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Show Av\eticck Youngsters Present ‘ td dinge —Clulee Tucvgur Program Jaton Tred, Wants TUESDAY, APRIL 15, Hard Times Party Held A rousing re dition of “Come 1968 S ol e 0. La Dianne Olds Plans Wedding Jeanne Vane to Marry ‘ With Dennis Gordon, May 17 ) ls P, td. a ’ ol A Liaaiarda, > 1 18 lected to match the a reception to §. Navy Reserve. He is prescn- All Hobbies Shared | solos and each has a speaking &TUp a’ SPANISH FORK—Klara Jean the May meeting will features members part, ‘They prepare for the Some Booster Activity Club, She has {idence developed in a year by attended Brigham Young Uni- this project. Mr. Lundell says versity for one year and Utah ‘echnical College for two quar- Standing as an athlete during needle- nis high school years, He has r= pleted his Foursome,” accomplishment Noman - had rece wan The Chi more were Ni in Fred Kartchner, Dr. Bowen, Fred Ablander LaVorn Spark The wit .n own met our doctoral program at hods and customs returned to Korea where he evening d . _ The speaker siressed the idea that there ar 224oe “wherePR epic the moneyne Mrs. John Bowen Ma"an ofof thethe con con Tanunan Maniienseds \irs. Palmer presided over the Kerean LDS Mission great being experienced by Dr. Palmer beganhis lecture ion’s represe Pot bi-conmaiing Welway Leunie oeuce talies Comparing the way Leagueipeace talks in Paris . d es our nat- at the sen Painters eos | Proper Rinsing a Must For Fluffy Bath Towels Hears Of DEAR POLLY — I want to place them tel} Mrs, J.R., who has stiff the couch. baih towls, that according to LINDA Rail History was assembled. aeete University He com. ludse others by rman of the John LDS Chaplain in Korea After from person to p and teaching sever il years at BYL Palmer's discussion help- Acacia Club individual Mooney Wilkinson in- dressed in the University of ¢ pita that each year he sees marked Mrs. and intr adi w style Included were Dr. Berkel:y, and served as an/many truths andthey ean differ singing alone” bydrawing lots hippie initiative and creativity. YoungHome Economists in Home- ters. She is presently employed sters appearing were Brent Mr, Liddiard is also a grad- Goble, Cary making were gu f Mrs. Graves, Marilyn Lewis Midgley Mem- uate of Springville High School Irma Jean Sayer, ber: t the evening sharing and LDS Seminary. He was out. Larsen, Karma Barney, and Randy Cox Interests and hobbies. Sewing, art crafts, a paren eo sing * she was active in the Pep Cup, aan eee ce and con. MES: LaVorn Sparks and M Steno Club, Decea Club and the Pressed " Fest ye Sieg Dell Ashworth, members . At HEIH Meeting Spanish Fork AAUW Elects New Officers Ernest L, er to the mem| A\ e vows on April 18 in the for the chance to sing before Mr. and Mrs. Connell Olds of The bride-to-be is a graduate SPRINGVILLE Salt Lake Temple, A reception the group. By the end of the announce the engage- of Provo High School, and of the forthcoming mar i cane te will be held in their honor the year. all can stand and project ment and forthcoming marriage the Provo LDS Sem: She Lic same evening in the Springville 4 song before an audience of their daughter, Dianne, to has also attended the Utah obert P. and Mrs. Pres 3 iard Stake House Dennis M. Gordon, son of Mr. Technical College in Provo. and of Mrs. spin svitie|, hyMf:hisLundell (Ted)Mr. Vane Spr Jovept E. ee iss Vane is a Springville sister, was Mrs.introduced George and Mrs. Curtis M. Gordon, Mr. Gordon is a graduate are eee ieee High School and LDS Seminaty sorenson, a club member. Orem. of Orem High School and is ee The cou couple will re mar- graduate, graduat igh schoo! "qT esa : While iil in high school membe, were ime The couple will be married currentiy a member of the U _The follow that same day in the tly employed at Geneva Steel Provo i0th LDS Ward Chapel. Company. jona! d affe Ar on taxes and troduced Dr, Spencer J. Palmsi “y Provo May 17, with im bject is discussed and ont ition, class participates. 41prl y tri m: A vans a class project each year. Ty VY ' commented that an orginial operetta is taken gy) r M Jandel other espondedto ea on conducted the the absence of the ub president, Mrs, Antone K yvious enjoyn Mr. members gre with warmth ¢ Literary Lea. home of Mrs for their reg here they w come JEANNE VANE Daily Herald Dr. Palmer Talks at Literary League Meet By Tamaris DIANNE OLDS aay SWiIny so I can recover Thank you. — home extension agents the! DEAR POLLY Mothers point, burlap accessories and attended Snow College for one hostess for the evening at the year and has completed six home of a sister, Mrs. Bud Acacia Club members met at major reasonforthis is that the who buy potato chips by the president of the American As- Writing Award winners. She dried flowers weresho softeners and so on bag and not the can find the sociation of University Women, also urged members to attend Refreshments were served by months activetraining with the Glasgow, in Edgemont. They open session with husbands as detergents, are not properly rinsed out.|/bags so stiff that when they Spanish Fork branch, when elec- the state convention to be held the hostess and Mrs. Eugene Springville National Guard. He enjoyed a tour through the at- guc s at the Provo Utility Check the last deep rinse just/are ence opened it is hard to auditorium, Pressitt, plans to enroll at the BYUthis tractive provincial home. tions were held at the Social April 19. | Refreshments were served, | Mrs. Eliott Tuttle, president, |before it spins out. If cloudy,|close them tightly without tearCenter in Spanish Fork. Miss) Beth Huish, program chair- The May meeting will be the |{ll eee he clothes are not really clean.|ing the bag. I save the soft, welcomed members and guests Ri Durrant aa oe man, arranged for the meeting election of officers and will be| The newlyweds will make un the load through another|pliable bags that bread comes and introduced Mrs. Richard deep a potluck with quick or short|their new home in Springville. rins e or perhaps a whole in and put the potato chips left Other newofficers will be|to be removed to Payson Hig! h cut recipes. Utah Home EconLarson who w as in charge of cycle of clear 2 water only. Ajin an opened bag into one of Joan Christensen, first vice pre. School, where Nola Barney, omists convention will be April)| \t he program. longer spin cycle may need- these plastic bags and fasten sident; Shirley Hales, second/ head of art department, demon- 25-26 in Cedar City. For infor-) | Mrs. Helen Weeks and M irs, ed for towels and otherbe heavy) with a twistie, No more stale vice president: Ruby Amstead, strated various forms of art mation call Mrs. Gary Peterson. |Maxine Davis entertained with things. One that especially interested secretary; Lavinia Kanig, treaor spilled potatoe chips at our a numberof old pioneer songs, surer; Pat Bowen, assistant the women was creation of potTo recondition stiff clothes, house, — MELBA Dr. and Mrs, LeRoy Hafen, Ha Mrs, LeRoy a complete washing with water treasurer. All were elected by tery on a potters wheel. He also| well-known western historia: showed the paintings of Eleanor| acclamation. Installation will told the history of the building softner (after a regular wash), You will receive a dollar # take place at the May meeting. Loveless, Payson artist, which | can help get them really clean, Polly uses your favorite home. The Provo Service League Mrs. J.C. Rose Nielson of of railroads into Utah. Florence Stoker reported on \are beins displayed this month making idea, Polly's Problem In New Fashion held the April hospital raeeting Springville has been awarded Mrs. Hafen, also well known Drying clean toweis in a the meeting of the Women’s in a one-manshow. or solution to a problem. Write as @ poet, also entertained with or in a dryer also will breeze Legislative Council. Mrs. ZeeDinner was served before the A dress with lovely body lines with Mrs. Theron Luke serving an honorable mention award ‘The Pacitie Mail Goes them sufter—MRS, CHM.make |Polly in care of this newspaper, man reminded members that formal meeting. is flared with pleats, No, 3428/as chairman of the activities. comes in sizes 10 to 18. Size 12 Mrs. Dort Hayhurst and Mrs, for orginial work in the 1969 Through” and “Fire Frontier,” DEAR POLLY — Mrs. J.R.P. Poetry competi- twoof her original poems. (bust 34) takes 2% yds. of 44 Wayne Williams assisted with Internati Know-how makes the job me dress |the affair. in. fabric. No tion, sponsored by the Clover’ Spring flowers added charm S*¥% she uses bleach and water easy. There are dozens ot clever in sizesS 12% 0 Size 14%! Games were featured at the Collection of Verse, Washing- to the room as 35 members and Softners even when she has a timesavers in Polly's new book, guests were served refreshwater softner. Her main pro-|10 get it, send name, address (bust 37) takes yds. of 44in. beginning of the evening with ments by Mrs, La on, Mrs. blem would seem to come from with zip eode and 75 cents (in fabric. prizes awarded to the nartici- ton, D.C. Mrs. coins or check) to Polly's Send 40¢ plus 10¢ postage for pants. Two young men, Jona- This award designates her a Claude Hawkins,Warren ee the fact that the softner Is Homemaking Pointers, (Daily this pattern to IRIS LANE(care {hon Madsen’ and Daniel Muhl- member of the literary inter- Coons and Mrs. s 4 * undersized and not regenerating Herald), P.O. Box 4958, Chicaof this newspaper), Mortis estein entertained the party national clover Poetry AssociaPlains, N. J, 07950. Add 15¢ for eae oflen enough for their water go, Ill. 60680, ; a |, ith musical select! first-class mail and special a AOAccom tion. usage, — A.P.L. panied hy a guitar. A buffet! She received a large volume handling. DEAR READERS — A uae table was furnished with a de; Nothing cuts into a woman's throws al her off schedule.4 Peris ane wa for lightful array of light j dry laboratory stresses the fact I should say here that not _Free penern ie refresh- of poetry. One of her poems day like having a d laughterf haps all hospitals insist you spend| YOU:i Sendo 50 cents for our ni ew ments for the guests, that the amount of detergent j"“Whistling” is included in the BELLE MERE break a collarbone, unless, 0 Spring-Summer Pattern Book . a 3 used should be followed JUST Will meet Thursday at 2:30 volume. course, it's having the main an entire day in the X-ray room. which contains coupon for patas given on the package. Varsewer back up into the base- Some hospitals let you spend tern of your choice | She has published a volume m. with Mrs, Earl Lewis, ious detergents have bleaches, ment. If both happen on tthe half a day in the X-ray lab of poetry. “Orginal Poetry and ALR CHAPTER 6 brighteners and so on that afsame day, well, perhaps the and the other half you may |Writings of Rose C. Nielson” Will host open session Wedfect the results. Following direcsensible reaction might be to divide between sunroom, coffee }in 1966. nesday at 7.30 p.m. at Py f0V0 ‘tions as to amounts is very imsimply remark, I don’t believe shop and emergencystation. Utility building. Guests Mrs. Nielson began her hob- con We" | portant. Also, experiment with this,” and go on scraping oat- The thing is that you're sitThe gay and, sometimes poi- by of writing some 10 years the number oftowels put in the meal off the chair ruags. Un- ting somewhere with a lot on gnant music of a Broadway ago by writing verse for fami- OREM WOMEN dryer at one time. Too many or (Dear Mildred: fortunately, as all we execu- your mind and nothing in hand, ly and friends. She has seven Will meet Wednesday at 3:30 too few can make a difference musical was presented for tive-housewife types know, this and it’s best to use this time Chatazi Club members by Children, six living in Provo p.m, Scera Lounge. Food dem- in the texture after drying, — What is this thing this spring is not the usual way of hand|- wisely end constructively. 1 Elaine Ablander and Robert 2%4 Springville and one in Cali- monstration, election, LLY spent my time being thankful. ing such problems. eee about scarfs andbelts. Taylor at their recent meeting. fornia. She also enjoys needleDEAR POLLY—I wish someIt may be that am too close Tt goes without saying that I They were accompanied by point and ceramics. She is also One-third of all advertising one would tell me how to put to the situation but I think was thankful my child broke active in the LDS Church and Puzzled Lelah Matheson. placed last year went into the the buttons on the back of my this kind of thing is what gives a collarbone and not her neck. The group were guests of a member of Daughters of Utah daily press, couch in place. I want to rethe occupation of housewife a Iwas thankful that I had a car Pioneers, Mrs. Boyd Datwyler and coee bad name. The fact that fate at home. Also, I was thankful hostesses were Mrs. Douglas | Dear Puzzied: allows these unexpected, time- it didn’t happen last week —| Schaerrer, Mrs. L.G. Sparks, More than 10 million so consuming, nerve - shattering when I had dinner guests and a Jr. The fashion is scarfs everycan and foreign patents are | events to occur on what wasn't broken washing machine. The next meeting will be the housed in the Patent Office of where. If you can't find anytoo good a day to begin with Also, this is not the first child annual Mothers Day program in the Department of Commerce where else to put one, tie one merely proves once again that of mine who has had a broken May. in Arlington, Va. Free Customer Parking— on your wrist. They are tied motherhood, housewifa and bone and I could even be thankefficiency do not belong in the ful for THAT. Because, when around the neck—tucked in or samesentence. Possibly they do we went home I knewthat no-) left flowing. Worn in the hair _TEN YEAR GUARANTEE | not belong in the same langu- thing would surprise me. I al-| or tied around the waist. I ag. ready knew all about the | mean they are right anywhere I know many might disagree master-slave relationship the | anytime — cute too. Soeaoa with those statements and they two of us would enjoy. Heavy Damask Quilted Mattress 3428 As for belts — all kinds are ee 2 Matching Box Springs. might blithely whip out daily While I was being thankful 1 Reg. $300.00 $] 69°° 10-18 Schedules to prove their effici- even thought I might be grateshown, but the biggest thing Now Only ency. However, as even the best ful that my husband was out is the metal ones. All prices schedule follower mus’ admit, a of town. Good heavens, after from three dollars up. Wide child will never walk up and reading all the magazine articlones—some lacy — and some ask, “When may I break my es about how I should keep Heavy Damask Covered Quilted just links or even charms hangclavicle, mother? Do you think himfrom having a heart attack, Mottress. 1 Matching Box Spring | ing from some. Reg. $200.00 $1190° you could fit me in on Thurs- T was glad I could sort of sock Slightly Soiled on Now Only jit to him gradually. Speaking) | Dame fashionis really show of socks, just think how the Full or Twin Size Mattros Try as you might, a woman ing off this spring from onl $19.95 simply cannot train a child to poor man might have reacted co-operate in such an admir- if the plumber had handed him Soiled During Our Mildred the soXcks and the doll clothes Move able manner. We have a numT am willing to concede that out of the basement drain—and Mattress and Box Spring Quilted 10-Year Guarantee ber of Mattresses a schedule-follower of the first then said the real trouble was P.S. You knowof course that the pipe? order will not have certain pro- further down+e & BoxSprings ot SalePetes. OF > Mildred’s bas a good selection blems when her plumbing goes of both. out, We can be reasonably sure BANK JOINS Le she will not have three baskets Durrant of Payson was elected the Winona Thomas Creating Springville Service League | Entertains Flaring Pleats Hospital Ward Writer Wins Poets Award Betty Canary | Club Notes| with Mildred Musicians Are Chatazi Guests We've Moved to 266 So. University Ave. AGSTAT. Orthopedic Sleepsets <8 KINGSIZE A QUEENSIZE MATTRESS SALE Twin orFull Size Big Discounts of ironing sitting on the base. WASHINGTON (UPI) ——— —The! mentfloor. We are absolutely Feceral Reserve Bank of certain she would never have Boston has joined the other 11 piles of magazines and boo! main banks of the Federal] Reserve Systemin raising its on the floor next to the iron- |discount rate from 5% per cent! ing, to 6 per cent, The discount rate However, she will stil! spend is the rate the Federal Reserve an entire day in the Xray charges member banks for] room before she tackles even loans. The action was part of the smallest mess in a base- the government's drive against | tent And this necessari‘aly inflation. FREE Wide-slot two slice toaster has easy to read dial and snap out crumb tray. Perfect toast ST. MARY'S . Reg. 69.50 . Your resent mattress 80x Spring NO OBLIGATION| Legs I RUMMAGESALES | Thors: Ay vam. t ‘Apr 18 at PARISH HOUSE 9 Weet tnd North = Prove TWIN BED Metiress ESTIMATE TO REBUILD Terms Arranged or BankAmericard—Walker Bankard ACCOUNT 62 W. CENTER OVERMAN MATTRESS CO. Where Better Mattresses Are Mane 266 S. UNIVERSITY AVE, PHONE 373-3042 “Home of Beauliiul Fashions” 135 West Center — Provo |