Show wl TAKE NO arec CATALOGUE snow fun LINE OF GARMENTS AMO BOSTON MASS A new battalion of infantry recruits to be known as the third provisional battalion will be formed at the presidio today it will be organized into four companies of men each STATE or OHIO CITY or 1 COUNTY prank J chenev makes oath that he 1 the senior partner ol 01 the farm 0 F J cheney aco doing business in the city ot toledo county and state aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum ot anji HUNDRED DOLLARS lor each and every case of catarrh that cannot b cured by the use 0 hall s catarrh cule cul e PRANK J cheam sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this ath day of december A D AW GLEASON cr 1 notary publio hall s catarrh cure 1 taken internally and lets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system send or testimonials free F J CHENEY CO toledo 0 so d by druggist 5 hall s family pills are the best bills pensioning the window of rear admiral calhoon at 40 of brig gen bayes at and the window of the late paymaster general stanton of the army at 30 haye been reported ton can get alien g foot write to day to alien S olmsted le roy N Y or a FREE sample of alien a foot ease a powder it cures sweating damp swollen aching feet makes new or tight shoes easy A tain tor chilblains and frost batea at all druggists and shoe tores walla walla has been chosen a the place for the next annual meeting for the northwest fruit growers tion piso s cure cannot be too highly spoken of as cough cure JWO ganss third ave N minneapolis minn jan 6 1900 emperor willian has conferred upon earl roberts the order of the black eagle the highest german de oration indigestion Is a bad companion get rid of II 11 chewing a bar ol 01 adams pepsin a iter each meal A new system of wireless telegraphy has been developed by the weather bureau avoid lia dnena gray hit dandruff and thin docic IT ul as 8 BALSAM the beet cure for corn iscis A fresh outbreak of plague is reported in formosa KINDS for ta cents at year we started out for we rece ted 2 I 1 11 we w have on our books J 1 1 we w eh more n 1901 mk n 1 ROO fu aenice tb a unprecedented offer for 16 cente d of BO lin rarest 1 19 earllene earl lent melon to lettuce 1 beet orf 65 beau ifal flower ebee alj k ellb u e 0 o d sh end lucand t g b th ou eat ed P ant and S ed cata t a t n D ua P a at T a ante amne z on on seed 0 all or 1 pente and alila notice ca a og po e 00 to p an or of ga dea and fa m e di JOHN A W la crosse wie av NEW DISCOVERY aites burcl 0 book of tea and 10 DAYS treatment lass BB II 11 U S boas box I 1 alinta WITH WEAK MEN it you luffer from ast of tae or 1 by if no or aoa toja OD robbed and un tl th mere mention of abe wo d doo or caleel your b to bo 1 YOU WB TO we practiced oar spec 11 1 in anil ca brorn a for many W flon both but t eat h anio and di eafen proven our tl linear fl by pub eh ng of voluntary a of g aff namee p otareta and ad dressea we CAN T PUBLISH OUR CURES IN PRIVATE DISEASES ft aou d be ray heno to prove our clr 1 in th asi of trouble la another way in r n our p an we will treat you until cured without kinf you to pay a bent until you are cured we art how you our reputation in during chronley D and to p ore we can cu e a 1 private groub es aae we take all the dea of aff it to by our ng you elret and then ak ID e ie when you ar aured you depend upon our word any bank in utah will en do e it of patten 1 bare endorsed NOW WB WANT TO CURB youw h the d inet and ng hat w will not demand a fee do re you W cure loit manhood bera na and a 1 of men we absolute varicose Vari coce e in one week or it don t cost yoa penny bonsu a ion and adt by leu 1 person call or write to EXPERT specialists et E second south st harmia block hit 1 bank national reputation are the hen wh recommend peruna to fellow sufferers remarkable case reported from the stat of new york congressman HOWARD OP ALABAMA house of representatives washington feb 4 1899 f the peruna medicine co columbus ohio gentlemen I 1 have taken peruna now for two weeks and lind I 1 am very much relieved I 1 feel that my cure will be permanent I 1 have also taken it for la grippe and I 1 take pleas ure in recommending peruna as an excellent remedy to all fellow sufferers M W howard congressman howard s home address is fort payne ala ot people think that catarrh Is a m disease confined to the head and ihl nose nothing is farther the truth it may that the nose and throat Is the ott enest affected by ca but II 11 this Is so it 1 so only because these parts are more exposed to the vicissitudes ot the climate than the other parta of the body every organ every duct every cavity ot the human body Is liable to catarrh A multitude 0 ailments depend on catarrh this Is true winter and sum mer catarrh causes many cases ol 01 chronic disease where the victim has not the slightest suspicion that catarrh has anything to do with it the following letter which gives the experience ot mr lockhart Is a case in point mr A 0 lockhart west henrietta N box 58 in a letter written to dr hartman says the following of peruna about etteen years ago I 1 corn fenced to be ailing and consulted a physician he pronounced my trouble a species of dyspepsia and advised me after he had treated me about six months to get a leave of absence from my business and go into the country I 1 did so and got temporary relief I 1 went back to work again but was no amole smoke meet w tu krausert KRA USERa LIQUID EXTRACT OF SMOKE md from h cleory wood G de clone flagor eaner than wy for air eular E bro IIi iton PRINTING SOLD BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION SALT LAKE CITY UTAH taken with very distressing pains in my stomach I 1 seldom had a passage of the bow 1 naturally I 1 consulted another physician with no better results rha deseae kept growing on me until I 1 had exhausted the ability of sixteen ot hocheder Ho cheser s best physicians the last physician advised me to give up my work and go south after he had treat ed me for one year I 1 was given a thorough examination with the X ray they could not even determine what my trouble was some ot your testimonials in the rochester papers seemed to me worthy of con elde ration and I 1 made up my mind to try a bottle of peruna before the bottle was hall gone I 1 noticed a change tor the better I 1 am now on the fifth bottle and have not an ache or pain my bowels move regularly every day and I 1 have on eight een pounds 0 flesh I 1 have becom mended peruna to a great many and they recommend it very highly I 1 have told several people that it they would take a bottle of peruna and could then candidly say that it had not benefited them I 1 would pay tor the medicine lockhart mr W P peterson of morris III says I 1 was nearly dead with catarrhal dyspepsia and am now a well man bet ter in fact than I 1 have been for awen ty years or more I 1 got cured by your peruna 1 have been consulted by a great many people II 11 you do not derive prompt and sat la factory results from the use ot pe runa write at once to ur hartman giving a full statement ot your case and he will be pleased to give you hia valuable advice gratis address dr hartman president ol 01 ahe hartman columbus ohio IN 3 4 YEARS ASSURED it you take up your homes in western can ad the land of plenty illustrated pamphlet chiv a experiences ot a mere who have be v TT T T me wealthy in grow ln wheat reports ot delegates etc and lull 1 ou AS to redu ea railway rates can be had on application to the superintendent ol 01 imm gratton of ister or ottawa canada or to W V bendett Bena ett N Y lite biag omaha neb soak the hands on retiring in a strong hot creamy lather of SOAP dry and anoint freely with the great skin cure and purest of emollients wear during the night old loose kid gloves with the finger ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms for red rough chapped hands dry fissured itching feverish palms with shapeless nails and painful finger ends this treatment is simply wonderful and points to a speedy cure of the most distressing cases when physicians and all else fail WAS troubled with hand so sore that when I 1 put them in water the pain I 1 would near set me clayy the seln would peel off and the flesh would get hard and break then the blood would flow from at least fifty places on each hand words never can tell the suffering I 1 endured for three years I 1 tried at least eight doctors but my hands were worse than when I 1 commenced doctoring I 1 tried every old granny remedy that was ever thought of without one cents worth of good and could not even get relief I 1 would feel badly morning when agot tip to think that I 1 had to go to corb worb and stand for eight or nine hours that I 1 often felt liace giving up my job which was in the bottling of mt E L kerns the leading bettia ofT N J who will vouch for the truth of my offerings before I 1 could start to work I 1 would have to wrap each finger on both band and thea wear gloves which I 1 hated to do for when I 1 came to tabt them off it would taace two hours and the flesh would break and bleed some of my friends if had such hands they would have who had seen my hand would eay they them amputated others would say they would never work and more would turn away in disgust but thanks to Cuti cura the greatest of ada cores it ended just to my sufferings after doctoring three years and spending dollar after dollar during that time Cuti cura cured me it has now been two years since I 1 used it and do not know what sore hands are I 1 never lost a days while I 1 was it or since and I 1 have been working at the same business and fat acids etc 3 A CLANCY montgomery st trenton N J external aj intel Treat nest for aery to cleanthe alln of anute and oalee od 0 o en the thickened cuticle ointment 80 and allay itching inflammation and irritation and boott e r f letl aril me to enol and cleanie tbt blood pt rl ah dolfl ie often to the moet I 1 I 1 allu aul A bou elp and blood cemara with 1 0 hair when 11 1 bring bole kropa Et aetonu onU BA throughout the world portia of women use Cuti cura soap and the aun for ointment tor dandruff anil the ot kollinz hilr tor acalee and he ecale of crost lor whitening and soothing red bronsh and aare hand in the form Botten lna and chinn or too reeca offensive la annoying for and tor the form ot wathea gothere and and 1 to women which readily beest joae the toilet bith and aft amount ot persua alon can induce cooee ol 01 the purpose and iri the ekin who once baad it to une any other edaily for p nol eni yo eeals and hair ot infanta and children from the great akin cure with the p ertle debited ot flower odor no other compounded compo unde d I 1 to hing and the 1 and beautifying me acain hair and it for with be compared 1 to ati compared howyer toilet boap forel or other hands irn of the toilet bath and nursery tim it in mirasol Oi with it tor all the eee ad eiloo too at tl the BEST bomp toilet and esst baoy boap in the world the OUR CREATURE 9 A magazine of better an author Dio counte their action and prep atlon ue ot aleh bluh fluh and owl or ephe m vv fe for th who e bent ent world advocates juat ahlm p rity liy glene temperence tempe renca healthier niente ty h kh or 0 Bt ronger body 1 year 50 au 25 1 CO 71 81 st booke periodicals ubah hiTen lle i hool ad hioki alila nd borated Bf raTed bui DI and oc eal ty sturn Biall A it berg lo 10 alt lake hitoe tid salt lake electric supply electric LI ht acetylene gai L plant wholesale electr suan ei west motors and dynamo TEL NO 6 salt lako city stati ei best cough syrup Jf jaste ite good use in time bo a by ga o 0 W N U salt lake no 7 HZ beag 2 bowel troubles caused by over work over eating over drinking no part of the human body receives become clogged refuse to ill treatment than the bowels load after load is imposed until the intestines more will be cured by then must assist nature do it and see how easily you act worn out you that acts of mercurial and mineral poison but a pure vegetable compound candy cathartic not a mass and liver it and gently stimulating the the diseased and worn out intestinal canal making strong directly upon dont accept a substitute for and in action delightful kidneys a candy tablet pleasant to take easy t to o 0 bring a argeon ur geon jeweler er weekly hay nd i ban cone 14 at time without in BOT bobert eRt of ake boott aft aa t OB tor rr f oel m a th i marib condition chad if eu J fron aboy atoy and D I 1 w itoh I 1 aoa d KIT cwm tor fim h rrt I 1 U MIT menu afa asa e detroit midi it a vy information f do tl out t BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER 25 50 avem SOLD IN BULK DRUGGISTS THE TABLET TO aid fh it wl fowl owr I 1 blute pe f dad 11 I 1 od brind on bow 1 I aliar worn 1 alter calene trouble conr ket t we falati two 1 lox vl daa t yoa arft 1 ibm your to eui e or i 1 aiyu 11 I 1 boBet trl 11 ft bueki tt l l kw la cure or add 11 |