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Show Starts July Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, May 30, 1984 1 Know the New Child In the special session of the seat should make sure it is laLegislature held during beled as meeting the federal March, Utah became the 46th standards. state to enact a law requiring The new law which goes into parents or legal guardians to effect July 1, 1984, imposes 1984 place their children in safety restraints. Infants from birth to age 2 must be in an approved car safety seat. Children two and up to five years of age must be in an approved car safety seat or safety belt. What is approved? The state is following federal standards. Anyone purchasing a car safety choices which cannot be made by young children. The proper use of car safety seats and seat belts has been shown to reduce fatalities from motor vehicle crashes by as much as 90 percent. In the past four years, 600 Utah children have been injured and 31 killed. Utah has the highest birth rate in the nation and large families Buckle-U- p are common. How can they comply with the new law? If every seating position is occupied then they are exempt from having to place their under 5 year olds in car safety seats or seat belts. The law is not trying to force these families to buy a new Unrestrained car. children should be in the rear seat rather than in front, and extra care should be taken by the driver. The new law does not cover motorcycles, mopeds, or large busses and trucks. Commercial vehicles also lie outside the re Law Tir.lDEIILYNNS quirements of the law. The penalty for is a fine of up to $20. The fine will be dropped if the parent or guardian gives evidence in court of getting a car safety seat. 6X00MIMQ m CUP ce PARLOR & PIT 'SUPPLIES ALL BREEDS of DOGS . . . Ears cleaned Glands cleaned Cologne & Ribbons A survey was run by the Division of Highway Safety where someone looked into cars entering or leaving shopping centers and other public areas. The survey showed that the under 5 age group were in car safety seats 17 percent of the time. Another 7 percent were in seat belts. Nails trimmed . Fluff dried Hair styled We do not use tranquilizers Open Monday thru Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 161 No. Main Bountiful 295-612- 3 "Wo 8oM Tondor Loving Coro " Ceramics Show at Art Center - BOUNTIFUL The Bounti- Art Center Gift Gallery will have an exhibit of two and three ful dimensional artwork June 3 through 29, at the Gift Gallery 217S South Main. Ceramics by Jeff Frame and paintings and drawings by Will South will be featured. South is a native of Californias San Joaquin Valley and earned a bachelors from Loyola ' Marymount University in Los Angeles where he took instruction from fauline 'Through Majoli, he became aware of the work of Stanton MacDonald Wright (Majolis private teacher for many years) and the aesthetic principles of synchromism. South is currently seeking a masters degree in art hsitory from the University of Utah. Khuri-Majo- li. Frame is a resident of Salt Lake City, where he attends the University of Utah. He has studied ceramics with Mary Francey and Jim Arbon and currently takes instruction from Lee Dillon at the Salt Lake Art Center, where he is a volunteer lab assistant. An open house and reception will be held at the Bountiful Art Center Gift Gallery, 2175 South Main, Bountiful on Sunday, June 3 from 5 p.m. The public is invited to attend and meet the artists. There is no admission charge. For more information call Gallery hours are 10 a.m.-- 5 p.m., Tuesday-Frida- y Sunday 5 p.m. 2-- 581-882- 0. Sofas! Loveseats! iChairs! Bedrooms! 2-- Scholarship Applications Dining Rooms! Curios! Bookcases! Tables! Rockers! Clocks! Water Beds! Lamps! Mirrors! Available The Utah Scholarship Foundation for the Deaf is accepting applications for the annual scholarship awards. The Ned C. Wheeler Memorial Scholarship Award of $300 and General Scholarship Award of $200 will be awarded to qualified applicants. , All applications must be submitted to Barbara Bass, secretary-t- Selling Out To The Bare Walls! Huge Selection of hearing-impaire- or college student currently en- WALL DECOR 70 479-955- 571-587- Inventory h Delivery Trucks, Desks, I.T.T. Phone System, Files, Etc. in Sandy. Hospital Has Temperature Conversions 7) CURIS CABINETS BOUNTIFUL Responding to the many requests from citi- -. zens throughout the community, Bountifuls Lakeview Hospital has prepared free copies of temperature conversion charts for the public. The charts are used to interpret the centigrade thermometers which are currently being sold. People wishing to obtain a centigrade conversion chart may feel free to pick one up at any time from the hospitals $?Sp Savings to rolled in a college program. For more information, contact in Og8 Edith Wheeler, 5 Marian or Hunt, den, , BURLINGTON VINTAGE OAK 0 At Liquidation Prices LARGE CHINA All Reg. $1599 HOME FURNISHINGS 1152 W. RIVERDALE RD HOURS: All Sales. Final.. .No Refunds or 9 AM - 9 PM SAT. 9-- 6 Emer- Exchange.. .Inspect Carefully before Buying... Extra charge for delivery. CLOSED SUNDAY b CANCER INV0UR 621-42- TABLES Save to L 69 , LIFETIME AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY r - I ACCESSORY ITEMS DISHES, PLANTS BRASS, MISC. 799 22 TERMS: Use your Visa or Master Charge or we'll arrange for credit terms for you. SWIVEL ROCKERS ALL Occasional tj NOW OGDEN, UT. SALE RULES: MON.- - FRI. gency Department, located at 630 East Medical Drive in x Bountiful. WE WANT TO WIPEOUT STOOLS Hide-A-Bed- s! 5124 South 2325 West, Roy, Utah 84067, by June 30. graduating high school student CLOCKS & BAR Pictures! Desks! Gun Cabinets! Mattresses! Box Springs! Wall Units! Bunk Beds! Accessories! reasurer, The scholarship awards are d open to any LAMP, TH0MASVILLE WALL BEDS & WALL UNITS Drastic Reductions 3A |