Show LOCAL newa there was 71 7 1 1 tha inches of rain i fall in castle D ie e bunday sunday last in leathan leai 1 than twenty minutes marriage I 1 canse was issued last week to rasmus and mary 0 peterson both or of cast e dale sunday last a new time card went in to effect on the rio grande western the changed appeal in this issue of the progress Rs chas may returned to his oil home in ft madison iowa last tuesday where he expects to take his position with the railroad company that he held before coming to utah D A lowery if of ferron who has been confined to chiq hi 1 ed almost alwo t the en tire summer was able to attend confer ence here saturday and sunday the town has been improving the street ranni g north from the conty bridge which was much it is hoi hot ed the good wot k w 11 continue on the other streets as well cattle and horses are corn com ng down ont out of the hilla hills in small ba da it every dayt dayo owing wms to flip scarcity of grass in t e mountains old stoc say the like has never been know i here before J 0 lemon of or deiron tan can alst of raising as fine fruit as ban can be produced re in tah thia b I 1 e it can not be s ir passed in any other state especially h s apples as to size and quality henry of or 1506 chartres street houston tex es tho the ress as follows follos I 1 lam am I 1 ok ng for the heirs of joseph ellery who waa wai in baill by y county texal in 1810 also ano for the heirs of john I 1 wood who lived in houston county texas a in any information will be received with thanks D C Wood warl county superintend ent of schoola has not fie I 1 all the teach ers 0 emery co anty that there will bf be a teachers convention held here saint day depte iber for the purpose of reorganizing the teachers association and discussing matters perta ning to the welfare of the public school every teacher and school trubee in tt e county should attend ai d tase ta te an active part in tb ir meetings the late rams rains h ivo ive washed out some of the roads lea ling into the town which makes alent very hard to travel with any k knief n I 1 of a vehicle and some are almost impassable with a load es specially ally the green R ver road some gome thin should bedone be done in the matter as it is soon the t me of e r that the p 0 pie from woodside at aid d gi gleen een r come nto town for their supplies for winter boren soren hanson hanion returned last frida friday from old mexico where he left the party that fro fron n pr i 10 0 last on a two years trip it the south american nd orential ame awe lean states b ren rou accompanied the party which travale I 1 to he tho alex can hot boilers lers on horseback hoisea there it was 1 to sell the hor her PS and traveling onlia s an ani I 1 about one half of the party decad d to return home as it wa wai fou d not practicable for 0 so o inny to travel to gether ii it f 11 S ens yn a lot to return to utah he we was given a d royal r ce tion on pr fr day even ng n v at boci tl ha 1 by hia his many frie 14 in cis cas C is la to D ie le L wis is unger an has gone to spring to MI u aitt r I 1 8 family who i ave been v etli it 11 a relatives there for a month past pat J hn hit oleon olon cu eat c u r P lown from black cat caay y n frida friday wi wiebe ere he be his been at work worl at a davk saMu tit ill since le i et turning from idaho wyatt bryan of per i 0 i was in town a couple of days last week lookin lif after ter bis his extensive coal interests in E nery county the sun stan lay school confere ce which was hell here saturday and sinday was well attended I 1 y rei rel resent from all puts of ilis h s ani ant adjoining counties at a u n betin hoi hot I 1 n it carried carriel by a u i ammoun vote to buil buill I 1 an addition on the nest inest end of tl if e old 8 cial hall and use it tor for au an opera honse house and dancing pay mon the dl di tr it et ct schools open here mon laythel lay the I 1 i nh th will I 1 f sell all n as princia I 1 prof A D D abs Is n it 11 charge of the in eru ern hate ciliate grade ind ml ali 4 bibel seely in conrge ol 01 the pu ary grade 0 A hyde came d an D from the mt pleasant coal it u me in hunt agton can yon thai day he left hon orange seely in posse sion during it hs 9 absence he ile returned sunday to begin taking out coal for the it a ar et andrew neil on an I 1 J james ames wallin of ferron perron lapsed I 1 alsed through town tuesday with s veral wagon loads of honey en route for price ferron perron takes the leao leau 0 the county th s season seaon on tl it e 0 honey crop in proportion to the number of col eel buies of bee glyz haium um curtis ferron perron s postmaster and family passed through town satur d ly ty on their way I 1 oine ome from R Bex e bur I 1 ha la i here they have been vi biting rela ives M ml i our tit is was w 11 1 leased with that country and sas every ody up there is prospering oat out on ti te tie e uintah reservation last sunday Gegar keit an unetah ute shot a d killed his big wife who bid h id de dertod him and I 1 ad taken refuge at the hone ho ne of provi prey D ck liter the buck led in the hills f after fter ter being chased closely by the n police he W was a s fou id with t vo bull ball t hl Q t 11 I 1 tah bead head the E nery brake academy opened on mon ilou lay men mor i ng with a booi gooi goo I 1 sen tation from d fe if rent parts of the country A very interests inte resti g program was g ven yen of songs 0 and aud spec acnes with a lecture by pr fessor albeser on edica tion wh ch was very highly appreciated by all present last thurs lay a of b PS sec set lied tied upon a borse be belonging loning to william luke ai at I 1 beffie the a imal c uld be re lieveld of them string atun it to death thi ought to be a le lesson leson son to beekeepers here as there are a er of colonies colomes tl it at are too close to tie tue highway to al be confor comfortable table to t P 0 tober ath hs has been selected as the late of the aspi a spi ihling ibling of the seventieth sem noun anguil 41 conference of I 1 he if morion or ion church if it was state etabel I 1 yesterday by J J mcdonald who lives at in dependence lepen dence mo alo and who was a visitor to the taber nacle that there were sever d members of the R orga orgain i z d church who had been laying plans to vi it the c ty at that tune time fri lay 4 tribu ie those who d sire cou eon ity offices this year should HI at dounce the tact that the people may know what tn tit her to select from when tha county chiw notions are held hell 8 13 s tle P rk city record if ir is 1 perfectly legitimate for people to aspire to touffic me and 0 e canhas mannas as much right in th s respect as another besides tl ti iq it is due to the people that those wl 0 jire willing to enter the race for nomi norm i ahon should in ke ko the fact known dr r pik pi k of price was called to orangey lie ile bunday sunday last to hold a con eon r I 1 with dr of castle dale n the case of george aff alt att wl 0 has b en suffering for comet me with an in ab ice s ot of the upper jaw it was pronounced by both doctors to be an an ara abscess ani hit thit an operation would be necessary the patient pie berred having it per ormed here instead of being to salt lake the opera t on was a delicate and difficult oue one but the patient bore it ie well a and nd from last accounts was do ng nicely every d voter houll hv by all means atte I 1 to tt if e matter of rp ster ng tb s fall sta sas s the P rk 0 ty R d it li is l i a luty that il it ill I 1 1 e attai ded by very ery 1 ci I iz n and if I 1 ck k i ethol Is saro aro v in ml I 1 ile cloel I 1 in tl ti ere ore ill ie le in ny I 1 sap point ants be re bemb r that thi year it ie is an india daal dual rest res ansil ilita tor for tl e ie te agents are not i red to fo lo 10 v you wound and s I 1 c t your regi ration an I 1 if yo i desire to have a vo ce co la in c I 1 affairs it is nece sary toi ter yo i to t personally erso nally see that yo ir name is n the regi book no it after atter f yo i it ve I 1 teen een reg tore tere I 1 for y eav it is in en irely new I 1 a al the tha si at pet pst way N ill bo to see u t it the first dy day f p 4 it itle to tl ti en f thi e n otle ot I 1 e doie do ie tie N ry i x op arta i y R in mb r v ir v tot te i aycha e it vit ei t el e 1 ml in I 1 xi it n ot tie county a il d no i aitel with wh t party you the tile out jut c me she it I 1 I 1 ie e f in lei est toy i and it sy s urs ur s lei len i 11 I 1 i V is ig ig i g ol 01 t i 7 i to register imd and cast your ballot |