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Show UNFURNISHED (2 90 ) (fir APTS.A DUPLEXES Clean Large In excellent location, washerdryer WSCi hookups, $300 plus deposit, ALL Of II TIES INCLUD- ED. LAYTON 2 BDRIVL APT. DELUXE. ' damaged furniture. North End Ogden bedroom, air condi-- i City, 2 tionlno, covered carport, hookup. washerdrver Available June 7. $270mo. $150 deposit. No Children or smoking.,Mustsee. Riverdalenew bedroom 2 duplex, fenced yard. Many extras, no pets. $400mo. $200 deposit ROY laundry hookups, stove furnished, close to shopping centers and schools. 1 or 2 small children ok. Carpetsdrapes. $230. Security deposit $150. Refer- ences required. Rov Duplex, largo 2 bedrooms, air, wash hookups, dishwasher, carport, yard. $365mo. Tenant Manager Couple. New Must be handy, available. Neighborhood new, queen, 1 and 2 bedroom apts. AC, free cable TV including Showtime. Storage sheds and garages. Tennis courts. Lots of open lawn area. Security patrolled. On premice new clean laundry room. Spacious. Pepperldge or APtS. S.E. Clearfield. Quick freeway access. 5 min, to SPRING (300 APTS. 3 TO EAT Do you want to milk bill as low 4. gallon. Call lower your as $1.39 per Curd Cheese E. 2625 Double J Dairy-64- 3 N., Layton. Between Fairfield mile south and Fort Lane, of HAFB runway. Open Music Camp Ranch, organ frozen berries. 7 varities plus. Free recipies. FERTILIZER A TOP SOIL (wF TOP 3 dark, or SOIL-Ric- loamy soil, or road base, sand and gravel. Delivered. 7. Call George RUSH! (mF ery, Phone spools of barbed wire 12'a gauge $30' a piece. Old Partially furnished Apt. bedroom, den, fireplace, (600 16 ft. 135 Johnson (FF 2 POULTRY A and ers, new, 4 Horse Special $70. Appaloosa gates, stud bred ewes, calves, $40-U- p. ) service, goats, lambs, gallons daily. $550.00, SPRING SPECIAL New 1984 2 horse tandem axel, brakes on both axles, 6ft. 6in. tall. Regularly $1,995. , Now $1,795. The Saddle House, Orem, Ut. 2 year old quarter horse, gentle, mountain experience after 4:30. $700. ) 3 (w t (wo ) ) (710 378 1978 TRAVEL TRAILERS Main, Kavs-vill- dition. $3,895. 1978 Javco Tent 1959 MERCURY $800. Trailer, '78 Starcraft Tent Trailer, or great condition. Terry Taurus, 22 foot self contained, stereo, sleeps 1983 2. TRAILER SUPPLIES Discount prices. J $. L RV 175 S. Mt. West Street News vention '84 Hundreds of cars on display. Sat. June 9AM-7PJune Sun. 10AM-4POgden City StaSt. Ogden Evdium eryone Welcome. 773-84Car- - 3 HOMES 25' Southwind, (940 bunk Main, Kavs-vill- e. FOR SALE VANS AUTOS Van. Excellent condition. Low ml. AMFM stereo, air, (958 FOR SALE TRUCKS AUTOS 1973 Chev 1z ton, $550. CYCLES 1. otter & 1983 Dodge 34 SE Royal, New 9Va ft. camper. Will sell separately. Customized 1979 CB500 Honda, $1,100 negotiable. 6 Phone 1979 Honda CB650, runs and looks good. Need to Sell! $900. Call 8250849. 1980 Honda 650 equipped. Call 5th St. $1600. 1981 Husqvarna Camino, '73, full power, air conditioning, low mi. good tires. Best offer. El '83 Ford Ranger, like new, custom shell, carpet insert, . bluewhite, 87,500. '76 Ford Courier, 4 cylinder 5 speed, $1500make offer. cc, fully 1138 430WR, bought new last year. 80 original ml. Must sell quickly. Call after 4:30 weekdays, '71 Ford 34 ton, sliding rear window, 4 speed, 16 in., 8 lug wheels, 360, 2 barrel, heavy rear bumper, $560. Phone before 2 p.m. and after 12 midnight. ,82fH138. 1983 Kawasaki KDX 200, like new. Very low mi. excell, cond. $1400offer ) STORAGE 4X4, Excellent condition, AMFM stereo, roll bar, push bar, low mi. many extras. $9,200. 825-9- 9 lO alter 4 p.m. AUTOS SPRING . 'a others . All new rubPer, - price 1st mo. SELF STORAGE Riverdale Rd. 124 Convertible, condition, rebuilt painted, 1000 W. Syracuse. Water DRESSING ) HIGH-- Girls. & after 3 cu. ft. Kelvinator refriger$300, excellent condi5 after tion. weekdays. ator, Hotpoint Refrigerator $125, . Rainbow Vacuums, New with power nozzle and war-ran- tv Yr. Old with microwave, Set WasherDryer 6. or $595. $200. $499. 4 7. oven PERMO. 60 Mo. Term, 5. - low Evaporative coolerprofile Trimcool, 4500 CFM, of excellent condition-hal- f new price $250. sale-Sat. 2 family garage 9-1199 N. 1475 E. and 1538 'E. 1100 N., Layton. Antique .Buffet with dining room set, TOak Bar stools. Excellent Xondition-childreclothes. Like new toys, baby items, many bikes. Too many others to list. For Sale: IBM Selectric Typewriter, with 12 pitch ball. $350. Also Keyboard ac tuator for use with computer parallel interface. Turns any IBM Selectric typewriter into a letter quality printer. $350. (4M COMPUTERS, GAMES VIDEO table-$15- , ., Color stand-$80- ., table and 4 chairs-SSOlamp-$20- ., ., kitchen end Royal ing $3500.479-064- 6 1977 MG Midget, new mO' II Plus, 64k memory, worth of software. Thermal printer, and disc drive. Asking $1,500 or best or 825-34offer. Atari 800 computer, MPP- 1000 telephone modem, GT Indust disc drive, Sakata color monitor, 2 word processors. $1500 or best offer. garage Sale Where: South Lawn Kavsville Elementary, 150 E. Center, Kavsville When: Sat., - 3pm. What: Everything Including color TV. Lots of used and pear new items. Who: Sponsored by Troop 307 Kavsville. Don't Miss This Generator, Honda EM500, ACDC excellent condition veryjow hrs. $250, Group Garage' bike, baby and childrens clothes, new cabinets, dishes, pots, appliances, small animal cage, camera. 1066 Hidden Valley Dr., Fruit Heights, North of Cherry Hill. No Sal., June 9lh, Checks. and peripherals to. Call Tra- 3. cy at Rice Electronics cut material one opera i ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (iio aaaaaaaaaaaaa . 3 Annual Percentase Rate A Credit Union Credit Approval HIGH QUALITY ing $3,000. Call IS 280 Z $3,095, Nice Car, lots of ex . FOR SALE IMPORTS 1 j '73 Pontiac Grand Prix, good con dition, new stereo, 38,000 original mi. very dependable Come check this one out '74 Mazda . ; '81 Pontiac Grand Prix, ex- ceilent condition. Loaded with all power accessories. $7500 best offer. Call 399- 5669 or 2 AUTOS J776-293- 7 '. 80 Volkswagon Rabbit Disel, 5 speed, air, sun roof. AMFM stereo, good MPG or 544 $2900., call , original owner. Body good condition, engine needs some work, RX-- 81,050. ', over 84" pay- - ments of $292 with no down. Must have good credit. Will consider buying your used car. Call after6 .J94-J40. "'71 Travelall, use for parts or repair, $300 offer, 47 3994, ' W 139 1973 Vega, $250 or '75 X19 Fia As is, Best offer after 4 LOW MILES FULL MO. WARRANTY ywinrs wowiwsreac Must add for sales tax, ADP & license. NO MONEY DOWN NEW 84 SUBARU FWD HARDTOP H ABSOLUTELY NO ONE CAN BEAT OUR ' MSMJ lUtycr? NO MONEVDOWN 3 NEW '84 SUBARU FWD WAGON ' ONLY LOW PRICES ' F.O.B. Ogden Add for sales tax, ADP & license. AND QUALITY SERVICE New Console Pianos from BUILDING ,, O' 'Percentage Rate (Effective Bank Rate) All Remaining 83's ON FACTORY EXEC. CARS 2 Full Year Unlimited Mile Warranty Cy per mo. "THE WHOLE TOWNS TALKING".. ABOUT SUBARUS HIGH QUALITY & LOW PRICES pmcED...InlUMDRGE)S UMDER...HOHPA, toyota a datsun ) Items! Artesian Industries, mi. E. of the South Gate HAFB In Layton. S03GQD ' 1750 500 On approv, of credit based on Non Rec. lease, 48 moi. All residual values per current bank schedule. 1 , r() .48 Mo. Local Bank Contract Vanity tops, tubs, and Jacuzzis. Many sizes and Shapes! Save a bunch buying our wrong colors and overstocked MARBLE-ONYX- . MATERIALS Annual Or Select '84 Demos Over 50 quality pianos, Lowrev, Young Chang, Wurlitzer, Aeolian and more. Dunklev Music 3035 Washington Blvd. For 30 yrs. Beautiful New 1983 Kimbal Console Plano, top of 6.the line. Must Sell, $1.600. Ebony, Gulbransen Spinet piano. $550. 546-193Must sacrifice 1895 Smith upright piano $500 very good condition Upright piano, excellent condition. 5. Will deliver. Want to buy used piano. Will pay cash. (586 CUYIRS CHOICE! On $1195. In lloh. While they last, demon 4 spool strators, 3 or machines. $259 99 cash or $8. or month. pbr 1 KG) Repair service on all makes and models. Computer cables made to order. Parts sale t L ;73 Plymouth Duster, very nice condition, tor, excellent condition, ask' (nan ' $1,000 4. prices an Garage week. Second hand clothing and household items. All top quality, all cheap. CONSIGNMENTS accepted on your and' new handicrafts. Home of the 50 paperback.- - Winter 10am-6pTHE PENNY PINCHER, 54 E. 200 N., KavsvilleiAcross from Bowman's) JuklSergers, and overcasi Penzoil mini car with trailer. 3 n p engine. Good condition. Apple all manual typewrlter-$25- ., good condition. Phone LOW PAYMENTS HIGH RESALE 3 Call TV and & LICENSE. SUBARU FWD 5 Call For LOW PRICES DR. FWD NO MONEY DOWN NEW 1984 17 cu.ft. refrigerator, opens 544-18side-S7- 5. (eft APPLIANCES, T.V., STEREO (wT E TOYS COMBINATION, AND DIAPERS. Saturday, June 9, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 50! S. 600 E. ( KIMBALL ST. for any Layton. Call information. Books, plants, children's Clothes, dishes & pans for camping, fertilizer spreader, gasoline edger. Many miscellaneous items Friday 8, Saturday 7. 2098 W. 700 S, Syracuse, Cabbage Patch Doll Clothes for sale, $2.50 to $5.00. Bovs 17 $1999 00, newly engine, Ask- - brakes and suspension. tras, for money "ONE OF A KIND nyy JOHNNY-JUM- I, HAIR-TABL- 3 ADD FOR LOCAL TAX, APR 9. and heater. $6O0. Whirlpool washer and dryer, condition. excellent gold, $450best offer. , TABLE, STROLLERS. P-UP, , beautif- mirror, 2 cupboards, 6 drawers underneath bed, padded side rails and bench seat. Includes mattress, liner WALKER, PLAYPEN, CAR MAXI-TAX- wood, ll ul! Headboard includes 2 extra large storage areas with padded back rests, 2 shelves, Baby and childrens clothing, HUNDREDS to choose from, PLUS: BASSINET, CRIB SEATS, bed-a- PRICED excel- herculon fabric-$75lent condition. storage unit. MISCELLANEOUS (448 foot, brown plaid ., SOFA-6V- 2 394-10- 2751 S. Need condition, new radials, AMFM Cassette stereo, perfect Interior and glass. Clean and tight, lovely car..' Larsen Fiat Extras cond. school. $2,350. 76 Monte Carlo-excelle- 9 VERY AMERICAS LOWEST $100. 4343 12x30 3 308 GTSi, excellent condition. Excellent Excellent 30,000 mL. $6, 700 79 Malibw 4 dr, V6, air, auto. New cars here. Hurry $2600 , 78 Monte Carlo, Good Condition, 1 owner, Must sell! Ferrari, mi. 1977 loaded. wheels,. Wagon, 7. K - $2800. 1982 Malibu Classic 1966 Corvette Convertible, 327 4 speed, new rag lop, 12 Dining room set, large table, 4 velor chairs, like new. Call 9. after June 10. Queen size box springs and mattress, used one year. ' , SALE cylinder, mag 6 Couch Early American .floral like new. $300. SALE RUN-OF- F 5X5, $8 00 first mo. 5X10, $12.50 first mo. - FOR SPORTS CARS Jeeo CJ5 76 "1983 82 SUBARU 4x4 WAGON FURNITURE A CARPET (45tT . Equalizer hitch, brake prob-lem, tires, body, engine good, tow away. $300offer., runs great, AMFM cassette, 4x4, new tires, $6,900. ONLY (I70" rail clean, MANY MODELS UNDERSTOOD jys 84 SUBARU 350, '71 Datsun Pickup, SUPPLIES 1979 Ford Fairmont, 4 doory light blue, looks and runs vexv good. $2,350 J94-32472 Ford "Torino Wagon, 16,000 $50,000 or best offer. Becky 66 Chew short bed with tool box, runs. $900 Best (768" 0, ed runs good Rebuilt auto, trans. S800. Weekdays after, 5PM or Sat. '79 Goldwing with windjammer, excellent condition, 3 tuned. and inspected $900 'best offer. 1982 Chevette," 8,500 miles, new condition, must sell. , $5,000 1973 Chev. Caprice, 4 dr? hardtop. 400 cu. in. V8 Load- 3 y EIDorado, air conditioned, power steering, seals, brakes AMFM radio stereo, cruise and control, runs good. Recently GMC Jimmy, 4x4. Needs some body work. Runs great $1400. Call after "1981 automatic transmission, runs great. Sl.OOOJirm. 776-46- . Campers Steve Adam R.V. Sales 1195 N. Main, Layton 545-070- 0 546 0708 6199, 1974 Cadillac Cle.S650. (978 1983 Dodge 0 , Cadillac Seville, fully loaded, real nice. $4600. 773- - 1975 Suburban-realt- like 77 000. $2,5d0best otter. Also cycle trailer $350. ) till wheel, cruise, 4x4 truck. 6,000 mi. $10,000offer or consider Jeep CJ as partial . down. 782-- 7 172 '79 Chevrolet Vz ton pickup 4X4, automatic, siiverred Interior, new tires, dual tanks, cruise, air, lilt, good 5PM. ALL new condition, 33 MPG city 44 MPG Highway $7,000 CASHSSS condition, SALE MAKES FOR AUTOS Butck Skvhawk, 1983 Too prices paid tor clean trucks and 4x4's Butters Auto Sales, Roy 78 Motor Homes .0 Tralljer '& $th Wheels heater, gaselectric refrigerator, insideoutside stove, sink. Sleeps 6. 35' Skylark TravefTrailer, 1981, Park Model, Living room tip out, air, microwave oven, large refrigerator, very nice, clean and livable. Will consider trade and any reasonable offers. Call owner or Storage for area appointment. Supplies. MOTOR original, runs, inspected. e ' 20'2 Ft.Invader, excellent con- 3 Army 4x4, good condition, good hunting veni- -. 5.30 WE BUY j SALE DRIVES 1948 GMC '65 Corvair Corsa, 140 h.p. $900. After engine, $19,900. 1 ) FOR 4 WHEEL SSSQUICK . $1500. . model, 440 Dodge, 13,900 miles, loaded, very clean, UNDERk6000 NEW (740 15Vz ft. Roadrunner, sleeps 6, gas fridge and heater. Excellent condition. $2000. 8. All When you're looking for a job, classified s ready to help. 1972 '76 175 S. SALE AUTOS FOR CLASSIC 1954 Chev. Bel Air. 2 door, TRAILER SUPPLIES Discount prices. J & L RV $285. ) (630 KILLER DEAL!!! Cement mixer $100. Truck shell for longbed $50. II ft. camper, self contained, must see to appreciate, $550. Call Doug at erbv, brand new. $600 with scope mounts. Klein Guenther rifle in 300 Weatherby, like new, $700, with scope mounts. Trampoline, 6x12 excellent condition AUTOS (960 (990 '84 Chev. TERRAIN AUTOS (930 SPORTING GOODS Fantastic buy on 9. ALL Baia Dune Buggy, Jackman wheels, oil cooler, factory tubular frame. Very well 77V9052 Weath-- window, runs good, needs paint. $1500 or otter. or Welder truck, 1968 Internaton, 392 engine, 4 tional, speed, Hobert welding Jeep engine. $2800. . mi- built. $999. Supplies. (So (77r by 8 foot camper shell, paneled, cupboards, or vent. $75. lop Sail boat and trailer 11 if. has nb and main sail, wood hull. Good condition. $650best offer. Cali after 7PM, pickup, sunroof, spotlighl, sliding camper 0 30 inch 2 -, Very Clean, 4door, mint0 cond. Frontwheel Call Today. drive 78 Honda CVCC, needs engine work, S650 00 or otter,' or will sell for parts, Call after 5, 73 Audi, 1976 Tovota - Camp- ) (988 les, S900. hot er, Fully water, shower, flush toilet, bed. gas refrigerator, queen Everything works. $2,500. office 6272000. Small HolstienAngus cross milk cow, second calf, ent condition, very low Pack-n-G- sails, dagger boards, and kvak paddle included Used 5 2, times. $700. Tom or New roping saddle. Tooled, , padded seat, 15'a In. tree, rawhide covered stirrups, $550 or best. Prime Jersey milk cow. ex- cellent condition. Great family cow. 773- Fun, Family 1973 9la ft. Eldorado .1250. len, Morgan, T948 GMC army 4x4, good condition, good hunting vehicle. $650. Good feed truck. 1980 Yamaha XS400 Special with luggage rack, showroom condition with 6,100 7. miles. $795. Call 1981 Yamaha XT250, excell- Ft". 9Vz EIDorado, dition, Great Arabian horses for sale, 37- SAIL BOARD Dufor Wing, to choose from. Call Gale Al3 loaded. Low mileage, $3,200. hyCamper, draulic lack. Excellent con shape. $340 Outboard Motor 7.5 h.p. Air cooled, Ted Williams. kitchen stove, equalizer trail erhltchj546:4589. or $300. Layton Poodles-BeautifAKC liquid embroidery has the gift for all occasions. black standard pups, $150. Small and Large Apts. We offer free tip replace$145-$30FARM IMPLEMENTS Some utilities ment for paints. AKC POODLES, or We have tips available for paid 4 large standard pups, Artex palnls. For informatSloOmake offer 3. 16 ft. John Deere disc, H ion, call Cindy HOUSES FOR RENT AKC registered Yellow Labtractor. tractor, 200 Intern'l take-ofTwo bicycles excellent cons. excellent rador pups, f 50 ft. 8 in. power dition. Single speed with or 7 tooth John auger. 20 grain coaster inch brakes, 9. 3 Black 3 Bedroom House, So. Ogadorable fluffy Deere ripper. wheels. Boys bike has magg FREE kittens to a good Heston 1 Ton Bale Procesden, Close to schools and1 Girls bike has wheels. home. shopping. Air conditioned. chrome-plate- d sor Feeder, with small bale fenders, car garage. S350mo. plus . Each$75.546-0242regis$4,750. 1 FarmBrittany 8 pups, AKC , attachment. utilites. $200 cleaning deposit. d, Deworm-eold. wks. hand Bale Fork. $1,000. tered, USED CLOTHING, USED 9. shots. S100-$1WOOD FURNITURE AND Clearfield, Why Rent? When 3 English Pointer, terrior OTHER USEFUL ITEMS you can buy this near new 2 collie mix. 2 lao terrior collie RECEIVED ON CONSIGNAVIATION bedroom home with deck 0 weeks old, $10. IS FUN mix. MENT. SHOPPING terms like and carport for AND THRIFTY AT CJ'S rent. EMPORIUM, 151 NORTH . . . - e pi . 140, Excellent condi10- - 6:30 MAIN, KAYSVILLE. Golden Retreiver cross. Cessna Clearfield, Why Rent? When tion $6,900best offer. Call DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 2. you can buy this near new 2 Ron C. or bedroom home with deck Used Coveralls, $4.95 ea. or FREE to loving homes, cats and carport for terms like 3S12. Model Linen 2153 Pin- all all kittens and sizes, ages, 6. 5. rent. BOATS MARINE gree, Ogden or call some spayed, neutered. Lori For rept or sale. 4 bdrm, Used Trumpet good condit2640 sq. ft. Large indoor ion, $200. Excellent gas logs, Free 6 week old adorable room. $600mo rent or $20. Bumper pool table, good puppies, To Good Homes AKC Registered Springer loan $575 mo. assume 95e condition, $200. Spaniel, excellent hunting Only. Mother small German $89,900. Below appraised line. $125. ea. 6 left. Make de- Wanted people who are seShepherd. Call anytime posit early. in interested 3 losing riously 5 Gold and black 2 Kavsville, Beautiful story weight. All natural guaranlab mix puppies. Fiberglass canoe, $200 or home, 4 bedrooms, family teed results. My friend lost will trade for flat bottom $15 each. 189 pounds. Call and dining rooms, central air, or boat. Call garage, automatic sprin- , klers, neighborhood. good and Washer Dryer, heavy c. Lease. $575. No duty, harvest gold. Set $400. pets or smokers. Twin bed, complete, $40. 1284 North Monroe, lovely 2 Breakfast table $10. bdrm. 5 vr. old home. CarWell pressure tank pet, drapes, full unfinished and pump system. $250 bsmt., yard S450mo. Phone includes Pleasant View, Secluded, 22x48 in. vanity good condition topsink, Executive home 3000 sq. ft. Bar-b-qGas offer. S75best $700. Lease. grill new $40best offer. Real nice 2 bedroom house anytime. (upstairs), $400 mo. includes YARD SALE: all utilities. $200 cleaning deBaby clothes and furniture, No glass top cofposit. pets. Clearfield. Call 2 fee and end tables, car aclots of cessories and So. Weber 4 vr. old large 4 miscellaneous. June 8 and 9. bedroom home, on 'a acre, 8 a.m. till 2 pm. 1676 N. 2800 lots of extras, $600mo. plus 6. W. Clinton. deposit. Immediate occupan-cYard sale, 7 Friday & Sat400 , 79 urday. 78 Kawasaki OFFICE A Dodge Colt A- -l condition. Swimming pool, 4x18 round, DUSINESS PRICES START ice skates, tap shoes, home security system, C.B., snow 80 suits. Commercial or retail shop mens Layton ski's, 9. on Riverdale Rd. 1800 sq.ft. Circle, Layton, 2. or Phone Yard sale. Saturday June 9 , 3546 Kiesel Ave. 9 a.m. Girls bike, lawn mowSo. Ogden, House commercer, tables, girls 8, boys school River-dal- e to close zoned, clothes, miscellaneous items. ially 1668 N. Gregory, Layton beRd. 1,000 sq. fl. up and hind Vae View School. down. $400. 399-11Barry. (5m motor. Yamaha 1100, Factory dressed. Stereo system, 198V 9 1973 Kawa$aki 7S0 LTD. Excellent condition, low ml, 0 after 4 orm. Honda TL125 1976, $800 excellent condition, Phone camper, furnace, stove, icebox. Jacks included. Clean and good condition. $875 afterj. 3 SUPPLIES "$1,100 TRIALS! cab over 9Vi & CYCLES (So1980 7B Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 6, 1984 - 3 CAMPERS 1968 Angelus Trl-hul- l, outboard, $1700 Outboard 3 TRAILERS (Sir e Ft. Smokercraft 1981 Aluminum Canoe, 1983 T'a h.p. Cruise and Carry with accessories $400 firm. Serious Inquiries after4.30. Johnson Seahorse 35 H.Pi 16 1 PETS A SUPPLIES Evin-rud- otter. . oMoest 10 Ft. Reinell $5,300. Cali Barrel Feedand $130. Also 10 ft. 731 -- 0456. 115 Hydroswift ) LIVESTOCK ft. Hydroswift, MISCELLANEOUS 16' FLAT BED TRAILERS $890. and up tandem axle 3 Mark 8 x 12 flat bed $350 trailer. Phone condition. - W. 2600 3 ,544-085- 12 PUPPIES, males, 2 females, 1 1 to 5 cord delivsplit and delivered. Firewood-- Spa membership for sale-lo- cated in Roy. For details call FIREWOOD 2 (Sir outboard, super ski boat. 3 props, very good Siamese kittens, 3 males box trained $25. female, 846 N. daily 10am-6p- weeks. 7 WHOLE MILK $1.69 GALLON Farr Ice Cream sale. ,17 5 4 ) 15' fiberglass canoe- - paddles, 18 lo. thrust motor, battery-battery box, 1 life jacket. $300 takes all, Canoe 1 retails for $360. . For Sale. 14 ft. Aluminum Boat with electric motor. Call SHIH TZU FRESH Solid Oak Antique Roll Top Desk, 3 ft. wide, 6 ft. long, 4 fl high. Best offer. Call ) & DUPLEXES THINGS ) FOR SALE SPORTS CARS AUTOS (970 Keeshond, Male pureberd, 18 mo. Has first shots. Excellent with children. $150 479J752 after 4. eved Himalavn Pretty Blue Kittens. 5 wks. old. 3 left. Hurry! Choice Grain Fed Steers Whole or Half Singer sewing machine, with cabinet, $50. H.A.F.B. FURNISHED yard 0000 (mF Suntrails Subdivision. Furniture, bikes, household Hems, lots more.1000 N. 2100 W. Layton. 9 to 4, Friday and Saturday, June 8 8. 9. A GARAGE PLANNING WHY SALE? WORRY ABOUT SPACE, WEATHER, FINDING YOUR GARAGE, OR ADVERTISING? 151 CJ'S EMPORIUM, NORTH MAIN, KAYS-VILLWILL HANDLE THE DETAILS. CALL TO GET MORE INFORMATION AND RESERVE A WEEKEND. DO IT NOW AND AVOID THE near 9 GUNS AND LOAN 2606 Wall 0. Ave, usetul)A no junk!. condition, 2 bedroom duplex, Dia- monds Gold Pawns Money to Loan WASATCH 1077 PETS A SUPPLIES (600 TO UUY Rifles Shotgun$ South Main, SLC, MARBLE ONYX, Vanity tops, tubs, and Jacuzzis. Many sizes and Shapes! Save a bunch buying our wrong and overstocked colors items! Artesian Industries, 1 mi. E. of the South Gate 7. HAFB In Layton. Neighborhood garage sale. 269 N. 900 E. Kavsville. Saturday, June 9, 9 a m.- -l p.m. Baby and household Items, drapes, furniture, all good OR V723.-840- 5 WANTED Garage Sale: lawn mower, sota, stereo, desk, plus much more. June 9th. 8 am, 1080 N. Agnel, Layton. Main Street Office Furniture and Supply, new, used and bedroom Apt, 1 31 MISCELLANEOUS |