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Show 8D Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1983 Karen Receives Gift of Life From IrotCiGr By SHELLEY KANCITIS or having a transplant, Review Correspondent ROY Like most brothers and sisters, Johnny Loftus and his sister, Karen Loftus Elbrader, shared toys, games and occasional insults as they grew up in aclose-kn- it family of seven children. But as an adult, Johnny Loftus made the decision to share far, more special-hi- s kidneys. When I was eighteen I started getting lots of infections, explained Karen Elbrader! My doctor couldnt find out what was wrong so he sent me to a specialist in Salt Lake. A biopsy of Karens kidneys showed she had glomerulone-phritiean inflammation of the kidneys filtering system that eventually destroys kidney function. The doctor said in 10 years I would probably have to have a transplant. I thought Oh yeah, sure. I really didnt grasp what it meant. Thirteen years later, in December 1982, Karens kidney function decreased dramatically. Within four months her kidneys stopped working. 1 was being treated at University Hospital in Salt Lake and my doctor said I would have to. decide between going on dialysis s; Share said Karen. The medical staff gives all potential kidney transplant candi- dates a detailed explanation of their options. Karen was told that until fairly recently most people with End Stage Renal Disease (chronic kidney failure) died. With the development of dialysis and improved transplantation techniques, life expectancy for patients with chronic kidney failure is increasing. If Karen could find a relative with a compatible blood type who would donate a kidney, there would be a 75 to 80 per cent chance that her body would accept the transplant.' It was an easy decision to make, said Karen. She immediately opted for the transplant. They told me that with such a large family there wouldnt be any problem finding a match. To everyones surprise, only one of her siblings had a compatible blood type. Johnny and I matched as well as identical twins, said Karen who admitted she started feeling scared when tests on her other brothers and sisters all showed incompatibility. Fortunately her brother was willing to endure the pain and disruption caused by major surgery. I felt so sorry for some of ' in Organ Donor Program Many people give their e most precious gift of they die. By signing an organ donor card, a person can give life to a person dying of fatal diseases such as liver or kidney failure. Donated organs or body parts can also give sight to a blind person through cornea transplants or restore a persons mobility through dona- tion of joints. gift-th- life-aft- , the people waiting for Cadaver kidneys whose families werent willing to consider donation, said Karen. For Johnny, there was no choice. Either I hurt a little while or Karen suffers the rest of her life on dialysis." Doctors scheduled the transplant surgery for May 23. For six weeks prior to the operation, Karen underwent dialysis twice a week, It was terrible. I was sick off and on the whole time with awful headaches and nausea. The experience convinced Karen that having a transplant was the right v decision, People would come in for dialysis who were so sick and theyd leave sick.. I thought theres got to be more to life than this. On May 23, Karen and Johnny's relatives filled an entire waiting room as they gathered to hear whether the operations were successful. The news was good. The transplanted kidney began working immediately. The doctors said I was doing super great and might be one of the earliest releases they ever had, said Karen. Each morning when she woke up, Karen cried with joy. I would think Look at me. Im alive. Two weeks later, Karens anti- - er Janet MacCalman, administrator of the transplant ser- vice at the University of Utah Medical Centers Intermountain Organ Bank, said there are never enough donors. There is a great demand. People don't need their or- gans after they die. By signing donor cards, they can save or dramatically improve other peoples lives. She said they have over 6,000 people on a waiting list for kidneys and several hundred people need corneas. The Uniform Anatomical Act, passed by Congress in the 1970s; states that organ donor' cards are legal documents valid in any state. We still ask consent of the next of kin even when a person has signed a donor card. All transplant centers do this out of respect for the family, explained MacCalman. The Utah legislature passed a bill in 1981 requiring state drivers license offices' to stock Uniform Donor Cards. They are also available at area hopitals. The card must be signed in the presence of two witnesses. A donor can specify whether he wishes to do- -' nate all organs or he can list mmmm pMiinwHH T L' the front of the drivers license so police and rescue bodies mysteriously reversed themselves and the new kidney stopped functioning. My body was trying to reject it so they treated me with a new drug t. called ATG that is an save someones life. live from day to day nowt because I dont know if Ill be here tomorrow, said Karen who is tested every week for signs of I . immuno-supressan- Its rejection. Ive learned to really appreciate life and my family and friends a lot more. Everybody has been so supportive. I know theyre there if I need them. Karen is especially grateful to her brother, Johnny. How do you ever thank a guy for his kidney. Hes given me a new life. Lakeview Picnic Slated traumatic to the body to move them since theyre way up she exunder the ribs, plained. The new kidney is placed in the abdomen and connected by a tube to the bladder. When I lie down I can feel it, said Karen as she gently patted her stomach. An avid softball player and scuba diver, Karen may have to devote her free time to another favorite activitv-bakinThey , re- LAYTON The annual picnic of the Lakeview chapter of the Business and Professional Women will be held on Aug. 1, at the Layton Bowery, 437 Wasatch Dr., Layton, at .7 p.m. The meeting will be hosted by 1 board. the State officers. Northern District officers and members of other clubs will be attending. Anyone who is interested is invited. For further g. Elbrader has first 3t eryday you have a chance to told me I cant even wear a seat belt because the pressure might injure my kidney. She has to follow a special diet and take steroids the rest of her life. Its all worth it. I feel better than Ive felt in the 13 years ATG is so toxic that it is adsince it all started. I guesss I ministered through arteries in didnt realize I was that sick bethe patients neck because it cause it happenned gradually. burns out veins. After a week of Despite several weeks of pain treatment, Karens body stopped and recuperation, Johnny Loftus said he does not regret the decirejecting the new kidney. Folsion either. I get to see Karen lowing several weeks of monitorKaren for of rejection, signs ing walking around and healthier was able to return home to her than shes ever been. Its not ev husband, Jare, and her son, Jare-m- information please call Jeri 8 Benton at or Gloria at Ashby 825-360- 825-281- 2. ( Picnic Planned annual The ROY picnic will be held at Sand Ridge Park in Roy starting at 3 p.m. on Sat., Aug. 13. Magnificant Marlin the Magacian will entertain children at the event. Pilipino-America- n S special gift it is. GUI sharing life" after Karen received a transplanted kidney from Johnny. JOHNNY LOFTUS and sister Karen- Loftus Elbrader talk over experience of hand experience with donated organs. Although her donated kidney came froma living donor, her brother, she saw many potential transplant patients desperately waiting for organs donated by people after their death. It really changed my mind. Before I, wasnt sure how I felt about donating organs, but now I know what a specific organs. -- After the card is completed, a red donor sticker is put on in y, personnel are alerted. Davis County drivers license supervisor Wayne Palmer said increasing numbers of people are choosing to fill out donor cards. We try to make them aware of this worthwhile program. Richard Holbrook, assistant supervisor in Weber Countys licensinng bureau, said more people than antici-- . pated were asking for donor cards. 1 , Karen vsr I, In Roy. I still have my own kidneys. , . w- There Aro a 'YD 0HS3 WORTH OF NATIONAL COUPONS m in today's Ogdon it , Clip coupons and tho itself in one week. TYSON FRANKS & BOLOGNA.... program, along with RAVE SOFT HAIRSPRAY. 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