Show la edeland and france A french economist writing on the use of sugar in france and england gays that england the only country that excludes the manufacture mau facture of beet bugar consumes more sugar than any other nation and buys it at the lowest price A pound of sugar in england Is cheaper than a pound of bread and the englishman pays no more to con aume eume fifty five pounds of sugar per year than the frenchman pays tor thirty two and one half pounds the per capita consumption in franca tince 1870 was thirty three pounds while in england it was over eighty pounds it is proper to state that one reason why the french people con sume so 1 tile sugar is because their way of living requires less of that ar tide for the great part of the french people breakfast cons ats of a bowl of soup which la also frequently a part of the two other meals the r drink ts wine and as they use but little tea or coffee especially in the country there is scarcely any demand tor sugar they make neither preserves nor cake in the family the usual dessert Is fruit and cheese the high tax of five cents a pound on sugar is paid by the well to do people who live in the cities and who take coffee or chocolate tor breakfast and a small cup of black coffee after dinner one of the most powerful obstacles in the matter of land settlement in some parts of australia Is the prickly pear it has grown to be a tearful pest it has tal en possession of whole tracts of country and the settler haa to fight a pitched battle tor every acre he calls his own A single fruit brings forth thirty sixty and even several hundredfold of good productive seed all herbage may droop die and digap pear in the oven of an Aus trilan drouth but the pear survives flour ashes and carries on its progress of ex and reproduction with ancon cern the real character of a man la found out by his amusements sir joshua reynolds Hey aih |