Show new stock of millbury Mill iury the ladies of emery count county are in cited to insi act my stock of ne v mill n ery cry goods inc ind iding hattei n an I 1 trimmed fall and winter hits hats bonnets and ne tie v f and artistic lines of trimmin g I 1 can call suit all tastes K ANDERSEN that throbbing Ha headache dache would quickly leave you ou if I 1 i used dr K bg ng s ne v L fe pills U 11 i ot 01 sands of st ff ebers ers han hia e arm proved ed the r matchless baert for s ck and nerd neno 0 s I 1 ei ea daches they alse ake pure blood and b ild up our health only ac money bick back if not not I 1 caled sold at the castle dile dale drug store great luck of an editor I 1 or t 0 3 eara ears all efforts to cure EC zema in the palms of my bands tilled failed waites ed tor 11 N ot of syracuse Syri cuse kan then I 1 w 3 vi wl olli clied by buckle a arn ca S 1 hea e Us ane horld s best for ei eions sores and all skin d beabes only 2 20 it at the castle die dr g stole fhe the Cast ledale in 11 i 1 pay pacing in 40 cents a bushel for cheat reduced railroad Haili Raili oad rates I 1 oi the nat omi onal congress Con giess aud and an nual national tori vent 0 01 i of good roads good and improvement assoria tion at chicago nov 19 to 24 a I 1 ate of 0 01 01 0 fare plus 2 for the round trip will be g agnen en from all po be ts on the rio grande NN Ve stein road date ot of sale soy ov lo 10 final limit nov 23 spreads like wildfire when things are the I 1 est they thel be cone the bebic selling brabam haro hare a leid lead dg DE dri gg bt of belleville ohio writes electric bitters ire are the best selling b aters I 1 hive have handled in 20 ears you line why N by most d beg n in disorders disorder of the sto iii luer or it be baiek celb blood and i erves eries elec eloc trie betteis toi es i p th jhb stomach legal 1 er bidne s bo be elb els astounding discovery from coopers ille M ch ell comes vord of a wonderful A onders erfil i I 1 discon discovery cry of a eleasar bart t tasting liquid that when i sed before rp retiring tiring by any one troubled i ith i a bid bad rough u gh al insures a good night nights a rest it vill soon cure the cougal too writer mrs S hamelburger Himel burger for three gene i a eions of our family have hane used D dr r king ring a ne v D for fur coup consume m I 1 tion aid ai d noner fo to nd its equal ter for coughs and col colls Is its it s in an i unrivaled I 1 fe to san saver er when i hen used aed for desperate des lung dis diseases eaSL guir guar bottles ind 81 1 it the castle ditle dle drug store trial bottle bottles free shingle shindle za outfit for sale A great buga baiga 0 n I 1 11 i i a patent shingle machine including i a 6 horse po r vcr er boiler ind and ei gine ine good circular u ind and good crosscut sa sas is EN everything Elery thing first cla claes is very chap terms halt half cash ad ires PETER jenav mt pleasant sint utah castle dale meat and pi aduce co hi e in stock a full ire of canned goods candies etc I 1 ou on nant V ant i a good steak 0 ro ast cill call on us W livin t 9 13 P aston AWYER I MANTI UTAH the thu deseret news organ of the chi ich tell of jesus cl rist of latter day stints saints LORENZO SNOW trustee in trust CHAB W PENROSE editor G mgr semi 62 00 a year saturday Satur div 2 00 a year daily 90 acts i a year the cullen Is salt lal e s best me lium priced hotel v TI it the next t ne you go up 0 S G 1 proprietor rafts 2 00 it D daiy diy ay and up Z nicotine sheep dip cheapest ind and most convenient dip for hand spotting cures scab improves wool recommended by government and state authorities sold by L lowenstein price utah our fee returned f we fa I 1 any 0 e send ag ng sketch and deser pt on of any invention will p rece rete ve our op n on free concern ng ug the paten tab 1 ty of same how to oata n u a patent sent upon request patents secured through us advert sed for sa e at our expense pa ra ants taken out through us rece ve sl s ecial not ce v phout charge in I 1 HE hn PATENT a I 1 rated and widely c journal consulted by manufacturers and investors send for sample copy FREE addess add ess VICTOR J EVANS CO patent attorneys evana E vans building washington D C price mee rn and emery stage line S SM M WILLIAMS prop carrying unite I 1 states mill mail and between the of emery etner county and price good con conveyances antl the best of ser seri ice gemeril k rates most liberal R S for acceptable idas state if patented THE PATENT RECORD baltimore nil eption pr ce of the PATENT RECORD it t 00 jer er anarum samples fre f I 1 all under one 1 ZI 0 0 f on tho the chicago spi il 3 vou on cin can li live e is a ell as the f nest hotel on the continent lonc ton can in in a cleel sloe rii i ig cir car dino dine t wl w V at 1 in a dining cir car smoke in i t smoking cir car 1 reid read in a ill r iry car ear ind and recline in a ro re dining clining chair cai all under one roof foot leaves denver denier at 4 p in m only oi 01 a e night on the rca real I 1 to omalia kansas ra 1 f t city chicago st louis ahro 01 I 1 S sa t i lake to omaha um iha ind chicago daily fe I nother BI bendid train is 19 the vesti 1 leaving denver it in m 6 irem irain for black hills lebica denver a 1140 1130 p in i 14 lickett at offices of coring connecting eting lines ticket office 79 west second south street silt salt lake cit utah R P F general AGENT aaen salt lake city C P trav pass A freight agent hied may und I 1 we want this fall all the baled hay and grain in this section of utah and are paying the highest ma market bicet price casi call us up by tele phone 9 write us or call in person PRICE TRADING COMPANY PRICE UTAH mint SIV U you D UA lilt W t aa bt we do not carry but what 5 3 ou on do want in seasonable merchandise w wo have in try stock and can do ou good at any time of the y car car our stock is is S complete in dry goods clothing furnishing goods groceries and farmers and Pan chers ebers supplies we have hane bought heavily for this fill fall s tride strade and invite an inspection of our several lines v richare aich are arriving every enery day and will continue to come in for i month or six weeks highest prices paid prad for o 0 hay gra n and pro I 1 luce uce ing mul 11 41 T I 1 N G TON CO COOP OP J MER CO huntington UTAH LEYS LEVI N HARMON manager protect your family protect your fc state me make safe I 1 investment by securing a pol cy in the united state life ins co TU MOORE agents orangeville Orangey Orang eville ille utah F OH THE S SUMMIT THE SEA ibe the colorado Co lorido I southern sou them and foit foi t worth k t denver city rj ES s connect with the gulf of texaco they are ars tho the initial links in the routes through the fort worth gateway to mexico ie ne v ulleans oi leans and the eastern southern states faey ire important links in the a ii iter ater and nd rail line foi I 1 11 i eight graffi bet between con at anti an tie seaboard and utah tl TI e colliado ado do A southern serves the populous centers and mining camps of 0 colorado Coi orado heyt general gent agent no 59 iv est lid south salt LAI 1 0 cit bah J K RE I 1 LD 9 ArTOR NEI al AI L LW kw notary public collections a specialty practices in all courts Court of tho the district ORANG orangeville EVILLE F E WOODS attorney at law aw castle dale utah geo 11 MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAM NOTARY PUBLIC ADMITTED TO PRACTICE JN IN ALL COURTS huntington utah E PEARSON 9 physician and surgeon catle DILI 1 will be 1 at huntington ul UI kii esery tuesday and friday all calls promptly attended 4 the da dale le saloon BL actor 6 IN il NN inea ines and liquors C dale UT M fl S LARSEN 0 calt call on in need keedo 0 f a good mi 14 clean shale or haircut I 1 j hair cutti 2 ai apts eilts in baft A T ta f i I 1 s v i J 1 |