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Show nwwmwww ' hoq the West Branch re" you. want to. j V Fob a ro to the Gem, !. Kinsey bonding, ..!r..no ; ....112 Selling Centro Street. 1 AlTIIOklZKD AGEM. furnl-- I f.V John McEwan Foq., Is our horized Agent to receive subscriptions quality of coal call and advertisements-foThe Provo fV Fon a,t good at tlm Iepot. Smoot n Painn Datlt Tiaras. " We eommend him to the.cotirtesies of our 'hum dU."'' aut- r - jyCiTs. W. Ftatmsh, &iltLake ent fur X, wli of tlio celo X, rated Katey, parlor, temple ami Jubi- leoorgaua. Cttv, 1 . 4 "wile National BaseSoH tv Bake City, deal m Cold Dust, Com, - Di-kb- Scrip. Ac. CoTlece TV pnovo ml . Wholesale and Retail Drv Goods, r .7..: Blasts.", 777:, Lea?e Mortgage?, Warranty , Deeds, Quit CLaira Deed?, Powers -- of Attorney, Mining Bonds, Notes, tie., Ac., for sale this Office. - Funeral Notice. Store. ve 3,000. SHADE TREFSI FROMf to five two tin? oWl,' con f,. ASE! Black Walnut, Black Locust, Box Elder, Balm of GUead and other varieties, from ten to fifteen feet high, all of which 1 will sell at low price for cash, lumber, grain, Ae. Tfow I the time to set trees, bend tn your orders. A. II. bCOTT. felO ' AXTLAKE. who noils tbo cheapest jtt ture jntownT t lwvid Ouffi dr. FIRST JFDICIAL DISTRICT. Gro-jreri- e. 'TV""' Tlio funeral services of tbo late lion. Isaac lligbecwill take place Presidiso. i . Tuesday Feb. 17, 187 i. Court opened at 10 oclock a.m. as per adjournment. In the chancery case of E. II. Blackburn t.lJ.JMcCauslin el aL ; case dismissed and costs taxed to plaintiff. In the case of Enoch Davis, ' charged w ith larceny, prisoner was held under bonds in the sum of $100, for his appearance at the nest torniof Court, : In tho case of Martha Stevenson ei aL, .rs. ,Wm. Bringhurt; demurrer sustained and five days given plaintiff to amend bilk Court adjourned until Monday, the Cth day of April, at 1 oclock ' ': p.m. -- ! f , 4 - Died. - ) KISCEIUSEOUS. S. f.l. CCLU..:i, To Peter Stubbs and Alfred Dunktcv, owner of fifty C0) ftset tn tbo Sunbetn Lode, Claim No. I.Tlntlo Minin? District, Juab County, Utah Territory. You are hereby notified that there Is now due the sum of Four hundred and six ($W6J dollars on your Interest in suid claim, for labor performed by me lbr the development thereof, and Uat unless the same la paid on or Before the expiration of ninety V0) dajs from date hereof, yourlnterc-- above mentioned,, will be void in aeeordance with the arts of Congress, approved May loth, iT2. r All aruid fig dnst pnrehaxinfarid Interest until aald amount Is paid la full with costs of tht advertise-meu- t. E. M. FECK. Frovo City, Feb. 14th, 13Tt MS HOTICE. HEW IMPROVED J. A. F!iarl!n,Gu'-Uvu- Roc-lr- s Simon' r, Bamtx rycr and t'barie Mauvr, will taka nolle that the unders'ntHl has done woi nd to tire amount of Three hundred twenty dollars USaXtS on the Jutny la Uud lode. Ulos, Cn'j) Floyd Mining ffetrict, Tooele County, notified Utah Temforj . You sre then-hirthat uu!e jou ojr Tour iropnrflu wf the atove amount slihln ninety' diy from this date, your into rrert w.il te sold la ccordattce Rh the acts of Contre-s- . riOTICE. M. I. COCK. W. W. CUL'R.'. U? ITtli. KTS. 1 UwUton, FLORENCE,t - r . I - - Til IT FAMILY d . . , V J' FLOHEKCE 7 1S7L fOTATIOXJt. quiet drink, Buytnp.....'. first-clas- s, 17. Aprrat. jAMral'nr, - FOR BALE. P. II, Emersox, Judge, liable Vus;on;"'th Seimttler farmers favorite, warranted for one year. a!5 FED. TUESDAY, i minu Court Proceedings. 10CAL IMKLLICllXCC. BCSLXlJs NOTION. TV Go TO Li - D.-C- iNOTiCE . TO'DELISOITAT.' - GUM. TO DAVID WILLIAMS. Oomr o hundrd Jtrt In the tjwti ' 1 4 wo - 7 rev h- Js-- i The Improved - - ' i ! ILuIui -- H.rfi fv-- Is e lisa lret f-- d till XX.Uia.wiyouriuun;.1-- ! in said mine, far labor perkinaeJ an 1 mat furtt'dsed tor the development thereof, and that mle the same Is paid mvr c, Ihretheerpirathmofnt-ie'.- v day. from tin date hereof, youf Interest above alii re cert to the Lied M ;u--" tug Company. Iu accordame :tu the law of CLugress, at yrured May lo.U. hEh Ail re vamed eyt Im-- t pur .tia-'lr'person said interest until a.d mruoant U paid in full togcthir with c.iits of this aJiLrt'-- i luent W.J. IIOGPER.a.enlJcnt. j Cffy-tbr- J, t3Florenco Machine NETT STORE - 4 L.b, County, Utah Tirritory. Ytm are ts' rt T now d.iC the 'ivi of Due ! U U ( IITgbee. Iu this city, Monday .r . ' i Feb. belock J'' ICtb, 174, tnerningrat evening, ill, .i. of the bladder, Isaac at House in the a.m., Meeting FRESHWATER SIMPLE, IVj SOS, I j.V Furniture lLode to order or p this city, ..Friends nnd relatives Higboe, aged - 78 years, - I month ; tired ul short notice by Irivld Chtlf, and 24 days. Iiealer la ' atto ' are r-r EASY TO OFER ATE, Jr. '"7 tend.particularly requested :7 ' Deceased was born In Galloway CLOTITTNn, ' ' A HANDSOME, Glocester county, New GlirCK'F.BIES, Township, TV MtMC.ujKrXROVWTofv'r? : . BOOT.'n Personal ' Jersey, Dec. 23rd, 1737. At the mb and Pasy .Inscription, at lorvf And in every way the best MaSHOE?s 7' terms, at (Tint. W. Ntayners Salt latko .We received a pleasant call to- age of six years his parents TOBACCQ W. IT. IhXKDMi, fseereUiry. chine in the Market. 0,5 to Clermont County, Ohio, A CIGABS, City.' ftah loike City Lee. X:h, ItTJ. day from 'John Cunnington and dll v here he remained until after he of Salt Lake AND Graves, Call CANDIES NOTIONS. Ileury Eqrs. TV Books and Ftwtovi'RT. ' an 'Messrs. Campion Patterson when CityNME Cunnington 1$ the pro- was married. He then removed Good Clean Oat and Barley COIL! fO.lL!! COIL!!! toi , Fulton, JlamiUon county, Grain and Dried Frnlt you po to Salt Iotko City, and Insjieot prietor, of tha wcdV known Styles in both hereT heard near In he Taken Cincinnati, Exchange. store. Both gentleman retheir magnificent stock of books, peid the gospel as preached by the SIDE AND BACK FEED. riodicals and stetl ionery. ' Kcpecial at- turn to Salt Lake THE CELEBRATED - ec tte Cheaper than can purchased m. cl sow IicrtL . . bo 10 T ofin-fliiinmatl- on t 1 -- r ..... -- re-"- LIGHT-RUNNIN- - -- - r t.y G, ' --- - , ( -- -- 1 ed . , Elephant ofi tention given to country ortlerr. . J - r 3 - Job Work. Peter Stubbs TV Nf.w Goois. r wishes to inform his numerous patrons fitted up our Job office Having that he has just received sslareo stock with all the latest styles pi type, of Groceries, Wines and f.iqnors, etc. we are now prepared to execute ete which he, will sell at the lowest neatn&ss with novlO anddDpatch, all ftving prices. cirkinds of posters, hand-bill- s, Groan. Phas. W. culars, ball tickets, Ac., Ac., at TV fUavner, Salt Lake City, agent.' Heav- the very lowest, prices. . Give .us enly toned, beautifully constructed, a call and examine specimens. oC marvelously cheap. kt V 4 A overtime Eclioes of the Wasatch. in the Pnovo B vrr.v , J . Thc above Is the title of a neat and rmn of the best advertising book little dn pamphlet "form, in the hiterior of Htah. printed at the Herald office, Salt ModTV If yon want a reliable wagon, go Lake City, and containing to Turner & Rogers, and examine their ern Saints and other poems, by stock of Fish Bros nnd Mitchell wag- - Hood Alston, Esq., the popular The work is for sale ons, the bevf 'trrTho 'market, at Salt . a9 Rake City prices. in this city by C. A. Wallace, price rfMFK.tbeoOV-ialfpere.frtrhfVanty- me-dru- poet-author-.- fV To the Travei.ino Public. , 1x)iil ' kT Johnson. tonflndy plied with all the latest newspapers leriodieobvr-laeludux- sup- and tliC. JUtCbt...S?alt g Lake papers, whic h he wifi furnish on the ears, bet ween Provo and Salt Lake, ' at the lowest rates. . - gVTr mu want Clothing, Hats, etc., go to Shoes,. Shirts, Boots, Caps, M. I.ic ingston, Provo City. T.V For cheap Groceries, go to M. . ,agl ( Livingston, Provo City. , TV IIaoce Pro's., Big Gun Store. All kinds of firearms, ammunition and al ; fishing tackle. Salt I ake City., FOR GALE. ! fifty cents. Information Wanted Of the whereabouts of Jacob Ilof-maformerly an officer in the Bavarian army. lie went to California in JSGIj left there In 1870, and is supposed Rt present to be residing somewhere in this Territory. Any Information in relation to him will bo thankfully received by C. S. Benham, Esq., of ' -,. this city. -- The und'TsIgno,!. who Is about to lrave the city, will sell cheap for rash, hi entire household ftirnlture.conslstingofthreo tiedstrmls, two tahles. One rooking stove, srlork, te 4e., all of whteh Is nearly new; also urn tows, now gHlnjc milk, two valves, nnd 400 ll of pork. For further particular enquimitrcsldcms', 4th Ward. ' G. A. - fct2 ltOPKHAFF. CITX , POTTERY. s- Murderous Affray at Ophir. IYorn the the Salt Lake papers we learn of a fatal affray that took place in Ophir on last Sunday night, between Dick Lawless nnd George Snively, both of - that place, w hich resulted in thedeath of the hitter. The affray has occasioned intense ' excitement in Ophir. Snively leaves a wife and feveml children. ' -r The-staffComplimentaries. of the Times acknowl- . edge tho receipt of complimentary invitations to attend a WashingA. H.ltOXt EX,the Proprietor of the old ton Birthday Social, to bo given established City Pottery, would releet fhlly anoounne to the cltUen of ITovo at Timpanogos nail, in this city, Clt and vicmltvt-hahe prepared to sell on Friday eyenirg, February 20th; good nu artb le or Karthenwam and m cheap Mean he hrmsht aojwhere In the 1874. The committee are Ben. Territory. sm avail. ; .. aul Bachman, C. S. Benham, and M. V. Ashbrook, Esqrs., and if we ATTCriTION ! I may judge from former parties these trader the- management bea"socIaI-abl- e there will gentleman, t 11 4m . souTiirici.brAnt.icno. tf - time indeed.- . in-'lSl- - - f On account of want vf Fenee on forth kud F.ast side ot 1 kid. It Is my Intention . &Z David Fluff, Jr., is constantly To Hummer Fallow my land. Person In- tn direct from tbo largest Easreceipt, to In tending put Crap ihl Reason will f udoriox, of every variety and mnnu tern please take notice and govern thcmselvee make of furniture, ahii h h will sell eeordtngly. IFky c is the J i a low a ran In' bought anywhere in t the Territory, wholemle or retail.' H. Z. C. X. . raiLLirmnYpTonE -- 4XJ- ' 7.. . ;.Thiai3. MRS. Li XTTMnER TO COLL. ATTENTION TO her new stock of Fall and Winter HATS , RIBBONS, FLOVERS, LACES, ETC- And a variety of article wear. j OppmlU It Is the only Machine ,- if suitable fbr Ladle . Call aud. Examine. Price ta Suit ' oct!4 ithe Tlmw. , Him .a Of the Day. ' JOXKS 32. 7 CRionori coal atwavsoN haSdat Machine PAXIJAIT tz SHOOTS LADIES EXCHANCE. The Sewing r the Drp.t, frea Ccal !. . r?r tcs. $10 to $11 At WAV OS IIAXD. M ti.e F at nd West TEAM retw! . UttS. It i the only Machine having a' Shuttle City THE POOR JLkXS FRIEND. A PELIVEKT ng III Pror. KL ALSO THE BKAB XI VI it COAL, having the FEED. REVERSIBLE Sclf-Adjsstl- Ciro.i'rat Ire trunv. Tension. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TO II1PPIXESS SECURE It will sew anything IX EVERY HOUSEHOLD GOER.IL ITE3IS, n, -- . Saints and was baptised by Elder Lyman -- Wight in the month of April, 1832. He was idth the Saints in all their persecutions, - drivings and - mobbings in Missouri, and with them was expelled from that State in ,1833. lie then located at Quincy, Illinois, and was one of the early settlers of7.Nauvoo, . where lie remained until the Saints was driven from that place He was with the Saints at Winter Quarters in 1818 and 47, and came to these valleys In lSli. lie has filled many positions of public trust in the communities in which he resided wjth honor to himself and to the satisfaction of all.. lie was a man of great integrity, beloved and respected by all, and died as he lived la tho full faith of the gospel. - 7 - ' Latter-da- y ,. and every- Utah Mining Gazette, - thing needed- - in a lunily, both heavy and light. Sews faster, THE GMT f.'EWSrSFEB IS UTIH does more styles of work, and has UEYOTEI) WHOLLY TQIT5 a greater assortment of and better attachments than any competitor. '3rTis"TT cr'" The Turkish bath is almost powerful revulsive, and, a most valuable hygienic and curative agent; but should be used only under the direction of a physician."" ' "' There is an old lady 100 yeare old in Louisville Mrs. Ellen Stan-ierrShe has been' neither a chewer nor a smoker, nor a snuffer, nor has she been an imbiber of "C y. whisky; but occasion her of the upon the one-hundred- th PROCURE ASTYLH AXD 19 ESTEY, ORGAfl, THK- - EVERY , KACHIXE Commercial Interests. jo V.IRTTED, And ws guaraj'.te !o Leap all our Machines In perfect order WITHOUT CHARGE. - It IS AH PAPER, Needle?,' Cotton, ILLUSTRATED Silk, Oil, Ac., for both old ClVINC WEEKLY ' and new Machines, al- - 1 Veil Jhceeuted ways on hand, Cuts of Attachments GEM of the PARLOR. f - - Christmas, it was observed J that she disposed of as much turkey as any sister present. Sir George, Jesscl is likely to CHAS.W.STAYNER MACHINES SOLD ON MONTHLY bring about an Important reform In the practice of the English F1T.T.S ORDERS PROMITLY rOR INSTALMENTS, INSTRUMENTS TIIEsUi-LRthat lie it Courts says Chancery has been too long the custom la his Court to make each side pay AT FACTORY PRICES A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOH its own costs, especeally in heavy C,SII. trials. The result has been an enormous amount of appeals. lie state that for the future he shall make the losing party (with rare THE EOTEYOnCAN ee suee axd srE rmsE Alining Towns, 3louii-tai- n , chinei'ff,ete.,ete." Scenery, - Ala-- 1 exceptions) pay ail costs. j ' Mention Is made of a Book Is acknowledged to be the most d printsweetest in tone, and to contain rahle, ed two hundred years ago and most valuable Improvement of the never published. It Is an edition any ORGAN in the market. ; of the Ofiicium Ik V; M., print of' by Yhorhmtifis' In CHISM EF FOR E YOU AST Till a. :- MINER JrECILANICAND BUSINESS MAN, AND SUPPLIES A VANT LONG FELT IN TIIE TERRITORY FOR A ReliaWa Send for Circuhr, Samples of Work and Price List. 0 SE'a fc?i SrEcirxri cc.riES. ncXCESCTSCIKnECO. i B.R. SMITH, Agefit, QCl're - EUBSCRSPTICM RATES; One - old l at Mr. John G. Wilkins, Ibid Ward, PROVO CITY, - - riry, one year tira-ida- ns the Territory. Statistical Journal ' 1877, find Art Tlbnm Organ at on JfonrM JVifr. ' Office with Salt Lake recently discovered folded iu Herald, sheets in an old house in AmsterFirst South St., Salt Lake City. dam.- It is spoken of as. small, Post Office uddress, Box ' In and red black, T U. printed Salt prettily City, with cuts, and as fresh as when it came from the press. A few cof. t 3. Thomas, R KF KRK SiT.a -rrf throush-ot- it pies liavo found their way to Lon and other leading trtsi IT IS THE PAPER FOB THE ecti . i six raonlh C"j three mouths . I.: .. |