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Show I LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. nrSLESS NOTICES. citiTUESDAY, , pB PnoTOORAPnic. T6 the bus' close my shall zens of Provo I ness here by the last of this month, and all those that want their pretty's taken J- - Fesxkmoke. Buying Selling . ja26 Go to Tns West Branch hen you want to buy a reliable Wagon; the Schnttler farmer's one year. favorite, warranted for Javks Dunn, Agent., al5 -j- -- , J A. D. lS7t, and biennially thereafter. Sec. 2. The City Recorder shall eaasc ...112 Kinky's building, c jf Who' sells tile' chenne-- t Bavid Cluff. fu y?T For a good quality of coal call on Faxmsn A Smoot at .the Ikqxjt. W. Stayxkr, Salt Lake city, solo agent for Utah of the bated r.stey, parlor, temple and jubi o lee organs, t f T CnA.s. Jr.-;-;- tsT JlrRiCALlssTRtntFTrs of every and rate lowest at easy description, terms, at Chas. W. Stayner's Salt Lake City, ,sr Books and Stationery. on Messrs. Campbell A Patterson Call when you go to Salt Lake City, and Inspect their magnificent stock of books, periodicals and stationery. Especial at06 tention given to country orders. Shade Trees.' Furniture. Done-mad- e David Cluff; Jr., our enterprising furniture dealer, Is now engaged in turning out some good arikles of homo-mad-e furniture, consisting of chairs, tables, bedsteads, Ath, which will compare favorably with some of the best imported. He also keeps on hand a large variety of imported furniture, and those desiring to make purchases should not fh.il to give him a call, as be means business and will toot be undersold. Discovered at Last NOTICE. --40- " Salt-Lak- e. -- SALE. exper-men- ts A- . IsTOTXCE. a 1 ley, 5 jHfw e, rt v TO DAVID WILLIAMS. Oauer o' Vic-tr- la two hundo-ICl t et ta the t, i Ioxle, Tlntic Mining Distr'it, Juab Coun'y, Utah Territory. Y an are hereby nopfo-tH.t tl ere now dua the mu of One Hundred and c t lili Dollarx,oa your ta S.r latr erRmuftT and mater- - ' $a.d lots furmshed for the develop uu-n-t and that unle- - the same isojon or before the expSralloH of a tarry Jay from the dtUe iiereof, our Interest lihote w iil revert to the JeBnv UndMiu tag Company, Inaecordance with the law of Congrevs, approved May ItVh, 171 Alt person are warned against purehaft.iig said lulerexl until taid amount U pal I lit foil togetlier wish en-- Js .f this advertl-w-meu- i t-- lf 1 The Improved inl.-n-fc- fiffy-tare- Florence MacMne" -- th-rv- - scattering, 5. - Rolert UampKlf For Recorder 5,4 V., W. 1. A j M V, 21) SCRiterlug, 4 J. D. T. McAllister, For Mar-ba- l 3,931; Henry Heath, 1,679, G, NEW STORE t FEED. The Sewing: lried Fruit Z. C. M. Machine PETER STUDDS, LX Q RS O TT X. MILLINERY STORE ' ,!, m tth 1L!! COIL!!! COIL!' LADIES EXCHANGE. It JONES CRISMOn COAL & SMOOT'S 10 It titj; -- -- RIPFHESS ' EVERY HOUSEHOLD Utah Mining Gazette, Jk STYXiB 19 MINING Commercial Interests. L. John NrTTALL, City Recorder. fe4 Per James E. Daniels Deputy. IT IS AT GEM of the PARLOR. MACHINES SOLD ON MONTHLY INSTALMDtTS. JAMES FEririEMORE, PORTRAIT - A LANDSCAPE AND RTI8T. Portraits furnished In every style, from Carte de visit to lift slie. All kinds of moulding, frames Ccs die., constantly on hand. Frame mad to order. TROVO CITY, U. T. AMERICAN FORK, U.T., PF.AI.F.R IN wines, GROCERIES, Liqrons-- , ; PROVISIONS, BACON, CIGARS, CANDIES, 1IAMS, . NUTS, ETC., ETC., choicest tho all of kinds and a VARIETY A C9 OF' NOTIONS too ni.ii.t luut ta mention. PAPER, GIVING WEEKLY T Veil Hrecuted Cuts A LIBERAL DISCOUNT . 1TDR CASH. AT FACTORY PRICES IT IS Tlin PAPER rOR TIIII MUTER MECIIA27IC BE ftt THE ESTEY ORGAN mred IsarkTicraledfredtobethe rable, pwectesd in tone, and to contain tho mofet valuable Improvement of any ORGAN in tho market. A du- JItmeMOrffaU at i ILc-s-l Prwc. Oilieo with Salt I.ake lleraul, 13rd South SL, Salt Lake Office affilrcv-i- . City-Pos- BvFFBrrrs: rmf f. J. Tlir'nivs out the Temtorv. M E Til USE nnsra BrrtiRE tou bty ant otiiek. MA IXLT IN TIID A WANT LONG TERRITORY TOR A Send for Circular, Sana Ici of Reliable Work and Price List Statistical JcarcaL SEiiD FC3 SrECCEa CCriES.' FLOEEKCESEWISSnCHISECO. Offire at Mr. John G, WiV-- muJaans through oH BUS- and surrEins INESS MAN, s B. R. SI JITH, Agent, Salt Lake Ciiy,U. T. an.l other leading KK AND O ' Box 5S7, 'of Ja-chincry,etc.- fetc FILLS ORDERS PROMPTLY FOR THESE SUPERB INSTRUMENTS Janl4 ALFRED DUniCLEY, ILLUSTRATED Jlining Toicns , 3cmri-ta- in Scenery, CHAS. W. STAYNER Gallery oppeatte the Meeting Jlotiac, 1 a lowej- - JI,'iu hln.vL A rely to A. H. or A. A. SOON. m THE FAMILY GUM.- - - 1 -- ILL SITE, MACHINERY, WATER WHEEL, ETC., . wevv't- dinance, defining the boundaries of the number of hi vote. Municipal Wards, .passed March- - Uth 5. close At the election the of but 1863, be and the same is hereby repealed. the Judges shall seal up the ballot A. O. SMOOT, Mayor. box containing the votes and the list of Passed and Approved February 3rd, W7L SDIPLE, the names of the electors and transmit the LIGHT-RUNNINLJOHNNirTTALLr same without delay to the City Recorder Recorder. EASY TO OPERATE, City fnr. 6. Immediately upon receiving the Per Jarnea E. J fi hi Deputy. Daniel, & HANDSOME, ahalb the Recorder election return, City n Aider-maIn the presence of the Mayor or any of this city, unseal the ballot box and And in every way the best MaW. J. HOOTF.B, President. count and compare the vote with the list ! V. H. IIoTKlNt!, Secretary. of names; and the persons respectively chine in the Market. Salt Lake City Dee. ith, dl receiving the highest number of votes for said office shall be declared elected. And VI. FRESHWATER SOT, the Recorder shall maks a brief abstract EHERY ' PROVISION STORE. In Dealers the names and offices voted and of the for. . number of votes each person received; a Styles in , CLOTHING, copy of which attract he shall post up In GROCERIES, hta office; and shall preserve the lists and SIDE ASD BACK 4 BOOTS, XEALFB IX votes for reference, In ease the election of SHOES, any person should be contested; and shall TOBACCO GROCERIES, TOBACCO, give a certificate of election to each person - & CIGARS, elected. FANCY CANDIES, ftUtS. ETC.- This is 8bc, 7. Any person designing to contest CANDIES AND NOTIONS. said election shall make his Intention All klnils of the best quality of . specifically known in writing to the City Good Clean Oat and Harley and Grain absaid Recorder within three days after ' Of the Day Taken in Exchange. stract shall have been posted up, and the of Kept constantly on hand. votes and lilt shall be preserved nutH the contend Is ended. On expiration of the At the aid stand. Canter ftf 4 lit noX time and no such notice being given the Met and Centre Mreeta. Recorder shall destroy the votes and lists. Machine is It the the only having In ease of a tie of votes, for two or more CO Counsame for the the office, CUy persons REVERSIBLE FEED. ballot shall which cil shall determine by AS D take his seat, SEC. A The Mayor and Aldermen, beTHU CELEBRATED fore entering upon the duties of their office? st.alf give bonds with rp--p is the only Maehmediaving a roved securities, each in Uie penal sum NUTS. Ia. E. of One Thousand Dollars, to Provo City, ALWAYS OX HAND AT Shuttle Tension. to C.VIJ, ATTENTION TO Self-Idjosi-isj conditioned for the faithful performance ItriSHES 1 f her new stock of I all and Winter PAXT.TAN thereof, which bonds shall be approved RIBBONS, FLOWERS, by and filed with the County Clerk of Utah HATS, - LACES, ETC. County. LDUBEBUiD COIL Sec. t. - When vacancies occur In any And a variety of articles suitable for ladies will sew anything and everywear. office made elective by the City Charter the City Council shall fill such vacancy by Call OppoaUe the Depot, Iroio and Examine. Prices ta Salt thing needed in a family, both appointment pending the next regular , octlf heavy and light. Sews Lister, the Time. ALSO rug BEAR Rivra COAL, election. does more styles of voik, and has THE rooit MANS KKihN I Sec. JO. No peraon. shall be eligible to a greater assortment of and better the office ot Mayor, Alderman or Councilor unless he shall have been a resident of attachments than any competitor. Coal fron $10 to $11 per tea. Utah Territory during at least one year A rrLIVMT TKAX ALWAYS OX It VXIX. next preceding such election. Neither TO SECURE Ijrave onh-- r at the K- -t and Wrt shall any prison be eligible to vote at a noTS. ' , unless tha a eltlxen of election municipal EVERY United Mates, over twenty-on- e years of nCHIXE VJlFJJliTED, IX SUBSCRIBEFOR THE age, and a resident of Provo City during elecnext eald months the six preceding And wc gnarantes to keep all oar Machines tion. And no officer or soldier of the Unita perfret order WITnOUT CTIAKGE. ted States army Is eligible to bold office or In tills election vote at any city unless his THE OMY KEIVSKFER H UTAH home and place of residence was thereat PROCURE the time of engaging In snch service. DEVOTED W1IOI.LY TO ITS Pec, lh Ail ordinance and parts of orAttachments Cotton, Needle, dinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided the ycpeAl s; Silk, Oil, ic., for both old AND thereof shall not vitiate any act perform- al-- 7 new and Machines, ESTEY-ORC-An, ad, or right accrued, thereunder. A. Q. SMOOT, Mayor. ways on hand. Passed and approved February 3rd, 1S74 THE nsst-s-mi'- I d.d - turn-Gone- The secret of Mormon weakness is out. Salt Lake TYtbune. Well, we're sorry they found out the secret. Why, w e thought the wise men Muat Of the votes Abstract polled from the East had known it all long nicipal Election, held In Prose Like our friends, the Millerites, ago. . IS7I, fit), I'fbrn.rj 9th, it this time and will burst it hare r: they nayor: for r1 all Sum." What shall we do? Oh, WO up, Abraham O. Smoot. of the secret, dear take dont advantage FOR ai.dfkjten: t Have a little merry, and masters 400 W Ward I John Xuttall 400 dont spoil our little game messieurs Tnd Ward Albert Jones 1 Editors of the mighty 3rd Ward Samuel R. Jones..... - for coitnoilorm . The Solar Spectrum. James Dunn -.- 400 William B. race-- .. The basement of the Meeting House 400 William FoUett last evening 400 was filled to overflowing John B. MIIner..,. James W. Loveless .400 to hear a lecture on the above subject LLJobri NultaU," City ' Rfcohler do by C. It. Savage,. Esqxkf hereby certify that the foregoing Is a correct The speaker exhibited by means of the abstract of the votes polled at the Muni- blackboard and artificial lights tho cipal election on February 0th, 1STL chemical properties of a solar ray, As w lines my hand and the seal ft its effects on men, animals and - skat, of Prove City, tills tenth (10th) showing Its uses in tho arts nature generally; day of February, A. D. ltTl and Sciences; dwelling at length on the L.JOIIX NUTTAI.L, different properties of a pencil of light, Recorder, Provo City. - rer its bent, luminous and actinic rays, foblO E. James DaNifls, Deputy. and its adaptability to photographic uses. The lecture was very entertainFOR ing throughout and the various were all successful and received SHADE TREES FROM with great satisfaction by all present. 3,000 two to live year old, consisting of A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Black Walnut, Black Locust, Box tho speaker at tho close. Elder, Balm of Gilead and other varieties, from ten io fifteen feet high, sdl of which I will sell at low prices for Salt Lake Municipal Eectiou. . Ac. Now is the cash, - hme-l- lumber, grain, set tree, fwnd In our orders. The following is the result of the elecfell) A. H. SCOTT. tion for city officer? In Salt Lake City yreterdayj For Mavor-- D. II. Wells, S, MS; Wm. Jennings, 1,677; scattering, S. CER.IIINI.1 MINING COMPACT. For Aldermen Isaac Groo, S,823; leeatien f prlarlpal place ( bnal Geo. Crismon, 3,924; Jeter Clinton, wres, Ran Franctae, Eaeattaw 8,S95 John Sharp, 5,477 j Alexander works, Tintie District, Juab toaa Pyper, 5.4S2; J. M. Benedict, 1,681; ty, I tab. A. Miner, 1,666; N. Groesbeck, 1,612; VOTIf'E IS UFRFBY GJVFX TTI AT AT scattering, 8. a of the TV.ard of Directors, it luld meeting For Conncilora Brigham Young, iehiumy g,d. Lilt, an asMMmcnt (Ao. of Fiftv cent per there was levied upon the caplul stock of the Corporation, 3,914; Theo. McKean, 8,941; Albert Parable Immediately In United Mate, cold Carrington, 3,945; J. K. Winder, 8,938; yln, to the (secretary, at tho otllee of the Grow. 8.914; N.H. Felt. 8,941; l.mumnv, Catuorni Irate, Room io, Henry can I ranrlwo, D. McKenzie, 3,914; Fcramori Little, Any stork um which this aMment g Pall remain unpaid ou line li h of 5,461; Thomas Williams, 8,951; L. S M tn h, 1S74, w ui lie and advere Hills, 1,6mi; suit, 1,677; H. P. twed for sale at public auction, and unless Bolivar 1,678; Itn nt 1,652; is made Is Kimball, Roberts, sold on jviv before, will nHth d tv of April, 1S7I, to pnv tho dclln-si- 't Geo. CiiMiton, 1.59S; E. T. Mumfonl, . lit .v-- (her with cost of an c . n,. of sale. By tmltr 1.M22; 1L Ik Margctts, 1,6 ; Ix Grande anertl.log bf the Hoard ofliur. "or. Young, 1,622 Elliot Harlweli, 47; T, I.W.imTT, tm-e- , fahiurnla F. A net law h, 21; A. TV, 4i sires 16, l.oom It. t, Jones ' I lanclsvn, t uutonil.i. . MS White, 23; TV. Fuller, 83; Adam S'pkrs 4; T. D. Brown, 46; scattering, 23. FOR SALE CHEAP! For Treasurer P. A. Sehettlcr, 3,4s ; .r 13- 1 re- - -: 17th. FLO HENCE, opposite t? ClufT, Iewliton, Dec. -- See the advertisement of Mr. A. II. Lake City, deal in Gold Dust, Com, Ex- Scott in another column, w ho has some k1 change, College Scrip, Ac. desirable shade trees for sale, which he t offers to the publiccheep for cash, lumStore. Provo ber, grain, Ac. Now is the time to set Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Gro- out shade trees and beautify your ceries, etc., etc. Cheaper than can be homes. at purchased elsewhere. or ce - Deseret National Bank; Salt j?r Furniture made to order paired at short notice by David J. A. friiarlin, Guriarus Il'Kgler, J. E Bain berper and Charles Mauwr, will take-notithat the undersigned has done work to the' amount of Three hundred and on the Jenny twenty dollars VW.Y IJnd loile, situated tn Ounp Floyd Mining District, Tooele County, Yoa are tlmrcforc notified Utah TcrriUr that unless JoU pay your proportion of the above amount within ninety Uas from this date, your Interest will be sold 1a accordance w ith the acts of Congress. t M. LCONK. W. W. Cu.ML t: st NOTICE. NEW IMPROVED Sfc. I. Be it ordained by the City Council of Provo City, that sold City be, arid the tame U hereby divided Into threeMunicipal MCM-ctpalWa- bij. Jr. RISCEUA15E0US. CCLUr.l thereof. Ward, described and bounded a follows A11 that portion oi the City of Provo, notice, of the time and place of election, AUTHORIZED 1GEXT. and of the number and kind of officers to bounded south by the Corporation line, west a line running through the centre y John McEwan Esq., Li oar au- be elected, to be published at least six days of tthbyWest street, north by a line running thorized Agent to receive subscriptions prior to the time of bolding said election. Council shall appoint through tho centre of Centre street, and Sec. The 3, City and advertisements for Thk Provo two Judges of election, and two Clerks of east by the Corporation line, shall be hereDaily Times. Wa commend him to election, alt of whom shall, before entering after known and designated First Munthe courtesies of our friends. upon their dutlea, take an oath for the icipal Wabd. EEC. 2. Ail that portion of said City fftlthfal performance thereot Said Counsouth-weand north by the Corcil shall also provide the place of holding bounded Notice. said elections, furnish the necessary ala' poration line and east by a llue running the centre of 4th Wind street, shall See notice of Germania Mining Comtlonery and ballot box. The voting shall through be known and designated HE. si, another1 colunmtn relation ' to bebyhallot, and the polls Shalt pany boepeh ' at eight A. x. and close at 8 r. M. an assessment. All of said that Skc.3, portion City Prc. 4 Each elector shall provide bounded south by a line running through w tth a ballot names the of containing . west by a line City Election. the person he wt.he elected, and the the centre of Centre street, Uirouirh the centre of tth West As we predicted yesterday, a very office he would have them fill, and prevent running street, north and east by the Corporation ltneatly folded to the Judges of eleetlonf Ught vote was polled in this city for Trbre and desivnated shell number and vfopowk in the tine, shall be known W'AKBs municipal officers, t?ee the official count ballot box. Tae Clerk shall tlten it write the TlllWB HlKIrb hKC. 4. An ordinance entitled An Orin another column name of the elector and lire It. Film-se- ' lroio tlty Into Municipal Ward and defining the boundaries II DM tiling -- goto the Gem," Centre Street. , quu-tdrlnk- A.ir-tt-ekiH- tS-.roB -- 19 S. FLOREKCE Aft ORDINANCE ItcgHlatlng I.Ierlionw. Pkc. 1. Be It orlaineil bvthe City Council of Provo City, that the election for Major, Aldermen and Councilor (hall b held on the second Monday of February, SALT LA kit. . niSCELUXEOUS. ORDINANCE AM 1S74. JO, COLD QUOTATIONS. will oblige by coming along before that time. EEli. MSCEIUXEOUS. a4 c, 7- - Ill O VO CITY', J SUBSCRIPTION One c-- pj , oif ;c ir six moulti- w.-r-, thne dim cj.5 RATES: . - ...! ... 7.V i t 1. |