Show INVENTION AND APPETITE great reat tl TI I 1 kers are son climes great eaters raters sometimes the ab lity to meet a prolonged ind and highly productive men til tal strain is curiously linked with the abil ty to digest a hearty meal which Is another way of saying that great thin thinkers kerb are sometimes ome times great eaters this may be especially the case where great thinkers have really had very little to eat T ais story Is told by a chicago paper evidently on the au an dhority of mr air tesia tesla himself of a somewhat amusing experience which nikola tesia tesla once had when in mr edison s employ mr edison had a laboratory in paris and to this lish ment when a st ident nikola tes la went to ask tor for work the labora tory was in charge of a foreman nam ed fulton who ho told tesia tesla that he wo ild employ him but only on the condition that he would work hesli said he would and he did to such pur pose that for two days and nights he lie did not close his eyes at the end of the first fortnight he hid not had forty eight hours 0 of f sleep the tore fore man here intervened and ordered the young man to rest we have both been under a strain he said let us go and nd get a good meal he ile took tesia tesla tu a restaurant resta irant and ordered one of the biggest and thickest steaks that could be bought anywhere it was enormous with it there were various garnish ings which made tor for the two but when they men a hearty meal had finished it something in the bolang young student students s look led mr air fulton to say ay Is there anything else yo i wo ild like yo i are out with me y a oa know and I 1 wish you would order anything you want mant tesia tesla looked around vaguely tor for a moment as it making up his mind and then said mr fulton II 11 3 iou ou don t mind I 1 would like another steak youths companion |