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Show r 3B Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Apr. 20, 1983 liYi i ii ; Tm) ) Both Tissue IBONUSXOUPONK SSNUSTCOUPONti ; j- Gottogo Cheese n -j Hllind Lowtit or Regular : J oV! fmm MBOIMUSICOUPOIMK ocoroni G LIMIT 1 AND EACH Cheese : 4 Pack 0 WITH COUPON Dinner V v, "" Bakery Fresh Single Layer: SAVE $1.70 fl 30G LIMIT 6 AND EACH $5.00 PURCHASE Ctfl U 8 Inch 7.25 Oz. Coupon Effective April 20th-2$t- WITH COUPON Coupon Effective April 20th'26th $5.00 PURCHASE LIMIT Coupon Effective LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON AND EACH el WITH COUPON 1 AND EACH 4BQIIUS'.COUPOIl: (c orman Ghocolatc Galics; Pink or White !iln, SAVE LIMIT Coupon Effective April 20th 26th l. $5.00 PURCHASE taflGflruif Knft 1 I BONUSXOUPON 920 950 Janet Lee IBOz.JJ loupon Effective April 20th-26t- l v1 V April $5.00 PURCHASE 20th-26l- WITH COUPON 1 $5.00 PURCHASE ANO EACH I ee AlkemoM NBONUSICOUPONti Jgk A Large Eggs Albertsons Farm Fresh Turkey Breasts Albertson Fresh For Pain Relief SAVE 60c Altamaru Aspirin Tablets oeaBaaa Alhwwows u r$V Coupon Effective April 20th26th LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON AND EACH $5.00 PURCHASE AND EACH Iom iV PURCHASE I NO LIMIT Coupon Effective April 20th-26t- IN STORES SHOPPES ONLY AVAILABLE WITH OELI UHaaaaia Jf) ERTSONSSLASHES BEEFvPRICES 1?, Llbertsoirs Sugar Tide Detergent In Family XT' Sverime Bool $5.00 AibornoM noundstoali Full Cut I I W LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON flW' D $ SAVE $1.50 Lb. 100 ct. Dozen Alborteooi BONUSXOUPONti &BOIIUSXOUPOIIK Sin SAVE SI .70 $ SAVE S1.20 25 171 Oz. Lb. Fryer Droasts Crisco Shortening tg)eaa(.gffi(3iGE gcaans Regular or Butter Flavor Country Pride 6rode A SAVE 2BC SAVE 5IC Lb. Lb. . CrcJ 0:1 .1.00 ..1.20 GGacd Cc3C3 Armour Hot Dogs Meat or Bool Iceberg Lettuce 3 Lb. Gfcn Cerritos .. ..SO. 300 1.40 Potato Sated Kraft Slnntos tMaiM(. mSj. 1.C0 b Kingston! Charcoal i t SC' SO'n'i 10 Lb. 16 Oz. dBSir-iM.$JI- O Flour TortlBas 21 & Dole Mushrooms m w Limn 2 Tu 2.C3 Grcca Gcddass SmtlUt Pork V,- Heads Farmer Pack - i Flavorful Ocar.Greca Pocaut Cutter Red Snapper Fillets Crisp, Firm Tender - Fresh amnMi.. o . ....hre Shoridar Raastta, .1.40 CO Mt, Green Peppers 1 -- Deans Vie Comps FRESHI SAVE Lb SAVE 50 47 ON THREE Carrots 16 Oz. Oeto Fillats m Tatot Flllat- sGcshtcil Shrine .2.00 .2.30 .0.00 Fried Chicken Goldin Brown Hclfclaa Garnet E2ap Ra3as Annla Jateo ..1.00 ..1 C3 3.00 US No. die I Tea M Maple Bars 'tf 4. Bakery Fresh U S. Ne. I Froth Ico Croam Janet Loo Aisortod . $0 SAVE sioo SAVE si.65 9 Pieces f?Pct:ta Cd:3 3i. ,c:s SAVE 0 foe V2 Ctotarry Raa..1.C3 Cr.ii Calls aI.G Alcohol Vi-J- on -- ' v 38 ON TWO 20 Gal. Frt:3 Gtdato C:'j Cara. 'v SAVE J JL3 16 Oz. Hactax ttl. Pearl Drops TeetkMttA .... 2.30 .2.33 $ WlffTTSa' AVAILABILITY Each ot these advertised items is required to be readily available lor sale at or below the advertised price in each Albertson s store, except as specifically noted in this ad. laUiiilStsrts RAIN CHECK GharminTlssuc Sgneezably Soft We strive to have on hand sufficient stock of advertised Era Detergent Concentrated SAVE 20 qI AuG'OM W,SC99 64 Oz. Copyright 19S3 by Altwtoarfo, toe. M RtiHI dt) II H merchandise It tor any rea-- " son we are out ot stock, a RAIN CHECK will be issued enabling you to buy the item at the advertised price as soon as it becomes available |