Show TOWN AND COUNTY count county commissioners meet next monda monday our farmers are plo N ung ing and anda p sparing to till a large acreage the coming sum mer billy hinkein is preparing to move the buildings from hia his main streak street lot out to hia his farm county surveyor cox vas over from huntington Wednes wednesday dav and took home a br brannen bran annew new plow wild ducks are here and were reported quite plentiful on the river on thursday another sign of spring A girl na v as born to the wife of andrew Kas mussen at molen this week but died a few hours after birth james jeffs is accumulating quite a stock of belgian Belgia rn rabbits proposing to go into the business of 0 sup phing this meat for local consumption the twin dau daughter ahter of mr and mrs james willcox bied died on Thurs thursday dav the other child died about a month ago a few das days after it was born andrew martensen the mail carrier from huntington to lawrence was over oer monday mondal and as the health officer of th the e last named place reports smallpox wiped out there james jeffs and sons and john will leave early nest next week for thomp son a aprin sprin springs S to complete the work on the reservoir established by mr jeffs there last summer A the people of emery devoted all of wednesday to i i general jollification because of the abundant sup ply of water for all purposes and the fine prospects tor for stock and crops hon orange seely rc returned turned from salt lake on tuesday and sa s his candidacy for a position on the state land board is hung up pending the action of the legislature ii here an effort is being made to reduce the number ot of commissioners john funk and miss am ani ie lo conover 1 a I popular oung couple of perron vis cited county clerk fox on thursday and secured a license to wed on b ada jos pringle aged 53 52 of cleveland clevel ind and maria white aged 21 of huntington NN were ere similarly made happy A series of 0 eight evening meetings commencing to morron night will be held in under the auspices ol 01 the the ts to betread be treat ed are all in relation to the principles of 0 the gospel J S curtis and S H cox ire the speakers appointed for or this vi ard cipal george fluff and walter cluff are to give a series serifs of elocutionary recitals throughout this stake for the benefit of 0 the academy ca deiny library their first recital ft NN ill be gi given en it ferron perron to night we assure our readers that these recitals reci will be found first class and worthy of 0 their patronage 41 wm wal hinkein this u weeks eek sol oHto ito jos cunha 42 acres of land near to n con 1150 other reil real estate sales A ere be bev mour olsen to fred mickel a ranch below town sey nour dour olsen to carl i lo 10 acre tract on the huntington road C irl to C IM larson the old schoolhouse property in Cast ledale if as has been bean asserted the creamery company may quit business here and move their plant to spring citi it will be a matter of regret surely manti ought to take care of one small cream ery but there seems to be a woeful in diff dif feren eren e manti free pres press here 9 a chance tor for Cast ledale folks to secure a creamery an enterprise that would pay v nell ell here it if run by a man that understood the business county supt bupt goodw ird duade an off cial visit to the local schools on monday morning aud and left at noon for or orange ville on his way south N ard rd ho he reports county count school affairs in fairly good shape he expected the lawrence school to close this week owing to a lick lack of fund the grammar department ot of the tile emery school has closed for the same reason the green river school hes resumed s nee mr hughes recovered from the smallpox the high school class furnished furni saed a good entertainment at the poli society a meeting sunday evening john ohr hint haut gal g ivaa e a short historical lecture on the persecutions of the early saints in illinois and missouri miggie jonea jones very verv nicely recited the enchanted shirt NN walter alter clu cluff it sin san a pretty solo goodbye Dax in fine finest astle ie ind and john laai s contributed two cornet numbers the cause and then ion 11 remember me mr evans also sang my old new hampshire Hamp chire home and millie villio jameson and liar hat oah nah petersen sang on the B inks of a beautiful river cheney van buren and ed ward johnson gae e t tiro ovo selections on the them guitar an ana I 1 mandolin grace and nessie oliphant sang the murmuring w so sea A recitation was as given div en I 1 y wm hunter the choir shows steady improvement in iti ta work nork i A U i I 1 i li aho duck season ol 01 opened ened 3 esterday oster ester div dav green piner has had 21 cases of small pa A good dance was enjoy ed in pearson hall last night I 1 R browning is suffering ering with a case of erysipelas on the face nad olsen has spent the week neek in silt salt like taking on tan airs A H delong representing the start up tip candy compan comp mv of provo is in to v n the Cast ledale foundry has com fenced operations and is no DO v turning out the celebrate I 1 lav off implements a hand handy machine toi fol every fanner farmer orders are pouring in ind this ho hois hos S enterprise promises to become bei ome an important indus try to this town and count henry B kosit of polo came in monday accompanied by b sher iff at young of brand count county this state the former is in the market tor for caa ci use and other common stock horses and hop a to secure about WO head of such between heie and rabbit valley to which point the gentlemen proceeded on wednesday Wed program of conjoint ton joint M I 1 A session to be held sunday bund ay iy evening march 3 A moral and spiritual education walter auff ong bong miss edna larsen recitation the shepherd s L if fp robert lake reading selection cail berg cornet solo john evana recitation miss louise kofford koff ord mutual advance nid nad olsen ed tor ter aids hannah larsen cori cora cl iff I 1 rank rey reynolda db john bryson A brief smallpox scare vas started in town last sunday when it v is learned that miss zina larsen of cleveland evelind Cl who is attending the academy vas brown broken out mith the disease hov he v she con eon it is still a mystery the y oung lady complained of having a headache on thursday and was excused from school not having attended ended after that time three of her school mateis visited her on saturday and on sunday this trio left for a ranch near cleveland to a anait vait further developments |