Show prT 10A Standard-Examin- Tuesday April 29 1980 er Hlostfesige Heseue NOW Opening Layton At Neveadsa LAS VEGAS Nev (UPI) — The commandos who tried to rescue the American hostages in Iran conducted as many as 20 dress rehearsals earlier this year in a section of top-secr- et the Nevada Test Site Sources said the training probably began as long ago as January while officials in Washington said the rescue plan originally was spawned in November and was followed by as many as 20 dress re- hearsals Training for the mission is believed to have taken place in the northeast comer of the Nevada Test Site designated as “Area 51” operated by the Department of Defense The section desig- ile nated “Area 51” by the Department of Defense is within the boundaries of the Nevada Test Site used by the Department of Energy to test nuclear weapons Area 51 is surrounded by the 3 million-acr- e Nellis Range Coma plex military range the size of Switzerland which is used for bombing and gunnery practice by the Air Force War games frequently take place in the desolate area and Southern Nevada residents conditioned by the activity of nearby Nellis Air Force Base pay virtually no attention to the arrival and departure of military craft The elite group which trained for the Iranian rescue was based at Fort Bragg NC military officials in Washington said Eglin AFB in Florida also supplied some of the airmen used in the aborted rescue mission A spokesman at Nellis AFB refused to answer questions about training at the site saying “I cannot answer those questions They have to come from the Department of Defense desk” Prior to the aborted rescue attempt such information was available to the public Giant runways have been built in Area 51 surrounded by barren desert similar to the terrain of Iran and the Middle East The Defense Department which reluctantly acknowledges the of Area 51 has never disclosed its purpose At one time it was used for testing the secret U-- 2 spy plane Hills Mall anti-terrori- st ex-istan- Pictograph Vandals Are Sought ce ®ft£Ga ®®cmi®sGoes WEDNESDAY 10 AM DOOR CRASHERS limited quantities no phone or mail Chatham Fascination' mat- - tress padprotector Reg to 899 tablecloths vinyl lace fully lined-fi- ve sizes in floral pattern MOAB Utah (UPI) — The National Park Service has offered a $1000 reward for Dud dvd Ds)© in- formation leading to the arrest and conviction of vandals who m S02s lEFGOMSO MiixxMGafrslft TrsweDs FINANCIN perf to $10 jumbo bath size If a panel of rock art north of Moab “They used a brush or some scouring powder and scrubbed some of the color off the pictographs” said unit Larry Reed for the manager park He also said it appeared that a rounded tool possibly a hammer with a rounded end had been used to batter some of the pic-tur- es destroying them “It’s probably the most destructive type of vandalism that we’ve had since I’ve been 14 APR Financing on Massey-Ferguso- n Trac- perf to $6 jumbo hand size If tors and Equipment through MFCC If perf to 250 jumbo wash size Note: Property damage insurance coverage is provided by the no extra costs! company-a- t Cannon Fieldcrest Lady Pepperell Mar-teand Burlington House prints jacquards solids in both conventional terries and sheared velours x EGAN FARM SERVICE INC here” said Reed who has worked in the park for six Si 745 Wall years LL The panel was carved in rock high above the Colorado River It had large smooth seamless poly scotchgard’ treated If perf $1 6 twin 899 If perf $18 full 1099 If perf $25 queen 1299 If perf $30 king 1499 G0Dffi)©aD§ used hammers and scrubbing tools to destroy ancient Indian pictographs in Arches National Park The vandals scrapped and chipped away is Ave Ogden — 399-554- 1 — stick-typ- e figurines done in red white and blue DON'T PUT OFF NEEDED DENTAL WORK ANY LONGER! 0JJ BRIDGES PORCELAIN & GOLD CROWNS EXTRACTIONS Leilas Dd ©esOgiin©!? PARTIALS EeCaS(3?0CalGOS DENTURES PonDDy (§)0DBDC©Gfl Dr David McKellar & Associates OFFERING FAMILY DENTISTRY AT AFFORDABLE PRICES FOR QUICK APPOINTMENT CALL: NEO- - DENTURE SERVICE 2550 Wash Blvd- OGDE- N(3rd Floor) 621-844- SALT LAKE 1363 So State 484-875- 0 1 Union Plans and Insurance Forms Welcome SOD© Saotwtnize Cannon Springmaid JP Stevens Burlington House prints and solids of noiron polyestercotton over bonded polyester fiberfill dramatically quilted (many pinsonically stitchless) clear to the floor See the newest ways to instant bedroom decorating If perf to $50 full size If perf to $60 queen size If perf to $65 king size 2199 2699 3299 017© 5®°o ©DU KI©m C£©(sa©?0DOd33S P©!j3QJ)D©QDS Reg 1099 standard size formed of this polyester fiberfill are different: new tubular fibers (more per pound) provide greater loft and resilience for luxurious new softness that stays plumplv perfect in durable press corded floral damask Pillows blue-on-whi- te cover Machine washable and dryable Reg Reg 1299 queen size 1499 king size 2$i3 2$l5 |