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Show T9T9T9?TrT9T9ov9V099T???Tf9 8B WEST valley VIEW Thursday, July 23, 1981 . . . John Williams, a resident of Taylorsville and TRANSFORMATION drama teacher at Murray high, will play Merlyn in upcoming production Too Offen Left To Happenstance The MURRAY. roar of the greasepaint, the smell of the crowd. Thats an ear-catchin- g slogan popularized in a stage play that called attention to theater people and the love they have for that art form. One of the singular most critical aspects of a successful stage production is the application of makeup -greasepaint. Though is in use greasepaint these days. Realistically speaking the crowd is, of course, probably most important in the long run. All too often in as well as amateur efforts, the use and application of makeup is left to happenstance. When poorly applied, especially when too much makeup is used, it can be distracting for the audience the point that it overshadows what is al form that requires study and experience if it is to be done properly. In preparation for the Murray Arts Councils production of Camelot, which will open Wednesday in an outdoor setting in Mur- to ray Park, Aspect Of Theater Is Critical away from the subtle things that turn an ordinary show into a sublime experience for the patron. While stage makeup artistry may not be as critical as that done for films, it is an art very little actual r, - Makeup Artistry by Michele Bartmess of Camelot In Murray Pork. Here with help from Sam Jenkins and Dave Zvacek-Oehlehe is transformed. producer Doug Bishop said that one of the key areas of preparation has been in that area. UofU graduate plication stu- the makeup. The smells the actors and actresses will be experiencing beginning with Tuesdays dress rehearsal will in- clude, among other things, rubber latex, spirit gum, crepe hair, moist and dry rouges, pancake base, powder on the happening stage. Even when not poorly applied, but basically ignored, it may take HAHOWABE, e. siderable time learning the art, the job will be easier than it might have been. The key to making these men, especially the youthful-looking convincing lie with the artists, makeup although their acting ability will definitely come into play, Bishop said. Williams, who will have a facial hairpiece COUPON SHOE REPAIR SPECIAL tS$577 r prepared OFF JOB WITH THIS AD Batfon'fl JULY 31, '81 j 1 SHOE REPAIR MART 7 in If? ' FRIDAY El!? SoD " the gate. Reservations may be made by call- The show ing will get under way promptly at 8:30 p.m. in the northeast section of the park, east of the swimming pool. There CHECKING WITH INTEREST 262-242- be chair will and bleacher seating available. Tickets may be purchased in advance at Murray City Hall or Day Murray Music. NOW Earn Interett on your Checking count balance. See us for details! What a difference it makes! Our staff is the important part of this difference. Meet Kathy Mahoney, Loan Service Supervisor. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY . Full Service Banking 9:30 a.m. to Driveup 8:30 to Lobby 9:30 to 5 Friday-Driveu- p 8:30 to 6 Lobby 9:30 to 6 Mon.-Thur- Worship Service Scheduled Sunday KEARNS. Rev. 2 IfnbeatatilelPrice!, Daily , We Personally Serve Our Customers - What a difference It makes. 1765 Carriage Square 4150 So. Redwood Road MEMBER FDIC. EACH Phone INSURED TO' 966-658- 1 $100,000 262-668- traditional theater is back from the stage, overdone makeup is still very obvious. Bishop characterized overdone makeup as gaudy. The purpose of makeup is twofold - to create an illusion, such as the age factor in characters like Merlyn or to highlight the emotions to be portrayed in a role such as Our Best Work Is Now Your . Best Buy-No- w That Guenevere, being played in this show by Denise Dillard. Beautiful Etageres that Add Charm to Ang Room! Bug Now and Save! ON SAVINGS Compounded DEPOSITOR Clas- p.m. 4 6 Highest Legal Bank Interest Paid in968-268- for details. Try Green Sheet sified ads! s. INTEREST Clayton Hammell will conduct worship services at 9:30 Sunday morning at St. Pauls Lutheran church. Family camp will be held Aug. 21 and 22 at Rock Port Reservoir. Reservations should be made as soon as possible. Those terested may call Ac- Although the audience 3480 So. Redwood Rd. I 35SS W. 3500 So. on a daily Tickets for Camelot sell for $4.50 and $5.50 in advance; $1 more at very obvious. j FACTORY 1 re- basis, will also need lines and greying of his hair to complete the picture. Bishop noted that one area the amateur makeup artist often overdoes is facial lines. Theyre often too deep and SOLE AND HEEL EXPIRES for application MEN'S FULL On Sale At 968-212- Tom-Stokoe- will no00 g , on who will portray the delightful King Pelli-norStokoe is the drama teacher at Skyline high. Because drama majors spend con- Williams, PAINTS BUILDERS pro- g jects during the run will be the applications of makeup on John Williams, the Murray high drama teacher who plays the mystical Merlyn and week-lon- dent Dave Smith will be overseeing the preparation and ap- of and various sprays. Among the most Choice 88 Because the lights wash out her natural features, they must be highlighted so that the emotion is not lost to Roles the audience. Were Open. like Guenevere, despite her leading lady status, are referstock red to as characters by the makeup artist and the application of their makeup is standard. King Arthur has helped the makeup crew out by growing a beard, so much of his makeup will also be standard. Bishop, who is the drama director at Olympus high, applies the same principles to doing a show as do most of his fellow directors. Chorus personnel are generally responsible for their own greasepaint after some simple guidance from the makeup expert - at Olympus that person is BIG IDEAL Bishop himself. No one goes on stage without having been approved by the director. On the principals, in this case about eight 56 HIGH! FOR BOOKS, RICH WALNUT PLAITS. ART characters, is done OBJECTS on 3 stunning and sturdily built showcases lo enhance any room. Mar and siairwcsiMant surfaces wipe clean wiih a damp cloth. Great value al this low, low price. Buy Now and Saxe1 W00DGRAM FINISH Hen- home QUALITY FINISHED TOP QUALITY-MAD- HARDWOOD 1 TURNINGS USA. YOU SAVE BECAUSE YOU ASSEMBLE IT YOURSELF- - NO TOOLS NEEDED! the by the makeup person (Dave Smith) who has been charged with the responsibility or by someone he has I never designated. let a lead do his or her own, Bishop confided. Often young men ap- their first productions fail to see pearing in the need for makeup, but it is absolutely essential on every person who steps on stage, the producer We're open. And, we're offering some of the best buys you'll find anywhere on anything from reconditioned appliances to reclaimed zippers. We're Deseret Industries. And, we're more than ust a great place to pick up a bargain. We're a sheltered workshop where very special people some elderly and some handicapped do their best work every day. And, every day, their best work is your best buy. That's especially true during Deseret Industries grand opening. So see us soon for our grand opening and see what you can save. Our Best Work Is Your Best Buy Deseret Industries Thrift Store 3602 South 7200 West 10 a.m. - 6 250-426- 2 p.m. Mon Sat - sheltered Deseret industries is a workshop Its employees -- the elderly the handicapped and Nose in need - reclaim donated goods , r |