Show 10 1101 hv L HI t it THE nh IS 1 jan 31 A january outdoor wedding the strangest of its kind ever performed in zephi wae ns held hold tuesday when i large crowd of 0 clerks bakers bankers and other citizens gathered outside the old nigle house and witnessed justice john 8 cooper ehr shrieking leking to harrl hard so a town crier and illas helen higley of manti the words that made them man and wife sterling bind misa visited ati tbt county clerks office monday ind sc av tired a marriage alicene soon after getting their permit they were ere both quarantined for smallpox emall pox love was bilked hut but long lil distance stance negotiations tiati ons were opened with the jue jus tice of the peace who cOusen consented ted to marry the choplo coplo provided they kept away aay from him |