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Show 11B . WEST VALLEY VIEW Next Week Thursday, July 30, and Fork, Spanish 1981 when the grease paint was removed, he won - the prize for the youngest looking member of the group. Applying clown makeup has kept the Clown Magic In Spotlight MAGNA. Willie, the Classical Clown will be at the Magna Library Wednesday at 1 p.m. with a program to end the summer reading title doing a comic number on skates dressed as Willie, the Classical Clown and the name as well as the personality has re- - days highlight will be a clown in the ZCMI Mall, with two hours of top entertainment by some of walk-aroun- wrinkles Not only has clowning around contributed to the family income, but Willie thinks that that is what has kept him young. Two years ago he did his clown routine for his 35th Howard Johnson Hotel in Salt Lake and Saturd the countrys best I am lucky enough to have most of my hair left at age 55. Although Willie says that his hobbies are all kinds of outdoor sports, he claims that making people happy class reunion at clowns. away, laughs Willie. is the best hobby he knows, and that is where the clowning comes in again because he said that even depressed people respond to that medium. As far as his future plans are concerned, Willie is hoping to present a series of classes in the local libraries on clown makeup, to demonstrate to parents how much easier and safer it is to make up youngsters faces at Halloween in Id to have like rar Pee honor Doug and Doris Hougan. A program will be presented at 8. A youth retreat will be held today (Thursday) through Sunday for all youth from seventh grade through high school. Anyone stead of having them peer through two little holes in a mask. demonstrations and open discussions to cover all aspects of theater makeup, he said, "in addition to how to make crepe paper hair. A TTY WOMAN WHO ATTRACTS WIDE SPREAD ATTENTION IS SELDOM WIDESPREAD C wishing further information may call Ann and Byron Hendrickson, 966-445- CHURCH - (From Page 9B, school will be held Monday through Aug 7 for all children age 3 through sixth grade Col. 9) at evening Sunday Bible Vacation Good Shepherd church to Lutheran A ' t A l,.AV j s . V .iI X Willie, the Classical Clown is scheduled to appear on program at Magna AT LIBRARY . program there and to observe National Clown Week. As part of the show, Willie will perform some special clown magic, as well as create a variey of balg loon animals, in a fast-movin- presentation that is guaranteed to delight youngsters of all ages, commented long ago. His makeup techniques came from being a member of Clowns of America who have ex- childrens perts teaching the Mellin, Beverly librarian. is Willie actually Williams in LaMar private life, who is the father of eight children and works as a building inspector for Salt Lake County. In addition, he is also involved in teaching a clown class at the University of Utah for college credit as part of the UofU Continuing Education in theater arts. from Originally Forkv Spanish Williams clowning began around at age 5 when his mother dressed him up as a hobo clown, complete with knicker-bocke- r baggy pants, to perform in a neighborhood parade. He got such a kick out of making people laugh, the clown became part of his personality, it was noted. From then on he was obsessed with the idea of becoming a clown. When the circus came to town he watched with curious eyes as they set up the big tents, but his main interest was always focused on the people who made others laugh. Whenever he had a chance to dress up, he was always a clown. From 1945 to 1947 he was state roller skating champion of California. He won the after I 4 t f 1 p i - " I I . J A r Sr. '73 t! ile b clown v. X nn ce of his daughters thought that it looked like fun and Nancy Cox, a Logan housewife, becomes Sparkle when she dons her costume, while Marla and her husband Steve Ward, who live in Complete package includes King frame beautifully detailed rose designed oval glass mirrored headboard wth storage doors & bookcase safety Taylorsville, have become Blossom and Bud. As a group they ap- pear at private parties, grand opening promotions for stores, parades and banquets for church and civic organizations. Willie also appears throughout the county library 0 Complete package includes: King or Queen-siz- e bed covered plush quilted velvet. Your choice of colors, dark brown or baby blue. for more information. Presented in the public interest for better health by... THE CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT CENTER 4500 So. 261-400- 0 s, Reg $750 ; - v I $1 400 n s p Peg I t" I 1 1 1 TV,i w Complete package includes King size bookcase headboard, frame, pedestal deck, deluxe mattress, safety liner, and drain kit, water treatment Includes deluxe heater Reg 5550 The West wind , I Complete package includes King size bookcase headboard, frame, pedestal deck, deluxe mattress, safety liner, fill and drain kit water treatment Includes deluxe heater. Cip the head. 261-400- 0 H(9 $700 head-boar- Complete package includes King or Queen-siz-e bookcase headboard, frame, pedestal, deck, deluxe mattress, safety liner, fill and drain kit. water treatment includes deluxe heater Remember this when a You headache occurs. gamble with your health when you treat the pain rather than the cause. Most headaches, particularly it chronic or recurring, should be taken more seriously, as they may be a warning signal of a more serious health problem. And often the problem is not related to Phone - ; Complete package includes King frame, pedestasl, deck, deluxe mattress, safety liner, fill and drain kit, water treatment Includes deluxe heater & drawers The iieaona at the Research has revealed that a common cause of headaches can be traced to vertebrae the cervical (spinal bones of the neck ) Seeking relief by merely drugging the pain often allows the cause of the symptoms to go untreat ed. The further a condition is permitted to advance, the more serious it be comes, and the more difficult it is to overcome. If you have headaches, it would be an act of wisdom to seek qualified profes sional counsel as early as possible from a doctor of Chiropractic. if, , The Yefiow Hose Complete package includes' King size bookcase headboard, frame, pedestal deck, deluxe healer, deluxe mattress, safety kner, fil and drain kit, water treatment. All you do is add the water. e I ' ? uiome Vista year, as well as at Boy Scout functions. To remain a member of Clowns of America, he has to perform free of cost for several shows a year. He said that during National Clown Week there will be a clown convention t fa once each system pedestal deluxe mattress, liner, fill and drain kit, water treatment Includes deluxe healer deck, HEADACHE E. SUG'BYJOOd Complete package includes King or Queen-siz- e bookcase headboard, frame, pedestal, deck, deluxe mattress, safety liner, fill and drain kit, water treatment includes deluxe heater. known as Bingo, whom he met at a national convention. With a husband who spent a good deal of his time clowning, it was only natural that Mrs. Williams should get into the act. She is known professionally as Wobblie. In the meantime two THE SPINAL COLUMN 345 fo ' i is styled Minneapolis . 8 , t k . famous a - -- - X grease paint art. His own work V t mained. He got into heavy clowning after he moved back to Salt Lake and has been seen for the last 15 years in the Days of 47 parade as the wry little figure on skates he created so - n f Library. . .v '' . . 4 f - !A : . ", ' - ) - Rug S750 meiio'wnry waterbed with pedestal, deck, heater liner, fill and drain and water treatment. Includes deluxe mattress. Complete package includes King size canopy headboard, frame, pedestal deck, deluxe heater, deluxe mattress, safety liner, fill and drain kit, water treatment All you do is add the water iY J "CCJ 9P M P M I BankAmencard Master Charge or Other Credit Available 1 Phone orders call 1 Shop Weeknghts Saturday 10-- til i jf J Keg ,1 tJ & j S4 1 9 iUi I W K- -: f A . T ' V f lei t i - " j , C r v 5 ( - t O ; n1 5420 Green St (4th West) WEST FRONTAGE ROAD OF 1 FREE DELIVERY 75 MILES K 77, 4 'j: ct 'i VUhlvV 01 -Ts - er j t i 11112 C! jr The Montrose Four-post- n i r Complete package includes King size bookcase headboard, frame, pedestal deck, deluxe mattress, safety liner, fill and drain kit, water treatment Includes deluxe heater WITS i i- I i I I T ' ,'f xV Keg $500 1 |