Show resolution r ing an amendment to section 9 article tele 13 of the be it resolved and enacted by the legislature ot of ibe the state of utah two thirds of all members thereof hereof concurring therein section I 1 ibe following proposition ta to mend amend the constitution ot of the state ol 01 utah is I 1 chereb submitted to the qualified electors ot of the state for or theia approval or disapproval namely 1 11 hat section 8 article 13 of 0 the constitution ef f the state of utah shall bo be amended to read as 8 tol fol owe sec see 3 the legislature shall provide bylaw by law suni a uniform form and equal rate of assessment asi and taxation on all property in the state according acco ruing to its value in money and shall prescribe by general law such regulations as shall secure a I 1 just U va valuation tor for taxation ot of all property so that every very p person and corporation shall pay a is tax in proportion ton to the value ot of his her or its it apte property r orpo y d d that a deduction cf 0 debits ro rom credits credit mry y be authorized provided further that the erty of 0 the united states of 0 the state counties cities towns school districts municipal corporations and publio libraries lota iota with the buildings thereon used exclusively lor for either rel bious worship or 0 charitable purposes and pla es OR of 0 burial not held hold or used tor for private or corporate benedit shall be exempt from taxation ditches canals reservoir pipe and durnes flumes owned a and u used by individuals or cc r oration orations tw tar ing in land lands owned by such individuals or corpora eions or the individual members thereof shall not be separately taxed he u long as they shallot owned and used exclusively for or euch such pu purpose r ose provided urther further that the taxes of 0 the ln poor may be remitted or abated at such time and in such manner as may be provided by law se sec 2 the secretary of state is hereby ordered ordered to cause this ion to be pub geed in at least castone one no in every count county ishey of e the state where a newspaper li is pub dished tor for two months immediate y pieced dg the next general election ele otton bea bee 3 it ahls his proposition shall be aubia submitted bitted to the electors ol 01 bis his state at the next general election tor for their approval or disapproval I 1 all official ballot used aed at such election eh fila 1 hav have prin ed or written tb th roon the vorda for the amendment to section 3 article 13 of the tile con ution and against the amendment to sect section on article IS 11 ol 01 tl tie e institution i to bother with such other title designating suel amendment as may be pr vided by law said bal shall be received and said votes sha she I 1 betaken be taken counted canvassed and returns thre there 0 f be made in the same manner and in all ail re 9 ejects 1 act s as Is provided by law in ia the case of the election on of mate state sec cc 4 this resolution shall take effect nd te be la in toree force irom from and atter after its ad eption |