Show S for the pro gresa millinery at a sacrifice NIN whole stool of mill ner net cons at st ing of many latest san ae hits and bon nets a large assortment of trimming ribbons velvets feathers t ps etc will bo be bold sold at cost ind les tha than cost come early wh ie le the s ocl is large ind and secure the best bargains every thing is to I 1 0 sold regardless of ro vo t as I 1 shall retire from the roil liLer b si ess before chri tm s sav saw D ath it often mide made m ide my heair ache rites L C overstreet of ligin tenn to hei hea in wile wife cough cou h until it beeme see me I 1 hei i ek ind and sore lung no 0 o id coll apse gool goo I 1 doctors sal I 1 1 bhe she vas go 40 t f gone N th bonsu altion thit that no medicine ol 01 earthly edithl I 1 elp could save u ive her but i a fr end recommend cd dr KID kida u b ne no D s averi and i era ers stant ue or t is eaf excellent ellent med ic ne s sivel ive I 1 her lito lite its ab at fuai aniced for coughs cold colds b s asali ua and all tl rout roat ii 11 d lu in 0 diseases ro 50 and 81 1 at tho the drug store ir il it bottles f en food Llian changed ged to polon Putrefy Put refi i g food in the incest e ea p 0 luces effe ts I 1 I 1 e tl ose of arsenic u I 1 t di kings hang s ne nevlie v L fe pills elj exel ex el the 1 roi oi ons fio a ii clogged 1 0 vels vets e u s ly but cu ID ing coustie tio bil out neba nes sick ll 11 hb d i ia io fevers it I 1 ver k I 1 ney and bo vel yet ti coubles tiou bles 0 aa il boc at tl e castle laiq d s ol 01 e of te vie uni cd states three feet fur fauri I 1 chesi ches I 1 lob lo 10 b fu fo ir feel feer lo 10 g punted in six colors mounted on shoes enery state co nt important import int to ind railroad in the un o oi 01 i A nev ne v edition niso also sho TS vs the country divided according cording ic to terri territory tor il it u s t ons sent oa on rec ree it t oe of la I 1 cents in lesi au thin cost ii R r cener I 1 gent igent But buhl higton agton eoute route 9 W second south st salt like utah C E eo Lar larsen senI dealer I 1 11 I 1 all kinds of FARM 1 0 P L E M agent for the utah implement co COUN coubry VY attris rm tin bachl eri rushford Push ford and itchell it ciell spring ant an I 1 farm W kenyons henne I 1 erry and garland bugie all goo 1 Is come in car loi loa I 1 lots direct from the easi clevn movers changeable speed 03 boru mo u ners and bi ders hird hard i 0 1 la t vines andiron and iron call aid esa exa tine gooda goods nd get i rices casile castle ale utah shingle outfit for sale A great bargain birg un in a patent shingle machine including inc incle luling ahng a 6 horse poser boiler and engine good circular bind sms and good crosscut sass s avs EN everything cry thing 6 st class very cheap terms hilt half cash adres JL SEN mt PI amant is int utah castle dale meat and produce co 4 H ive in i f ill I 1 no of conned canned goods cin can lie ho etc when 3 oi 0 I 1 ant a good steak or roast call on us u we D D L 1 v i n ston LAWYER PA A N T I 1 UTAH ralz C A B C R A nicotine sheep dip cl e apet and most conse lent lip for hand spotting cures seib improves N wool ool I 1 recommended by government ind and state authorities sold by L lowenstein price utah castle F ale drug store stationery confectionery toilet A school supplies etc prices X t wrid we put on 11 digit jr 19 flay the biggest and best assortment of HOLIDAY GOODS for christ mas trade ever brought to eastern utah nothing to equal it ikuto ii to be see i this 1 I ie a of 0 1 salt lake city cit it will i ay the buy buyer er of inv consid erab ib P bill of goo Is to come to e ail if e cannot interest you it 11 this line ve we will in ili staple ie and fancy groceries dry wrapsy goods good s clothing ladies wraps ai ar d a hundred and one other articles which we haio hat not the here to enumerate NN e flint wint your and U ka and GR kin and will do du better by aou ou than in other house in the country PRICE trading COMPANY PRICE UTAH all under one roof on the chic chicago igo special 3 ou can live ne well as the finest hotel on the tho lontin continent ent toucan i oft can sleep in a it sh car dine ina dininger in dining air smoke in a car read in I 1 library cir car ai at d recline in a re dining chair car all under one roof lease denser denier at 4 p in only ono night on the roa roil I 1 to omaha kansas citi chicago st louis ahro sheeler 9 i 1 t lil lal L il e to 0 juaha naha and chicago dail daila another splendid train is the vest vesti r baled 11 er ficai ing dens er at 10 p in irain for black hills leaps denver 11 40 30 p ill t lickett at offices ot of connecting linee lines ticket office 79 west second south street i silt salt I 1 ilac cit ut ili R k b gait ailt lake city C P PRUITT trav piss k breight gent agent what I 1 ON aull 9 t want we do not carr cirri but ft hat 3 ou do want in seasonable merchandise haud I 1 ivoal has e at davs in stock and ci citi n do 3 ou on good at any time of 0 the benr car oui ul stock is abil aa a s complete in dry goods clothing fu Groc groceries erics and farmers ind and ranchers supplies NN bhae e has e bought heavily for or this fill a trade strade ind invite nn an inspection of our sos several oral line are torii I 1 ng evara ear da abd will continue to come in for a month montla or six ni weeks beks highest I 1 rices paid for hay gra n and t reduce COOP CO OP MER CO huntington UTAH LEVI N HARMON manager protect your family protect your estate make it safe investment by securing i I 1 policy in the united states life ins co TUTI tuttle LE A MOORE agents oran orangey anille ille utah price frice and emery stage line S SM 51 WILLIAMS prop cirrin united states mill and express between tho the tons of emer emerl county and price good coin ani the best of sen serit ice generth 1 arding rates most liberal gojii for accey acceptable babl e ideas i state if patented ri THE PATENT RECORD aa baltimore wd md bubser phon ance of the PATENT record 1100 per ann annum sampled Sani plea free J K REI REID D al L notary public collections a specialty practices in all courts Court of the district or UT ill F E WOODS attorney at law castle dale daic utah geo 11 MILLER lORNIA Al VT IT L LU k 1 OTARI OT PUBLIC ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN N ALL COURTS huntington utah DR C E PEARSON 9 physician and surgeon DALE all calls promptly attended the dale saloon gloier DR dietor IN J ines and liquors CASTLE DALI UT kil H S LARSEN Tonson alist call on me shen in need of 0 clean or haircut idair cutting tint 2 cents shun e |