Show PRICE AND VICINITY mra stra J W loofbourow la reported to bo be lightly slightly improved in health the past week though sh ehe she e id Is nut yet able to bo 10 up lip C A expect to start antt tuesday on an extended our of the const states especially of 0 western oregon with a view of lading linding a permanent location contractor george hyland began breaking break in s ground yesterday for the R J turner business block on the tho frandeen frandsen lot on oa main estreet the 0 tincture Ic ture will be of brick feet one story and will be modern tn in evry evory detail T L mccarty mcca of orion ori on river came to price monday and ou on tue day he and malt matt garnr lct lett a two weeke weeks prospecting tour in henry mountains they are in quest of lirati uranium lum and took along with them plenty of location the ll 11 montha old child of mr air ami arc S 8 R jewkes died sudden ly and on tuesday the rein were taken to orange vule the old family faintly home for interment the jakc JT kc family are rooting moving to ogden where they expect to locate permanently alia win A L lo who has been on a tw tik a months visit to relatives and nd tr lenla in oklahoma re turned Tue tuesday oday to 40 price afe mullan et tte that the winter has been a quite severe one in ma and awl eho she wao glad to get got back to wild weather once more danies J rex I 1 bt v it marcusen Marc and W T itu a at were hostesses hote seea last evening at s moat delightful 10 lo dancing part given in city hall about one hundred guests enjoyed the evening ice lee cream and cake bake and punch were served the change from the conventional card party seemed to be appreciated by all trail train no 4 last monday night truck and killed a pure bred hereford bull beJo belonging nging to J A of Carti onville the animal ni wae was truck struck at a point pola near tho the tenth street crowing crae eing in the wont end of at the ral troad cul the train was delayed about an hour while tho the train crew aad and other oatt clala of the roa ro A disentangled the carcass from the forward truck of the tender beveral several pass passenger eDgers on the train for price who were stand ing tn in the ahalt a whoa when tho the emergency ajr air was applied received a fever jolt ind a bad lad scam but fortunately I 1 biane were hurt I 1 the vie right rev rey F P F spaulding bishop of uta utah h will preach and conduct the episcopal service next wednesday evening at 7 30 in the church lvery body 1 welcom mra itra P C pinson and children left tuesday for dawson N at to visit a couple of weeks with friends and then go 90 on to gallop gallup near the west boundary of the state where mr air pinson has ahe lite management maliR gement of the golden rule afore ore mr sir pinson lett left for gallup wednesday intending to go straight through the take with them the well isbee 08 of many friends in price R D morrison helper a efficient la Is in price thia this aek eek taking a well earned rest while serving the county in the capacity of district court lutor juror mr sir astorri son oa says that considerable of the fascination or hallucination about Is being dispelled since sin ce the parcels pa oceja post eyetoo came into existence the job now on talla plenty of bard hard work and add grief |