Show boot G mini III wv IT AN it 11 M 11 1171 u icy lit th n AW koot as r tor the aarti Deno democratic cratic I 1 anni kimt the rn en I 1 of the i war ar la Is tn in eight night the tho bell belt t f of teator heed smoot a jutt returned from washing in ehlt particular the senator the ti 9 there ig t i s in the be bet bert rt ormed cirdes thit the present im AI ar ahll end about september ae 0 o all hope that it aill end nr r I 1 do not bell bellac tC there is 1 the art danger ot of the united states be MI ng involved in tho th war tho the attest att pos possible dangar r haq at tho the ath t president m as trying tr ing to tori fort e phlp purchase pur hao ehase bill through ion on e A our people should bo thank il 1 for or the defeat of that measure erway la is faint familiar far with our un for w and I 1 moed an enda tent to t 0 tho the naval bill j that it orideo for the building of fiat pea ing rub marin and alne art ut defenso df feim suba submarine the am ant cuta mould havn have carried had it it t been for the chairman of the m attee refu reful ing nr to put it to a 1 by raining raising a point of order after ding the sentiment Fenti ment of the senate of 0 th the anit he lie hilled killed off ali country ought to be prep tred t defense llo do nut not loare are about tow eam arm arlum a in nt tit the rub marin marinc derron deit ont rated that it in I 1 the best pon of defense the aro are small rry a mail mill ere crew ilo do not to cot tod d much d the maintenance charac i are aig ff it ime f ot 01 e being det detroyd de troed the I 1 mi life Is mall small I 1 think we u j uld vt t bad had these uli marinc senator smoot predicted that thi re Roo mould be P republican 1516 and hut he would not be a adulate for tho the presidential nomona a he lie ryoko highly of the fitness ellhu hoot of new ew york as the pu dublan blan 1 nominee nomine i for president and a 14 the names of sen genitor ator theodore arton of ohio benator samuel weeks weel 1 A II 11 cum curn im ns of iowa ioa 0 oti o charla F whitin in of new york justice charles chestere che meitlon ld in connection tt ith the republican nomination aloot I 1 4 the lewt uttel juhu koot hoot combines all tho tte neti ties of A I 1 resident 1 said senator loot ire Is 1 familiar with all of tre atlee of the united staten states he well vered ver ed in the nork of the trident and he la Is one of the great secretaries of state this country ever had the american people mid be glad today to have him an detary of state and have the state Part apartment ment in tho the po position in which left it the foreign 1 office the ot of it being ii in I 1 e deplorable condition in which it 11 aw li IL he ile doce does not want ant to be the dinep as he thinka he lie la Is not philly able to earr caro ut the duties of e ofle offie but he lie 1 the man be aft A fiti d in this country tor for the place national rap administration has forced bills hills lough conan a creating commission tar fr 1 it has added thou ad td of M loye 1 i to the go trott and additional ha have hae e a til to all departments bale we time and tim timi i again 1 called at alon the int enste aste of money but no attention lon i ben paid it reems to ba be the rugh of the administration that re I 1 in n limit is t llie the ability of the th aument nent to pro ido ide po irions bior litt lu at 1 I frienda friends and money for thila kwi i and extravagant programs ton hon the democrat io ud ad Ini stratin took over oner tho laffaira of if thare nan a balance in the leral fund of nearly SIC lai I 1 rear ecly 39 in i halan balan c this in 1 tho the elate of the IS turi url anding inding that tho the aden bem of fixation til cation ain n tho the american pie hi ht e 0 1 can n I 1 during tho the it 3 ar and it half john J fitzgerald demot bratle armin in rr f the com corn tt tw of the hoac hou ic admits there will al a ex vai of at the atso rl thet ef alear of ISIS of more than 1 I siy sty that it will be lie 11 h more as we e am are running behind I 1 tt j boo rl month instead of 00 10 0 o ill a estimated b lii mr 19 1 man this 1 duct be tip dod Is payable through in in tax 1 which will ill not bi bt allah ab until n at june th 9 list n n eft it ot appropriated 1 1 I 1 fo I 1 bod d nt at the firma 1 theft 1 I a 8 55 tho to year years c rati rail rulf rule in thil i countr 41 ner ht h 1 t ap 2 2231 2 31 this i 1 r satt more tho r laput n for the two mo ears et ding the d adent to n hito klouw it th c ano tn te tle indian 11 had pared par ed ac an thai had 1 upon in conferee con ferem r aunt bould ha hale b ul ii by iv 90 olo and in addition to all eci ted tract obligations hae hale been into to which will 37 cause w I 1 haq more t o 0 bej expended with 11 Y nr MOUX appropriations 1 in it wonder I 1 that hat tho american people lichu d t thel administration havery nerr must se 5 that the lh party ln in vor power inefficient and haa has already paved or ft a lar larger 1 of deficit far the t the icae year than will 1 abo 1 ua or the one |