Show OIL FIELDS geologists say we have the real thing analyses of the oil sustains the asseri tion excitement Is starting i whether the emery county oil fields jire of nich value is vet to be deter n ed ahe fact that at least one fifth of this whole county sho vs evidence ot oil IB bv no i new discovery here any lack in the 80 laboratory tests ft ere n ade of oil from ace pings and some 0 thebe adiv showed oil rich in il ind lubricating qualities while e were al agether unfavorable of the more tests however at least tl ne 0 them show that our oil ie superior to that found in pennsylvania and upon which several po pulou towns wre built and amny men were lifted from poverty to affluence we have yet to hear of any analyse recently made that halen t sho the oil to b a elret claas lp the testa so tar made hive b en alto eaher fro n surface seep inga and in all oil countries a be ter qi clity of oil is found deeper in the earth the me question to be determined now H can oil loving quantities be abt cuned by uniting it anny be feces 12 or 2 feet ba fore this atter any be settled sati stac boril toril but it number of aho vho have lo 10 cited claims in and out of the con carns incorporated tor the avow ed i of developing the fields at least one m n or onn concern mav reas be chepel ded upon to sho v the merit or the w of the acres th it h ve rece itly been located as oil landa some re 1 so far ascertained are both and cheering not the least ami s these ire that kotae es mining engineers and geol have been on the field ar d per son lly made their re ports have all been favorable so far as we can lear i ahe geological formation of the country they declare to the d of reservoirs of oil one simple of oil suba eted to a florince colo ecrert rave the folio ving result the specific bravi v was found to be and separations made the folio v nig exhibit 1 hig a trace gaso line 5 ier nt benzine 10 per cent boiling po nt 81 degrees fahrenheit from after giving the specific gravity of the different component the analysis closes with a resume show ing folio s distillate 73 per cent neutral oil 13 per cont tar 8 per cent per cent total this is i veryal showing but as s is the above anal sis a better one is sai 1 to hive been obtained bv the syr 1 cite headed bv arthur lee of price and in which leveni men from that town are interested A geologists opinion aiom the salt lake herald J B or the mining enginger eng infer aad geology t has returned from a vis t to the green river oil fields he made a very thorough examination of the tion and gives it as bis opinion that there 13 an excellent outlook tor the develop meet of oil field the geological orm is in his such as to verrant the he lipf thit extensive oil pools ebitt there ho vever many of choso aho vho hive made locations locati oni v ill fin 1 their grou i 1 barren 1 of the many heavy open faults ali it ire iliin to be seen iud which have trained off the oil tor ages until the ground la dr there re bums ho vever und or structures to RU an a bun lance of oil for generations to to the geological formations and their frorer grouping mr laylor suggested sug geste 1 that the uenta is the ippei most h and in the order named coma the 1 orfa badger green river babatch lir mie montana and colorado Co lorido gutper D kords and list the lo 10 ver D cikotas the bo k cliffs lie in in almost honz position wh ie folio ving the and north shore li es of the river almost faults are encountered to the west and south extending from the book cliffs 10 dod grand bounties oun ties the has a west south west and northeast dip of ten to venty degrees forming a coraa shoe ircle with a radius of some miles lining within this circumscribed area ire th great bulk of the oil fiel Is of this section presuming 12 per cent of the irea described proves to be productive and abis is about the average in other tho magnitude and importance t the oil industry to the country named ind to the state at large ft ill readily be understood inder stood mr taylor states that at present no aills are going down but assurances ire given of the early commencement of hi work of bon g tor 1 there are i great many t copie in the district idaho and colorado ae ell as from ather parts of rutih are such abit active oper irions cw be commenced and prosecuted during the entire year mining men after claims several oil men were in toan this week among the number were johnson of silt like a mining opera tor and frank mandeli mining engina er of hailey idaho these gentlemen were brought over from green river by harry and left with him dav for the simbad oil fields ac compan led by ira bro aning and H P ottosen johnson and mandel nere in the interest of a syndicate of capit to make a complete examination of the bm ery county oil lands and locate a gener us portion of the same if they deemed the land all right both gentlemen have possess sufficient kno efge formation etc to ude of the mer it of the chui coui tr as a probable pro bible oil field mr joanson has been interested in mm ing in washington county tor d number something great talk about your a oil fields said A W williams of oil city pa to salt lake herald reporter in my opinion the utah fields will eclipse them in a very short liae be sure the cal i fields do not come into su b alosa th coal but the quality of the oil does not ap re with that I 1 hive been within the last few days around giden kiver I 1 have seen 1 there that compares with the finest geons peons ivania and maryland oil and I 1 im sure that greit es vill be dovel aped with depth I 1 look for utah to be come one of the greatest grei test oil producing states of the union within a verv time OIL it so 1 right I 1 we have other thank you there s acres of it plenty for all there is no let up to the filing of oil locations don t get excited perhaps it won t a bount to much for rune is slippery oily as were good samples of oil oil rock ai d oil sand are on exhibition it george bran doas ax dist attorney woods pet mickel and john judd pulled out for the south yesterday to locate n few oil sections the salt lake oil locators appear to be a lot of hot air promoters waiting for the other fellows to spend the money in ascertaining whether the emedy counte oil field is a good thing county clerk ed 1 ox coulden couldn t stand this oil any longer bo on thurs day he and ach langston pulled out of to on t prospecting our ind u hect to oe ranked amon the m aliona re coal oil johnnies in the near future D dickson and gaorge brandon re turned fr m the bouth thursday where they located several oil claims ahey brought back with them samples of rich oil bos des oil rock and 1 sand these prospectors are certain that have loc cited the best land vet beaked off |