Show ICE to whom it may col cern notice Is 1 cereby given tl at the state of utah has hied til tl la office list io 81 of lands selected b the said tate forthe ment and n maintenance of an in asylum under met 12 of the act ol 01 lo 10 gross approved july 18 18 I 1 the fol bowlis tl lets embraced in said lift ar 11 i tov sl ip mineral of ret rd viz tl e N U 1 1 4 11 22 south it G I 1 mer V py of sal I 1 list ao far ai ac r late t i full 1 t 1 tl is has I 1 een conspicuously posted in tl Is lor Inspect i 11 a ly person interested and by the p I 1 llo ge er lly during tie next sixty da following the lat ot tl is batice under departmental in nov sl abw 1 tests r 10 the claim of the state to any of the tracts or 1 errin described on the ground tl at the banu ilgin ro valuable tor mineral than for auric it nl purposes fl be I 1 and i ted for report t the general land n I 1 L lall ire go or contest within the time specified wu 1 ihlder d sufficient evidence of the a n ml leral aba cba tract and these lection thereof teang otherwise free front will be recommended pd for up prova HOBBS amith He celver I 1 kit p b no tle p ib J IS |