Show senate rat flea lie 11 II y P t treaty 11 aith ith ame aloe I 1 ue t after spend ng n the greater part of tl e past veel eel in cons dering the hay flay I 1 aunce fote treaty for the mod ficat on of the clayton bulwer convent on of 1800 the senate ihu iday consumed only one hour boar and ten minutes in amending it and ratifying it as a trended dunny during tl ti e t me there there were several roll colls colts an I 1 voce votes the first five of the roll calls vere on amendments offered by individual inam lual senators an I 1 the last one on the resol ution to ratify the them treaty as amended all the amendments except those offered by benator senator I 1 and re ported by the comm comin atee on foreign relations were voted down by majori ties average ag ng about 19 fhe the rati fica tion on was adopted by a vote of 55 to is |