Show ROADS AND BRIDGES bishop alon brinkerhoff of emera spent Thurs div in ind while here was quizzed aji the progress Pro grebs man relative to the ork on tho several lo ids and bridee under his is supervisor appointed by the gov arnor to spend the appropriations al lowed aji the state for the above pur poses mr brinkerhoff had just sent a team and three men from here to work on the ca green river road be aveen buckhorn flat where a ne Y dufwa and other improvements are no v beida ma ie ahia will ech us the appropriation of tha work oa the other side of croak had previously been done at that end 16 were made and the roid ib in good condition there remains i small fund 5 et to be expended on tw huntington canci roid which is au ID gool the supervisor faill get timber and do as much aa the of 0 w ill allo v on the emery br dge trusting to the coming legislature to make an ade quate ay prop nation to complete the work last spring boue piles were driven at ferron to protect the further washings wish ings of the binks at tho point chere it is desire to bridge thit creek which about settled the amount ampro united tor bridge purposes there supervisor brinkerhoff has ballel a joint meeting at orangeville Orang eville to night of the citizens of orangeville Orang eville and castle dale to obtain an expression of opinion concerning the best method of applying the for the straight can ion road mr has received letters and consulted ditl parties inter ested in having a good road b the way of thia canyon into valle and he eints to give all a chance to be heard |