answer, lint as he 13; Banks, 7; Sanforrl, Notary Public in one precinct, acT 3; staAVk Yetret Yurt price was at tus river flattering, uasu The MtcAslppi ' iiia to think gitJwM and the law in' the f tiie pen he ean cording to Jaw. lie coniiui"ioned views OrNew on at TtaiJ-Monday the of tiie editors of Tlai7 one tionary The ignorant marks of . 4,10 them in hisowa wayjiuit fut.one Iw undcrstiKxl. leans, with th water pouring T l m wi-- li to K.iv to him that his I understand sound who editor ito crev-asa through the Bminer Carrc ye ir irar f ur j ears, nor two years, ILLINOIS. A -- BIG - STVCKVJiJlKejtT.mr.s, eouelusions aro as far Troni cormt'as above that city. ' hut eommis'ioned them as ap-P'-ji principle of law, anti whose menbis to told Justice lie when sign IT ARE OFFER ISO WHICH Chicago, tied l'j .i.x, and until the sit- tal visions nre warped and dimmcrusade name Tho XVilliam. d This temperance toJohn McCullough opened WIIOLFS-IL- F and RETAIL to eritjeize and con- throughout Ohio, Indiana and ' ting of the iieif Legislature,', al- ed, attempt brings m to the .nl jston liih I night nt the Academy of Mn-drt- -y so not of in his exercise is him the living demn vTgorouCHEAP. VERY In Illinois, The Gladiator fiKoneTof tke wish to write you. Not many days though they are hy liw elected Bl'll conducted, but is still contin- since there canto a man from tho South largest, most and for 'fhur y etrs. i Agiiij ;aiioila r duty. But its well might donkeys not with ued, very encouraging andiencea ever seen to and criticize the on an .appeal case, seeking redress for run in Do rame precinct, a few affect ot ro.ul:v 1 . . . here at a dramatic entertainment. LIDDELL & BROWN, was He wromrs. and cats the or tones rmf itnoginnrtj nightingale,, ' The Kansas Pacific . U. R. has days afterwards. applied for the to apjdy to a lbub of tlie ftgaiUAU AM iniUL EIAIUS I office of Notary BuMiCj.and.Js rj- - decry the roar of the lion. Their Is'ca awarded tho contract fr roeoturrcnded ei y for liolp as an attorney; tliis law in Is unx and nnliearahle suppill government fttrryingj pointed an I commissioned by ids impudence CALIFORNIA. in a civilised com- overwind is known as mute Na lias In g Itevii Infbrmwl that said attorney pardonable what Now, Chnn-in New Mexico. and wasainombcrofthe good in Colorado 2, Fan Francisco, IT S$ Main iSL, north of Post OJlct, are the acts of that Rotary worth? munity. The gentlemanly nitorney was committed Another mnrder w ere tolled, standing. London Mor-moof bells The h Their twaddle about tho HALT LAKK CITY. Simply nothing. Not" Worth a and minute guns fired, on Mon- demanded a small retainer fee, which lat jiiht in the private tho a man Judge, prints on of all named and flattcring went No' ft raw. Fitzpatrick, lawycra would value day, during the progress of the was promptly, paid, fur with the remains of smoothly ofl utr.il the next day, n hen Howard street. James IL .Elem them. This course works great lioeause. of his manly and generous In entered the house at a late Illshpst rn.h irls to need of is lost from in the sneers. the course their with morts tho being pier Livingstone lawyer evil and injustice, both to the lric(l lcnckou was intoxicated, and comMormon prints' tiro not Mil way" station at Southampton. stain psp made another eruill demand hour, menced who public and the ether incumbents. The abii'ing Fitzpatrick, The wool hat factory of Chnx. II. on hi cl.ent, which caused that gentle- tried to put him out, but could The matter could le tested in giveu to undue flattery: perhaps SCOTCH HADDIES to he if that had continue think to man a 6: of with Co., quantity not do so. Homing broke loose Courts hut w ho w ill spend money they would Ie liked bettor If they Tory burned at Metliune, Maw., lo ahrl out at that rate he would come and attacked a young man named Dnrinj; tho Cold Wfollirr.3) to test it? Thus wrong goes on pandered to every pretender, and ontwk, Loss. $50,000; out looser, though ho gained his ease John G. Corbett, and knocked Saturday. were-balfellowi well met, 000. c ver-One hundred ness the $25, and igper folly, He onnuvpu nlly made some inquiri.'s him down. Corbett regained hi? hy HEKRY WALLACE, norance of the (Iovernor. We with every scallawng. But why mid fifty hands thrown out of conis ruing Ibis yood Lrol h.er's standi ng feet, got Fleming down and stab-tieacts not should employment. him four times with a dirk. acknowledge they in the (.'lnin'h,nnd was much surprised mzimil AS3 RETAIL " know n nvut trhont the'. Governor n (ungrev-mat -rvfU'ed a in rereafly died few and aound minutes. Kelsey, he to loam that had been Homing and grieeil judgment'; to commK'ioH . for two ofju'tiee with contracts slm-hiwho will coniiecttHl men not Wind I wish to know is lias Corbett is in custody. and liLul. praise why rom -fITTI to thot--iand UTure lVi years to ffimUiru,- was . Iu a bhooti ng a ffray a t Vi rgi n ia M3 EAriiTACTCPES CF when after the last election of the ilo their duty? Why ahould they the Ways nrd Means Conimittec this loaiuM limb ff the law employed City, between Matt. Redding, a settlements to recoin mend not highly of a man who Monday, lie drifted the clause men in other C gambler, and Barney Kenney, live LcgidatuioUe w.wcouimi.c.ioac J, memlier of the Cliurch, that or him nsa bill under in the and rise six ulxive shots Ken dares prejuAppropriation vi tree party hanged. was it only nntil the next session which tliC'O ((infracts wore made. he may the more effectually deeive ney was hit four times, and is beSALT L.AIvl2 CITY, IJ.T. of that hody, instead of four years. dice, and do his duty impartially? t their l horn and and would lx to wuUiidetL rrnmoy, lieved f fatally The Catholic Total Afinenc it not lw more F!fS But had he refused this lad time It Is 0 seldom that officials n this : appropriate lo call said Redding escaped unhurt. York K'fsion at in New I?ino:s Society, Uransn'i, Nuts, swindling , Mapl truckling, Sugar, designing, in to have commissioned ldm, sis he I.T." wearing The Tartar the next steamer lii- -t week, received a b iter of ap n'torny Ktc., Etc., at todid before, a Writ of Mandamus Age, show nobleness of soul, and (irobation from t lie of the ring and Tribune' liras Collar. At the Australian line is due here A V morrow and geni: HAL K . any rae lot him take warning, ho and would Lave been applied for, and di'phy virtuous conduct Gii'hel, Ireland; ami pnimi-in- g Ia-- t accounts At the It Mavey, that w th th-'- ' erous views and lergv In his acts are known, and the people w ill Order. Iroin the Country prygr lings iiy.Itntg-- f r dam- vIiK-- one good tolearning, lionet t dm movement f r a e imhin ition lx warned from time to time ns the survivor of the Fourth "street an sets was still alive. promptly ttinded to. ages. Thrs ofliccr will hold his tragedy, bo influenced lietwecn the two countries for the neeessiies of tlie east' require. And to nut will man that offi , too, and net in it for four the people who think of going to law Incendiar protection of emigrants. the fake commis by political pirties, or years, HENRY E. PHELPS to recover their rights I Would aay, If fire Willi at An ims siou of the Governor- -, Tha Gov- ies. It is rare to seo honest men port, incenfjinry on WYOMING.. la., Morally, burn, the yoipcm't M'fle your affairs among MAIN HTUKET.. we will praiso him ernor Mull eonnai''ion--tfuis In office, and lurn or virds of Brown, EirlvA yourselves, refer tliem fo your ft lends IT tt Cheyenne, (C pios:!e Oi if we like, though our feeble words (o., p. iferdie A l'id'ort,Od Tor to law; it is m'ver mandatory, not optional. go Tho has the leader Cheyenne will add nothing to tho honor and & Co., V. 11. K rouse Co., and like pi tying cards for liquor, tho w inHolt R.Jus Citr, ; following from its correspondent A Co,, with about 2i,tKU, souks. of such Hiwiey X05KIS trait AT a' SAX. j nobility Emerson decided like a CO fiCt oflundier; nNoa uumlx-- ner generally bw s and the lawyers and at tlie Red Cloud Agency, datedofiWrtRre the only ones that are bene- April 7th: The Mate cemmis- I am d.'nnlniNl lo wll mTprwnl we Judge bi-- s, t'f dwelling hoii-e- s, Ufa XT' .i.a mill With aw entire rule like other fited. But if you must go to law and sioners have returned from Fjiot-te- d parjudges aUiek of , insurance, $50,000, a judge, Certainly we have never accomTail w ish tho assistance of an attorney, be having tisans and political hacks. - more Itl the investigation mire and employ one with some princi- plished alwluttly nothing. Their eontemptihle, mean and di cast, on Mom. tv, J. JR Hopkins jmiw wowing at tlie nsreucios loas graceful heet than tl.e dirty or-- f ple au I a tl.iwMe full of brain, and rather BematU-rto denied ever rvrwin. theei'y now auJ Utnir; M'oure of Walker oiferiug Harriet Mrs. Lowell, I. of the gsu dec n ed as didthe mannlKive tween complicate! tllguc jidilislnxl In dont get for contracts Gov Indians of and the Qtiimby. Gibson, the ri e Salt Lake City, it will descend Mass., has tieen licensed to pirsch by the N. Y. Son, tosttficnl l, had r f. i red to. Iwidi to F.iy to (ib'er-v-t- , ernment. .The Indians at F tod ri c pot Mo'liodSst Conference of the Lynn the to every mrantrick tl; ;t wh n heard Hopkins ask G. II. Par-on- s filhy thintr Tails agency nfuse alisiduti ly to Will Omt It to tlx r a d v n 1 1 AT ? ti'' The esainlnln district. coimwatco uiin.lh.d tl.uul i'ud vm r e:lt a c ytaniuti'e and their removed, agency heaps of them ovary scurril-lou- s ,Ul she was tictter qualified than any If teaI wanted any contracts; if fu I r -ii a loi.z i he, ting GujMrinferidont of the p ItAvirzh d. a communication in the sny they are tired of seeing the O'irttiw'k (flntt f Waplr Urv InuVfiJ.t, and every tn other Candida e th it had ever bout Its t. amt Board of Public Work, for tho t rrrTVlt t" v't tnsl jT.'tife I sJiult hi ra- cemrni"ioncrs, and have invited roelvShoe. vice to try and carry its pom Tr,l divi.-iontalhin. was and nho with licensed fi leave in Jr.rlrv. them, the city, would il hi r Mai my name the delegation prosent nC-tAworla a in P.un.l ae!) bnj'e'i-fuceJbit its n'H coutrol them, ignorance, only t dt'WftuUni , . .. . , . YrriTvs ViveiT, language more forcible than po- - lWhmrnt. THE Fr.3V3 TIT'ES. lT m p11 l l f-- cort d'-i- gas s, 1 J f-- thiry-b-eveueub- in pas.-enge-r-, 1 1- - tfie-olfice- rw:mir, aejul meet-Anio- rs ng 1 j dis-erepan- ey de-erea- -n ro-er- ve u Attkir-ie.nig.- -i re-cu- e. qu-din-- I com-lurtme- t nt , ed ! . - Bi-ho- ps a.s-s- -- Ti-ho- ut n, .... bet-au.-- e pas-eng- on -- the-fright- iul re-fu- ed n - ebs-ted- hemp-pullin- . g, 1 pas-s'n-cer- s ca-e- r -- d'o.-pdt- ic - deek-iruigth:- r-- , n-s- ren-te.'e- offi-eo- f - e, s'-- i e, r, ir; Janus-faiv-- de.-pl- se 2 GBOCBRiBS, - uier-Exeel!eney. ce pna-e-sio- d COrJFECTIOriER f PURE INDIES, gx-- " priCiuvilj-fCJH'viivgtjIum.lUii'In- , Janus-faced- HOL Ar.-btl-J.o- r s dc-pi- tu !l i IX-'- (., A ''l GOOES. r . $5iH),-W'- to-da- y, iJi-tri- I ct - s rt-fO- n; co , J 1 he-loi- . I e on-fe- rn d he f RE c of . |