Show Th Utah Statesman AF offers Monday September 28 1981 variety of options of complex development the Air Force mut officer corp with ipecial have a profession abilitie in a wide range of (kills Sophisticated aircraft manned by skilled pilot and navigator are Rill the most flexible weapon system in the Air Force But the Air Force needs other young officer to work with complex commumcation-electronisystems high-spee- d in research work and to and computers fields and specialized professional development like law and medicine In helping to develop such officers Air Force ROTC has ai its mission to recruit educate and commission officer candidates by a college campus program which responds to Air Force requirements In the years ahead Air Force ROTC will continue to concentrate ot preparing men and women to assume positions of responsibility and importance in the modern Air Force Few careers provide such stimulation varied experience pnde and deep gratification of service to country as does membership in the United States Air Force It is a challenging career Young college men and women should consider the opportunities inherent in Air Force ROTC Two routes to an Air Force commission are available to college students in the Air Force ROTC Entering students may enroll in the Air Force ROTC Four-YeProgram College students may pursue the Four-YeProgram on campuses where it is offered and in addition on those campuses where crossenrollment agreements are in effect which allow Rudents not on the main campus of the hosting university to enroll in its Air Force ROTC programs A forma application is not required for Rudents entering the Four-YeProgram They may register for the program at the same time and in the same manner as they enrol in their other college courses and there is no military obligation At Utah State University students enroll in Aerospace Studies 101 ' The Two-YeProgram consists of the Professional Officer Course (POC) the last two years of the Four-Yea- r Program It is designed to provide greater flexibility to meet the needs of the students desirtng Air Force opportunities The basic requirement is that applicants have two academic years remaining at either the undergraduate or levels or graduate s combination of both After being nominated by the Professor of Aerospace Studies applicants seeking enrollment in the Two-YeProgram are evaluated on scores achieved on the SAT-ACscores 5ved on the Air Force Officer’s Qualifying (AFOQT) the Air Force medical exam nd a personal interview by a board of Air Force To meet the challenge ply early in the year preceding the fall term in which they intend to enter the program Just drop by room 107 in the Military Science Building on campus and talk with the Professor of Aerospace Science General Qualifications for entry into AFROTC four-yeprogram ar c ar ar ar ar ar T Officers Since the processing procedure must be competed approximately nx months to prior ed enrollment interested students must ap Be a full tune student at Utah State University Be a United States citizen Be in good physical condition and of good moral character For pilot or navigator training fulfill ail commissioning requirements prior to age 26 54 For scholarship recipients fulfill commissioning requirements before reaching age 25 on June 30 in the estimated year of commissioning Nonscholarship students fulfill all commissioning requirements prior to age 30 Deserving prior service personnel may obtain waiver of maximum nonflying commission age requirements up to age 33 Be a least 14 year of age for CMC entry Be at least undergraduate or graduate study Doug Atkin a sophomore finance major form Tooele is congratulated by LTC Farrell J Kuni professor of military science at USU after winning an Army ROTC two-yescholarship Qualifications for admittance to the professional officer course: ar Qialify on the Air Force physical exam field training Successfully complete a four-wee- k course Qualify cm the Air Force physical exam Successfully complete a field training courses Qualify on the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test The same qualifications cadets as those apply for POC listed under CMC qualifications Scholarships available through Army ROTC six-we- pilot-navigat- Air Force ROTC scholarships Scholarships are available primarily to high school seniors-graduatwho will pursue specific scientific-technicdegrees (e g engineering mathematics chemistry physics tec) limited numbers of scholarships are available to those who will enroll in certain — nontechnical degree programs (e g business administration accounting biology etc) The following vocational categories are open to four-yea- r scholarship applicants: Pilot navigator missile launch officer scientific-technices al al and al Four three and three two and and two year scholarship opportunities exist on a competitive basis for one-ha- lf one-ha- - Ever wonder what it would be like attending college on a full scholarship that pays for your tuition fees books supplies and gives you 100 per month spending money each year? Or maybe you didn’t win a scholarship but you could qualify for a minimum of $2500 in financial assistance over two years with that figure being stretched to almost $10000 over four years through additional programs And all this financial assistance provided you without a significant outlay of time which would allow you to concentrate on your studies seek part-tim- e employment or both And then to top k off you would be guaranteed a job when you complete college starting at about $16000 per year and providing you with leadership and managrmrnf experience which would help you no matter what you decided to do as a career Sound pretty good? Among the many the Army ROTC the opportunities for ships and other I i (continued on page 67) lf students already enrolled in college Applicants for the Air Force ROTC scholarships are selected on the basis of the "whole-person- ” concept that includes both objective (e g grade point average etc) and subjective (eg interview evaluation etc) factors For more information about the Air Force ROTC program at Utah State University contact Captain Steve Geigle in room 107 in the Military Science Building on the USU campus MOTO-SK- I SNOWMOBILES RENTALSALESREPAIB "Wc Rent Most Anything" (750-183- IJELGC"! 8TCZ2DTS BISflMV’S C:ji csntiacai tnn In Term ca CK3 tnj its cl C?c”rt:3 Reas C::3 Fen 410 U ECO E 702020 TIME RENTAL SALES A SERVICE 925 N Mein 752-CSC- D |