Show ON STAR RO ROUTES UTES As f tar as Northe Nort hatm tern utah ts concerned 30 the government has been beet oblige obliged to aek ask tor for bids for cirr carrying yIng parcel poat post matter by the pound I 1 inte ate all of 0 the bide bids up to this time have been rejected aed this applice not only to he star tar route into emery county but 00 to the will going vins the reserva tion country the floo department upon rejecting all bide bids at a t once asked for new dew bada 1 upon three distinct ulas contractor Contract ore ana a now bid on carrying the four cawte a a of nall rall or they may bid to carry the tt sl r wil second claasen 1 only or the third and fourth chaee by the me hundred bund red pound rate in the carrying of the third and fourth class mall to imery I mery by woy vt of huntington castle dale orange ville clawson and ferrao the contractor la Is allowed tp consume four daya days to mato niao the trip from price tho destanee dla tane la Is 63 28 2 h miles the third and fourth clae class mall mail will be V olgher at price each morning and the contractor will receive ble his pay monthly |