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Show THK IUSOMN SON. UTAH 1A is i Every cellar of vegetables -Utn u food prepardness. PAYS0N1AN !' i placed ; in Imn. a trench of feed luiidi!-- pi lilt - ; ic guing huh n With c the nt f on can't raise a pig, save .'Ui'In lx ecdel's Mik 'i ,iH' ; one. You can do so bv eating o' Enti-reit im- i'. i at th' and less pot k. m ; i" ),. L'"! 8011 UK SI'l Mill d ' ad in en phic-,- i a i,i ,nii- tile hi 'Ihui-bo il u: and Smumitt IuhllKlu .a v.iy lopa may be friends of man, of number Iu 8.111 Ian ruhl.shiliK C. Ill iai 1. a ; go hui but slatp fm nish clothing for t (i nct , la nil)', i k will c( d his back. SUBSt RIP I ION IRK E: hi' w into in San ?A00 ai,d old v, One year, in advance ,,$IUU t ; 'lua!! farm llock' are beSi months, in ad value ll, u p!..e. d in Iintah, and the Resolutions of LAW KLNtK JOKUK.VSO.N Respect t ni hug' i being n ;;!. Idilui and Miuuu?pi. j THE nt F. ) m! '1 i ! lo-f- i 1 i l j The Foundation of Financial Independence I - - ( i j ANY wFe and carcdul people.who (if the immediate fuIVi lnk ahead ture and the financial conditions the brought about by our participation in a of compewar, will la the foundation some portion placing tence by regularly of their earnings in a term account m df this hank. ; innumerable Pa vva s. larch '.. .. .ani: V i .v. Uu.. THE PHOTOPLAY SENSATION Direct from New York run JiVALKE-- "THELUTOFTHE OftDftN CTVA AOES'i COUMRAIKW LILLIAN WALKER The Darling of the Screen in AARON HOFFMANS Remarkable Story of the Havoc Wrought by the Greed for Gold RODUCF.I) BY THK OGDEN, PICTURES CORPORATION TO BK SHOWN AT Including Candies, Nuts, Fruits, etc. A Full Line of Beautiful Box Chocolates at All Prices L GRAMS Confectionery city but has its quota of discarded f urniture, rugs, i ' stoves perhaps, 1 ra'cd. Copy for ads or notices will positively not he accepted later than 10 a. m. Thanksgiv ing Spirit-11- WAR GARDENS. 1779-Everyt- Now is the time to be thinking of your war gardens for next season. If your garden is plowed this fall it will be much easier to get your garden stuff Make every square Payson. yard of fertile, 'sunny soil produce food for your family. Make your ground work for Idle you and your nation. is time no this ground is waste; for waste and idleness. You can raise some vegetables for your family no matter how 97 hing you small a piece have. If you cant raise all your own vegetables raise some. An idle ground utilized in the and Amproduction of vegetables means Thanksgiving-19- 17 more food for those who have erica is engaged in a war to make the world safe for democno ground at all. Somebody has to raise every- racy. Juliana writing in 1779 your share. has given the text for Thanksthing you eat-- do giving dinner in 1917. She has Help feed yourself. made all the points, the sermon THE PRICE OF WHEAT is not needed; everything was good we do without some FOR 1918 FROM things, but save the roast beef for the soldiers. As in 1779 let us plan our There has been a good deal of feast of Thanksgiving for 1917. anxiety, argument etc,, by farm- Let us, a thankful people, celeers and others regarding the brate the harvest-festiva- l with price of wheat for 1918. To the fruits from our own fields. those who have not been reli- The feast is in a sense a sacriably informed the following ficial offering, so we will do from the Reclamation Record, without many things because issued by the Reclamation Serare needed by our soldiers. vice at Washington, D. C. will they be interesting news: Comfortable barns keep dairy As some question has arisen in the minds of our wheat cows warm far more cheaply than high priced feed. growers regarding the price of wheat for the 1918 crop, the following quotation from the U. S. statutes is given: The guaranteed price for the several standard grades of wheat for the crop of 1918 shall be based npon Number One Northern Spring or its equivalent, at not less than $2.00 per bushel at the principal inte. ior markets. This guarantee is hereby made absolute and shall be binding until May 1, 1919. and to tln'ir parent-- too, at fall to increase the production' their sorrow. 1 he loved and loving mother, wife, sister, friend died on Tuesday Oct. 23rd 1917, in her 5ird ear, while her womanhood had reached but scarcely passed the noontide of life, and while still in love with life she fell into that dreamles sleep that kisses down her eye lids still. Her chair is va.ant, her voice is still, but her memory will ever live in steadfast friendship and eternal love. The enduring and steadfast character of our departed sister cannot be more fully or better portraved than by these lines: thus in our memory her character will ever stand: As some tall cliff that lifts its awful form fiom the vale and midway leaves the storm Though round its breast the rolling clouds are spread Eternal sunshine settles on its head. Sw-ell- s This was the Thanksgiving spirit in the midst of the American Revolution. The colonists were engaged in war that made America safe for democracy. of livestock in the state, it appears from the October a port of Donate Agent work jimt compiled b the St,ate Loader, R. L Evans of the Kxtcti'ion Division of the Utah Agricultural College. Aecordiug to this report, nine counties are carrying on definite work aimed to increase the number of livestock in Ltali. BoxeiT imported twenty-liv- e HoLieiu cows and one Holstein hull during t letoher; in Cache. ov e' and' lambs for winter feeding are being secured; in Duehe'uo, eflorts are being made tu increase the number of hog' in the comity; in Kmen otlii ewes have been brought in for teed. a wheel barrow maybe. few cents for a want ad and some one who needs the very article that lies rotting in your garret will call and pay you for it. VI IF.RFAS: That inasmuch as the Great ami Alwise Creator has in his infinite wisilom deemed it wise to call from our midst our dearly beolved Sister Anna Buujham. Thereforebeitresolvedtli.it we the officers of the Nebo Stake Relief Society extend to Alplieus Bingham the husband and family our sincere and heartfelt sympathy in this their hour We pray that time, of grief and sorrow. the great healer, will alleviate and soften Jullian Smith writes to Dear Cousin Petty of Thanksgiving was dinner to have did we Good, though do without some things that need to be used. Neither Love nor (paper) Money could buy raisins, but our good red cherries, dried without the pits, did almost as well. Of course we could have no Roast Reef. None of us have tasted Beef this three years back as it must go to the Army, and too little they get, poor fellows. Put, NayquittymawsIIun-ter- s were able to get us a fine red deer, so that we had a good haunch of venison on each table. - CLEAN FRESH STOCK OF CONFECTIONERY v in-c- Wednesday Night, Nov. 28 AND INSPECT OUR home in this i 1 . The Ltali Agricultural ('ullage i offering exceptional to all wide awake men and young women, young Come In i i GAYETY THEATRE Adults 25c., Children 15c. H 1 1 MAKE YOUR WINTER COUNT ADMISSION: I t v of ground LILLIAN grTSWOlWSaiW ! 1 in in the spring. There is much room for improvement in this direction m i ; , ' Wednesday morning. Such people are the ones who become the leaders of the future the substantial citizens of the community. This institution invites )our confidence. It can he of service to ou in -- ? I , TV pportumties ! w d - MATILDA D. DIXON L1LLYUS C. PAGE RUTH W. SARGENT Committee. Q You are better off new owner is pleased and the article itself is contributing to the reduction of the high cost of living. LOST A baby blanket and mans coat, last Friday. Return to this office. For sale cheap, a Hot Bias heating stove and a Victrola including records. Frank Hawkins. 10-tf. - A GOODJFRIEND good friend stands by you when in need. Payson people tell how loan A Kidney Pills have stood the test. Mrs. Janie- - II, Webb of Depot St. endorsed Doan's seven years ago and again confines the story Could you ask for more convincing testimony? Mis. Webb says: I suffered a great deal with kidney trouble. I was afflicted with severe pains in my back and at times was unable to straighten after s ooping. Knowing bow good Doan A Pills Kidney were, I began using them ' They gave me wonderful relief. They Cnallv rid me of kidney trouble. I have been a nurse in the past and in that Doan'-Kidnwork I always recommended Pills to kidney sufferers with the best of results. I saw Doan's make eure after cure, so I cannot recommend them too strongly. LATER TESTIMONY. Mrs. Webb gave theakove statement in April, 1910, and on April 2, 1917, Hie added: Although I have little nepd of a kidney remedy nowr, I find it necessary to use Doaa's Kidney Pills at times. I always get the same good results Foster-Milburtide, at all dealers. Co., Mfgrs,, buffalo, N. Y. ti A WANTED Should purchase a small farm Payson. If interested office know and party on you soon. like to close to let this will call 1 I ey n FOR SALE OR TRADE-1- 60 A good, level, irrigated creek bottom stock ranch in southwestern Wyoming, either with or without stock. Wish to sell or trade for real estate or farm land in or near, Payson. Call this office or address Bet Bull, Fort Bridger, Wyo. TURKEYS WANTED. Will pay highest market price; other poultry also wanted. Paul Kruger, phone 67, Spanish Fork, Utah. 10-t- f Five room house for rent. Apply to Mrs. A. Potter. 10-t- f Ten tons of hay for sale. J. A Loveless tf Salt Pickles for sale. Kapple. Lyman 10-tf- . FOR SALE Buggy and single harness in good condition, also city lot. Enquire Henry Matsch. Chester White hog for service. J. M. Mamvill. YOU A. CAW PAY TAXES NOW IVervs store. at G. It pays to trade with the Page Furniture Co. LOT FOR SALE Near Peteetneet Suitable for resilience building. Cheap. Apply to Lyman Kapple. school. Good Hosiery Valines The finest silk htosiery and the latest Little More for a Little Less SALE. room cement block house good garden and J acres of lucerne. Appl Prank Tavlor. IANO instructions given by Ora Packard at the home of Mrs. John Stark. Those wishing to take lessons call Wednesdays or phone 74- -J. ! Miss - Gj your taxes full cotton hosiery as well as the serviceable lisles in a variety of weights, colors and sizes. Hosiery for men and children, too. Ld Deputy Tax Co- 4 Of course we carry the standard guaranteed Courtesy Is Our Watchword and Quality Our Standard G. A. PEERY, llector. ou can pay now at his store. FOR novelty combinations in all the popular new shades are now offered here at unusually attractive prices. N Bodl legal size carbon paper for sale at this office. Whooping Cough. In this disease it js ira,,grtai the cough bo kept loose and exj: tion easy, which can be done by Chambealain's Gough Remedy. H. Martin, Peru, Ind., writes, daughters had whooping cough, them Chamberlain's Cough I and it worked like a charm, Obtainable everywhere. i |