Show S for the millinery Ailline ry at a sacrifice mi my whole sto k of M 11 ner co s bt i 1 z of kanj min latest tile hats at aid d boi nets i I 1 large asso tm tin nt of tr aiming flamingo i bbous chats chets fe mitheis foi theis tila hi etc enill ft ill be old it cost a I 1 lesa less tl an co t come caily wl ie lo the s ocl eel is large an I 1 ccuin fro tl best bargains ever every th ng is to I 1 0 sold re regardless ardless of ro eo t is 1 I shill shall retire fro n the mill i cry busi bust ess I 1 lefore afore Christ meg diersen Ki ErSEN railroad holiday rates I 1 oi of the chr staais in I 1 ne v year hoi her dis days a rate of one fire for the to ind uld trip bet een ii ano t 0 o lo 10 ts mil be div n non on theronia the RoGia gia deesee de este i system rick tick ets vi I 1 be sold dec 23 21 2 SO CO ai at d 31 in I 1 jan I 1 ivetus n I 1 mit jan 3 1901 sav saw death it often ii ade ado my o 0 heartache heart ache rites L C overstreet Cher street ot of elgin tenn to beat n u eife cot cligh 0 i 1 antil it beeme I 1 her weak oak and soro sore lunac vo no id collapse col lipse good doctors si sa I 1 se she was so fir gone with ith cons i buttion thit that no do ru d oil cue e or eai eli elichi athly thi help co id sai e her but a f friend de I 1 dr kin s no i D a d pers stent i se of th s elc I 1 at nt me nae I 1 ic ne saved her life its it al 1 ol 01 tely guaranteed guiran teed for co highs cold I 1 J a 1 hitis bitis hait and ind all thin it 11 if d lin li eases 50 ind and 1 it the Castl edalo d g c store tuil bottles diep food changed to poison pi trefa tr efing ing food in the infest nes ties pio plo aces d ces effects I 1 ke tho e 0 of arsen c but di K bg lag s new L fe pills expel the poi ons u fro a clogged I 1 0 vels v els gentl easily but sui shiely cry cu on i 1 g co st a b blow I 1 0 is hicl he hei liche aliche feers all aill 1 er kd ney ind and lo 10 el troubles tiou blea only aou at the castle lale di i g store TI tilt it the li la sil sit district is attracts ti i g outs de attention it in no small degree is 19 e ev v fenced from the folio follo vi g ed tonal coa comment ment cl or pad sped aiom pinn cc 1 st lou u b pub batio tl TI e li la sil sir dis i brict of utah gies gives promise of bei bet g the greatest mine al I 1 reducing a of the state I 1 deed some of the mining engine engineers erb vho aho hive have le ie portel oa 01 thib this nev center of i in g hope in the utah mo 1110 i 1 ti ta ns go so far is to say thit that it will be nothing less ta i a a world won der the lumble tumble of promise sou ids not unlike thit wh inh ch ell 1 r receded the opening up of the aril cripple ale creek d sti stuat act ind and yet et t may ue oe all it umble liable no to ning ca ap is mide u til tr e gol t is it i ight s in an I 1 plenty of it call on or address W P Cioc dockett kett e for f fro rc insurance wr aten it lo 10 est i ates nose no se ling to sit like city all pol ces N ritten it price utah kates rates the io loest v est i a I 1 co cou pines es the best A map of the uni ed states three feet four inches wide bv foni foul feel feet long printed in six colors moi mot nto life I 1 on rollers hb vs every state coi cot nt important tov to n ind and rai railroad rail roid in the un on A A new e also sho SILO vs ti tie e counti countey y d vided mccoid n ng to genitor il 1 eions sent on loco I 1 11 t of lo 10 cents in stamps s less thin cost R r NESLE cei cot eral agent bi bt rl ington polite 0 9 W I 1 south st silt salt lake utah C E eo larsen dealer in ill all k lads of FARM gent agent for the utah implement co FOR EMERY COUNTY extras foi ill all kinds of 0 P r I 1 it mach act ri ashford ind and M spring ind and parm vv afons 4 i henne perry and gailan I 1 buggies all gools goo Is come in cai cal loal lot 1 lots direct horn from tho the east last ci cion 0 N la mo meters N ers changeable queed 0 u I 1 mo vers ners and bi ders haid oils twines andiron ind iron call nd aid camine goods ind and get price castle dale utah shingle outfit for sale k groit great bargain in a patent shi gk gil macaire including i t 6 borso boiler ind and engine good circular aa u vs ind and good crosscut sa sas Ns everything first class very cheap terms half cash kd iress mt pleasant ale disint utah castle dale meat and produce co ha e in stock a if f ne no of canned goods cin can I 1 es etc i a 0 oi i vant a good st ak or roast call on u W dy livingston LAWYER MANTI 1 the D deseret news orgin organ of the ch i ich eh of jest cesis s chr st of litter latter day saints LORENZO SNOW trustee in trust e bitah W pm E I 1 tor for horace G mgr semi weekly ra 2 00 i 1 air 1 e a r satt latuda idal 82 2 00 a I 1 ear da ly 0 acts a I 1 ear bur RA nicotine sheep dip cheapest ind most convenient dp d p foi lot hand spot spotting tiia cures scab ampro eb wool I 1 I 1 by government and state au hori bonties ties sold by L LOWE price utah castle vale I 1 r U g store stationery confectionery toilet J articles school supplies arices etc dight i all A under one roof 4 on oil the 1 si 1 L il i 0 I 1 can it ne e ai ell is 91 the I 1 i P 11 t I 1 otel ou on tl tf 0 continent I 1 ott ci blear I 1 na a a moor ng n c cir ir li it ie 10 in tit it cl d a i it e r si j i a kp ice 11 I 1 I 1 a s nol nor ing I 1 car oa I 1 I 1 I 1 a 1 I 1 idi lai car an I 1 illine inline in a re 1 I 1 i ing chair c ir tr all under one root roof i leaver leaves denver denier at i 4 r lu in only of 01 a e 41 E night on the roi roa I 1 to 0 on alia ilia 1 1 city chicago st louis sleeper PA si sa t lake to omaha i an I 1 cl icaro daily d aily I 1 another lid trim train is 14 the tile vesti 1 bile dller leaving denver at 11 train irain for blick black hills v 11 1130 TO p in t 9 at ot of connecting I 1 i ea ticket office 79 west second south street silt like lae city cit otili vt III P b acet ace T silt salt like city C P trav piss breight kent bin 91 sled hay 1 4 nd Gr ailI we want this fall all the baled nay and grain in this section of utah and are payi paying ng 4 the L highest market price casi call us up by tele phone write us or call in person PRICE TRADING 14 lj IN COMPANY COMPA PRICE UTAH V HA ut au 0 11 0 in NO 11 want 1 we do not carry but what you do want in seago seasonable we havdal ila 0 al avs ay s in stock ind and can do 3 ou on good at an time of the air our stock is complete in dry goods clothing furnishing goods groceries and formers farmers ind and lancheros Lan chers supplies we have bought lie heively evily for this fall s tride stride ind and ir vite vito an inspection of our sev sm eral oral lines aich are arriving every ever day lay and will continue to coma come in for a month or sit six weeks highest prices pard for hay gra n and produce HUNTIN huntington INGTON COOP CO OP MER CO huntington HUNTING TON UTAH LEVI N HARMON manager 0 protect your family P protect your fc state make safe investment by seeming 1 i I policy in the united state life ins co TUTTLE MOORE ants 0 an ing geNille oville utah price and emery stage line S M WILLIAMS prop carrying Ciri Cara ying united stites states st ites mi ma I 1 and express bet betheen i con the to N lis of emer county and price good con Q chances ances 1111 juie best of service ti I 1 rates most liberal for r accey acceptable ble ideas state if patented THE PATENT RECORD baltimore md bubser phon puen pr ce ot of the tho PATENT fl 00 pera per unum samples free J f S K REID k al LUV L i W notary public collections a specialty pric pr ic ices in all courts of the dietrict ct orangeville ORANG EVILLE ul III 11 II F E WOODS attorney at law castle dale utah geo rl MILLER kT ATTORNEY TORNEY AT IN lobby OT PUBLIC ADMITTED TO it IN all LL COURTS huntington utah DR C E PEARSON physician and surgeon cybell UT VII il will ie lo at huntington UTAJI every iv and friday all calls aromi tl AtUn dei the dale saloon GEORGE BR DR MON gioi rictor 1 S 5 1 IN wines ind and liquore costle DLE UJ UI kil H S LARSEN Tonson alist call on lao me when in need deed of a 11 good clean shue sh ue e or haimila 1 tair hair cutting cutti tiff 0 aj cent ent C shave shaie 15 tent 1 t 1 1 1 says he was tortured I 1 suffered such ilia lain floral corns I 1 could hardly in balk ark r tes H robinson of gh ilia ills bl bit t bucklen Buckl enfa b salve completely cured them acts I 1 ke magic on spra DS us biu bill ses cuts sores seal Is bur is bo Is ulcers per feet I 1 balei of skin d and piles cuie guaranteed it it the Cast ledale rug store 2 aj cents see the ne n e v in 11 II nery stok stock it it mrs A s j |