Show TOWN AND COUNTY plent 0 lam at ottosen walter cluff 0 provo is visiting here with hie brothers dentist reports busi first class in his lice the best summer medicine is the hoe and rake in the home garden every emery county town will have a on the fourth A D dickson and john judd pent the week la lower sinbad staking off oil lands an original pension for 8 a month was granted last week te mrs elmira da of lawrence Lt wrence mexican war widow dr win winter s came in from mt pleaseant tuesday to renew old lances and look after business mat tera hato loveless was over from ton wednesday and reports his oil corn its affair to strike an oil gusher the lucerne crop is now being ed owing to the late cold weather the yield is only a little over halt 0 whit wh it tt should be win J seely and bride arrived from salt lake monday and will make this city their future home mr seely will erect a house on the lot due east of ah father s home lot A axelsen building contractor came over from cleveland wednesday to corn mecco work on the new progress Pro gresa build ing on main street mr abeleen s now engaged in making the dobler the election to approve or disapprove of the action of the school trus tees in the selection 0 the new school house site occurs next friday ju ly jtb from 1 to 5 clock in the alter noon ahe rio grande western railway company offer the usual rate of one sin gle fare for the round trip between any tw stations on the line for the fourth of july rickets on aale july 3 and 4 linal limit july 8 M M olsen and family part of andrew oleene tamila mattie allberg dagmar miller sophroma petersen and composed of a party of Cast ledale itea that left monday morning by tor county for a month with relatives and friends in chicago strawberries have been sel ling at 30 cents per crate 1 cents per box in Cast ledale people tall over other to grab a te v quarts at 10 cents a box again why don t our people raise enough of this best of all table fruit to at least supply their own needs every morning the bells of ephrann ring nowadays to assemble the clans to fight the grasshoppers young and old men and women and children flock daily to the central school house where teams are in waiting to convey the army to the bantli field there the day is spent in combat with the insect pests bider al hanson returned to emery on monday from missouri where he spent the past two ears on a mission al s friends say that it his missionary labors were as beneficial for choso to whom he preached the aa they have apparently been to himself there is no question about abri success of bis mission ahe market for wool is considerably stronger better have been ob tamable the past week and the gro vere have made sales readily at from 11 to 12 cents the wool buyers say that if the growers in utah would inov mora care in the handuma of their wools and do it more on a business basis they could receive better prices ira owning john Leai naster and sam robertsen were down in the sinbad country last week locating oil claims and came near hiving to return afoot some sparks from the camp fire fell in their bedding destroying most of that andoch er sparks set fire to the asphaltum on the ground and from it to a wagon wheel several spokes were badly burned before the matter was discovered the dance given monday evening in carroll hall for the b of J uly cele bration fund brought out a large crowd and resulted in creating a fund of 90 or the fourth the voting contest for a goddess of liberty created much in terest the contestants were mige lu ella birsen and miss sarah L arsen the former received votes and the latter the fact the contestants avero ss tern aad no rivalry was eted made the contest less spirited than some form tr ones among the scattering miss lora rued received M votes H P ottos en 12 ira browning 5 dr pearson 2 geo brandon 2 judge woods 2 and miss bertrude seely 3 dave dunbar the well known demo cratie politician of salt lake has just returned from the east bringing with him a trio of oil experts from the eastern states who are now examining the green river oil fields for the purpose of report ing them to eastern capitalists mr dunbar said that he believes a great deal of money will soon he invested vested in these fields and that eastern men are watching the development with keen interest alonzo and randolph ti from visiting mth areld bues tues and friend mra N ot mt pleasant accompanied bv her daughters mrs Beck erand liaa aeileen n biting her sister mrs orange sidy 1 hie ear ft ill be a record breaker at the count recorders office up to yesterday there had been 1187 inspru mente filed for record as against or all of last year U aard count school super is making an official visit through the count inspecting books and noting the conditions of school at fairs generally this week was spent in the southern part of the county call on any dealer in patent medicines and get a tree sample of s stomach ind liver tablets they are an elegant physic they also improve the appetite strengthen the digestion and regulate the liver aad bowels they are eaby to take and pleasant in effect preparatory to taking stock of the cas te valley store which closes and thereafter the orane ville co op ill make special low prices on about worth of roods that it is de aired to close out at once some did bargains are and se cure the pick mrs aa aged lidy tiled at molen on tuelda morning ahe a dative of denmark and was among the early settlers settlors sett lors of molen she his been confined to her bed since last till she eaves a husband and many children and grand children to mour i her demise the funeral occurred from the meeting house on and was largely attended peter knudsen the well known indus grioua molen farmer came to the county seat ind purchased some farm implements of the utah am clement compani mr knudsen there is plenty of good land about molen on which people can obtain a competency he aas molen needs mechanics such as a carpenter black smith shoemaker etc here a living is assured them there is a preacher in utah county bo idolized were it cot far one thing this in his amt ear over there and after he had been there tao or three months a friend naked one of his members bow be liked him he s the finest person I 1 ever mot was the I 1 never in beard a man who could preach such stirring sermons I 1 think sometimes he too good for thia world but he added there is juat one thing about him we do cot like has too quarrelsome when he s drook |