Show UTAH STATE NEWS sandy Is to have a state bank with k capitalization of work on the new presbyterian hurch at green river was begun last week salt lake city has consumed 33 tons of coal during the year while in 1905 the consumption was tons several new buildings are in course af construction at green river but work Is delayed by the lack of build ing material last year the production ot coal from utah mines amounted to 1 ton and this year the production was john pignon a brick mason 71 years of age was run over by a train while going to his work in ogden and instantly killed the abram canal company s tract of 12 acres of irrigated land in billiard county Is to be put on the market for settlement policeman loggie of park city was badly beaten up in a rough house mix up with a drunken man whom he had attempted to arrest the coal shortage which threatened park city has apparently been over come as there is enough being in to meet all demands reports from the weber county game wardens are to the effect that deer are becoming plentiful in the mountains throughout the county the number of employed emp loyes in and around the coal mines of the state during the past fiscal year waa 1 and the average number of days worked was the work on raising the dam across the green river near green river station and constructing the head gates for the irrigating system has been started arthur brown the former bank tel ler of salt lake city recently con evicted of embezzlement has been ad judged sane by a jury and will serve his prison sentence that a determined effort will be made to break the will of arthur brown seems assured it will be made in the interest of the two ahll dren of mrs anna bradley browns slayer the rio grande has instituted pas service between the works of the utah copper company and the smelters at garfield A shuttle ser vice has been established for the benefit of worl men the utah state blaid of health bul letin for november issued last weel shows the death rate tor the entire state to be from all causes in salt lake county alone there were deaths recorded samuel newhouse the utah mining man will furnish the funds tor a club building tor the boys and girls of salt lake city in which will be in stalled a gymnasium swimming pool reading and game rooms the body of an unknown man waa fo ind afternoon on the south eide of the weber river in ogden by J II 11 drake who lives close by sev eral wounds on the head of the corpse leads to the theory of murder the salt lake pressed brick corn pany one of the largest anck man in the west with a capa city of bricks per day Is pre paring to double its capacity making it one of the largest in the world tor the fine and fat sheep show to be held at the state fair grounds january 7 19 1907 in con with the annual convention of the national wool growers as are nearing completion superintendent of schools A L larsen has apportioned the county school funds of sanpete county amounting to the various dietr acts on a basis of 1 40 per capita of persons of school age bishop charles mccabe of the methodist church who died in new aorl last week is well known in utah having been to a great degree instrumental in the up building of the first methodist church of salt lake the 11 hotel erected at devil s slide the site of the plant of the union portland and cement company new factory is reported completed and placed in comm ss on the hotel has been erected expressly for the use of laborers the prod action of coke in utah aiming iming the past ear was short tons an increase of short tons over the previous year therb nas also produced in the state chort phort tons of gilsonite the value of which would be at ogden a young greek named mastorakos shot himself three times through the stomach using a 2 re olver the deed was lone while mastorakos waa in his room and he gave as his reasons health and lack of means traitors and grafters had more to 90 with the russian defeat in the jap anese ar than any other cause according to admiral J N Dinet neff of the russian navy who spent sunday in aalt lake city on his way back to russia from ladi the report of the state mine in ejector shows that the utah fuel corn banys mine at produced tons of all the call pro deuced in utah during 1906 there were been fatal accidents during tha year and 21 non fatal accidents |