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Show Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, Jan. 25, Dance to Help the ENNY 1984 5A SALE ENDS JAN. 31 MEYERS Review Correspondent BOUNTIFUL Bountiful resident Annette Hosking, hostess for the Utah Symphony Guild, invites Davis County residents to attend a Viennese Ball at the Hotel Utah Jan. 27, at 6:30 p.m. The event is a fundraiser for the Utah Symphony. Maestro Josheph Silverstein will conduct the Utah Symphony as they perform waltzes by the Strauss family in a whirling celebration of Fasching, which was the last chance of wild abandonment before Lent celebrated each year in Imperial enna. Guests will be experiencing a touch of lancien regime: a Ball at the Viennese Imperial Court, 19th century style. An auction will preceed the dancing and elegant prizes will be given to the highest bidders. y A Steinway piano, a cruise, saddle horses and a Saab will be some of the items auc- tioned off. A dinner will be served after the auction. If one should feel somewhat rusty, Arthur Murrays Dance Studio has offered free dance lessons during, the week prior to . . Dries to finish. Washable. Easy, water V2" x 4'x8 x2 ; x 8 An excellent decorative idea! Many styles and sizes. PASSAGE 25 AFP .8-- 3 Standard Finishes. . FIBERGLASS . BLOW-I-N INSULATION INSULATION Meets or exceeds the same class rating of 3.7 as fiberglass with a high per square inch. Easy to use . . the blower does all . . Z'lt" x15 (R11) 88.12 sq. ft. . the work. ' x 4' x 8 218 158 each. EOEj&TRI$I! 'ROTARY ELECTRIC WIRE 122 24 sq. ft. MAHOGANY Tdth. 30 SHOPLIGHT LEGACY OAK sheets - IO88 1988 SLAB DOORS Can be painted or stained! with ground. 588- Easily replaces regular switch to let you control how much light you 'interior m edges. ; r 12 Bracket 1 W 88 The most economical wall covering. Tapered V2 roll. each, 4, 'DRY WALL BOUNTIFUL the Viewmont High School Dance Company will perform at Viewmont High School, January 28, at 6:30 p.m. The concert will mark the.de- but of the children attending the Childrens , Dance Workshop sponsored by the Viewmont. High School Dance Company. The theme of the concert is Colors. Each age group ,in the workshop was assigned a specific color and the dances they perform will show the children exploring the movement and feelings their color evokes. This performance will also be a preview of some of the dances that will be performed by irtem- bers of the Viewmont High ' School Dance Company at their spring concert Spectro Splash. Heidi Maxwell, vice president of the dance company, said this is the first time they have spon-- . sored a childrens workshop. She said the classes filled up quickly and they had to expand their classes to accommodate all those who wanted to participate. The concert is free to parents and grandparents of the General admission costs $1. Ua Easy to install planks give you! " x design freedom. random length, tight knot. Tongue and groove. the greater the insulating power. The higher the Ask us for our fact sheet on Members of 988 Antique English. PANELING Based on 30 lb. bag To Colors 1388 BRACKETS WNE PLANK sq. ft. R19 Dance STANDARDS AND IVEISERCctt mean greater insulating Savings vary. Higher ower. Ask us for our fact sheet on R11 VHS Group F Protect against unnecessary j heat loss! Save money this I i tiLi year with pink fiberglass insulation. Our everyday low price! Wa i; ready, and Mrs. Hosking is optimistic the guild will succeed in its aim. ;; Great addition to work areas. 4'. IS88 M&M , Electric Jorgenson PONY STAPLER CLAMP Makes fastening fast! Square nose design flush fastening! Easy loading. Safety trigger! RflUMBIN'G 1 ET-5- 738 TOILET REPAIR KIT Pipe not included TORCH KIT Removes air fast, quietly, efficiently. BATH Nautilus ACCESSORIES TOWEL BAF 24. 3- UU Waxman Excellent for hobbyists and home repair! Big ROYAL OAK SERIES BATH FAN SILENT SAM ELECTRIC GLUE GUN KMzOfuiiC ; PAPER HOLDER Recessed. 457 JT-1- 0 per-forme- - -- COUPON . p 1088 "-- T if i COUPON i SILICONE II j I CAULK I NAIL APRON LAYTON ONLY 9 1888 1 OOO GC3D BOMBER ; atatime. WOOD SPINDLES WEISERLGCK The fast, easy way to bring security and beauty to your doorsl Thermollte" oz. IDEGIQRATIVE , Help bring the world together; one friendship . gallon. 35 88 2 Several tables of $1,000 or more have been sold out al- ; clean-up- Dries fast, evenly. Choose from a rainbow of colors. flat 11 x2x8 1 ; Will a durable, multitude of Handy The proceeds will benefit the Utah Symphony. Chairman of the event, Beverly Johnson, who is also vice president of the Utah Symphony Guild, and President of the guild, Carol Nixon, hope to gather $40,000 for the sympho- ' SPRAY PAINT WALL FURRING (272-5397- ), ny. SPRED , usesl Box Office. The tax deductible tickets are $50, $100 and $200 per person. PINE BOARDS Growco STRIPS for a ; ,- Many practical usesl 1 468 For more information about the evening of elegant entertain ment in the classical European manner, contact Barbara Hatch Joan Geis or the Utah Symphony (582-6709)- At Boise Cascade, you'll find plywood that meets all your project Interior Latex SANDED PLYWOOD AC GRADE ' the Ball. Quality Appearance needs. 28-da- . PLYWOOD COUPON-p- pp T COUPON;----- s HONEY-D-O l l l 1 pMfGf, I I !ii BOOSTER! CUDG2T BOOSTER! Wathmgton Layton Hiltt Mall ' Discover how you can become a volunteer host family in International Youth Exchange. Write: YOUTH EXCHANGE (Yieblo, Colorado 81009 Layton , .Ogden IDS 8-- Sat. 9-- Aaia BUDGET BOOSTER! empe , Ogden Store Hours: Store Hours: Weekdays BOOSTER! Blvtf TO Be a host family. Aaxaei BUDGET Layton Syracuan ' Hillfietd lilt 6 Weekdays Sat. 30 8-- 2 5 211 SI Wlitofl Lana Exit Closed Sundays " Closed Sundays LAYTON OQDEN 1236 North Main 2069 Waahlngton Blvd. 544-34- 51 621-77- 63 ' Wa Care Rain Chacha 't . Should an advertised Hern not ba available during this tale, you mey request e Rain Chech gusrantMing the aale price on that item whan stock it raplenlahed. Soma Itame availebie only ai our larger locationa Fleece cell for your particular neede. |