Show GREEN RIVER NEWS culled from the D spat h mr and mrs chas ellis and mr and mrs R gilson spent saturday and sunday visiting at the horn of mr and mrs foreman on san rafael they also went to see the site for the biff dam and visited several springs of the purest kind of water A gnp to that section is always worth one s while one could fairly breathe the air of liberty as they watched the trained maneuvers of the school pupils at the broadway opera house last saturday everno anen over forty young people bartic in the amusing operetta the merry company we visited the pumping plant of the little valley land co last week and found an up to date plant in every par nicular the pump was ving a large volume of water in the higher ditch v hi h is a 75 foot 1 ft th s plant v ill water something over one thousand of choice land when we left the land was ready for the plow something 1 ke acres will be in growing orchard by the close of the season and the beautiful valley of green river will blossom forth with bank account builders in the shape of the elberta peach and bip red apple mr and mrs haworth with their three sons and daughter arrived from berthoud colo a few days ago and are stopping at the home at their son in law W coleman it is likely they will locate here |