Show millinery at i i sacrifice mi ali whole bole stock of millinery cons st ing of many latest sh ie le H hits its and bon nets a large assortment of trimming ribbons velieta feathers tea fea theis tip etc will be sold it at cost and less thau than cost come early nh h ie le the s cc ocl is large and secure the best birga ns n eera der thin thing is to I 1 ie e sol I 1 rel regardless ardless of PO eo t as I 1 shall retire from the in iliner business before christmas A bays ays he lie was tortured I 1 suffered such r pun ain I 1 m corns I 1 coi cot id hardly ft ilk alk rites H u robinson of Hillsboro hillsborough uga ills but B coln calens s arnica S ive lve completely ared aured them acts like in angle agic on cpr sprains tins bru se cuts bores sores scalds burns boils ulcers per feet heller healer of 0 skin diseases and i lies cure guaranteed it it the drus store 20 cents food hanged 4 to poison putrefying food in the intestines pro duces effects like those of I 1 ut dr king hing s ise ISO v L f ft pills expel the poi bons tons from lodged I 1 0 vels ct ci alv p e isil but surd g ton bilious ness bick be he dahe fevers ver k d ney and bo nei el troubles tiou bles af 2 at the Cast ledale d dig I 1 g store railroad holiday bates ates for the christmus Chri nd new ye year ir holi dats s i 1 I rite rate of one fire for the round trip bet een any t vo po ants will be given on the el j grinde grande western item lick ets will be sold dec 23 24 2 aa 30 ind 1 nd 31 and jan 1 bevurn I 1 nut mit jau jan 3 1001 A great bargain in a patent shingle machine including a 6 hoise choise boiler and et eigene gine good avs and good crosscut si sa vb u bery thing first class very cheap terms half cash cah ad PETER JENSEN aft PI w aunt tnt utah A is awful r ight thele 13 ily one chance to sive our life and th tb t is agh an on were the scarth st ielli voids heird heard b mrs I 1 B hunt of L me ri ige wis from her doctor after he wid acioly tried to cure her of a frightful c e of sto trouble ind and jelloe jaundice jiun dice gall stones hid had formed and she constin gre v u nurse 11 II en she silo I 1 egin egan to use B aters chich w wholly holly cure curel I 1 her its i I 1 v onder t f il 11 liver ind and remedy C ires I 1 11 I 1 t lois of appetite irv it 0 ay 50 gu I 1 or bile kile at the C ie le drugstore drug store RW V experience 50 YEARS bi acl 1 fm tk TRADE MARKS COF copyrights ac anyone sending a eke ph and descar ft pt on may tile Q 1 y beert no n ro 0 free w wi e cr er a ve t on e probably pate tabe tab concu connu con n u ca eft t one on air otly confide mat handbook 0 i 11 I 1 a ent BC e t free t deat adeney for cecur g patents patent s pa en a 8 taken through munn co re receive ive ep c al at notice w hout charge in the scientific we A handsome 1 1 atra week beky I 1 arekat cu at 0 of any se ent ant no tic bourna ler s 3 a ve r four courmon mon be he L so d daya by a I 1 era ers co ay new hew york branch e 0 61 F st erh na on 1 C castle dale ale drug store stationery station confectionery toilet articles school supplies etc prices rices 1 ni right light castle dale meat and produce co ha have e in stock 1 i I full line of canned gooch goods ciD caddis dis etc when ou on want a good steak or ro cill call on us WD livingston LAWYER MANTI UTAH X C A dm C U A nicotine sheep dip cheapest Chei pest and most convenient dip for h ind spotting cures scab improves Im 1 wool dieco na ended by government and state authorities sold by L fd price utah C E eo larsen I 1 deiler in all I 1 inda of FARM I 1 M P L E E 11 adt S 1 I agent tor for the utah implement co I 1 OB OR EMERY COUIN f Y extras tor for all kinds of 0 aarm Mac michener Mi chiner hiners rushford Kush ford and mitchell sa s1 ring and farm W egons henne perry and garlind garland B ml goo s come in fir car lo 10 d lots direct from the E eist cro in n mo mcneil nei eh inge able speed ob I 1 mo alo leri neri an I 1 bit dars II 11 id oil twines 4 andiron nd iron fall call a d ex efimi imi e 0 doods and find feet get i riles casil ile otili the I 1 cullen Is S lit lake s debt best medium priced hotel tra tr it the nett next time ou go up S C proprietor rites 2 00 a day ind and up 4 lit funesti Du nestI t make the greatest ever I 1 brought to so much sur asur a I 1 vill cc eastern utah to us as it does to 3 ours if OV OU BUY YOUR TOYS AD AND orlieu CH GIFTS everybody must have exi erten ced the d dt of bu buying ing N athin a few ew daye days of 0 christmas in such a jam nd crush is there ana at a x is we say buy now when the assortment is unbroken and when you get A chance chanco to 0 i 1 ick out our choice leisurely the tho most complete stock eer oner shown in eastern utah now on disola it will payEr pay enery iery bounty folk folks to come corne to price to do their christmas shopping hopping 65 PRICE TRADING COMPANY PRICE UTAH hot ho U t oil a nal N al want we do not carry but what 3 ou on do want in seasonable merchandise w a have always in stock and can do you good at any time of the ear our stock is al va vai s in dry goods clothing furnishing goods groceries I 1 and farmers and kauchers Eau chers supplies we have lim e bought heavily for or this f ill all a tride trade and invite an inspection of 0 our several lines vi aich are arriving every day and will continue to come la in for or a or six weeks highest prices paid for or hay gin grain and produce huntington COOP CO OP MER CO HUNTING huntington TONt UTAI L LEVI N HARM manager protect your family protect your fc state lake makle sale safe investment by securing it policy in the united states life ins co agents orangey Orange ille utah price and aud emery stage line S SM M WILLIAMS williamso prop Cirr currying ying united states mail alai and express bt t veen the to tona N ns of emery county and price good convey inces and the best of service beneral cn erat I 1 eriv tir ding rates most liberal J K REID ATTORNEY AT LAW notary public collections a specialty practices in all courts Court of the district OLANG EVILLE UTAH F E WOODS attorney y at law castle dale utah geo fv f V eo fl 11 MILLER AlI ORNEY AT LAW LOTARY PUBLIC ADMITTED TO IN ALL COURTS huntington utah DR DIC C E PEARSON physician and surgeon CASTLE DALE UTAH all calls promptly attended the dale saloon GEORGE bb BIN proprietor DE deambra AiLERS IN wines and liquors C CASTLE DALE UTAH H S LARSEN Tonson alist call on me when in need of a e good clein clean shave or haircut haircutting hair cutting A 4 cents shave Lr centt icente for or acceptable ideas 1 4 b R H state if patented THE PATENT RECORD baltimore md bubser F eption U onar pr ce ce at the PATENT vaa LOO u 1 tr buium arte |