Show ff TO hia ri r art I 1 y C r ills 11 r R go to ilow cr er sheep and nil I ar ib and aul hold gain ain of CI weding latan 11 ll ip LP to met TARM teen KANSAS CITY mo fob feb IS 19 lp to this time there haa has bien no hange in quarantine regulations respecting shIP shipment of the etoch out of pt ft lout and eastern markets at each market everything thit arrhe must be chicago ie Is permitted to ship A few to eastern points but not to count there are no lion un shipments of killing grades of the 11 out of kansas city and anti good ordera ur tire exp acted here londa lorils hae ruled JO to 60 50 entz higher heri berk on tattle inie ln 0 i account of orders fron I 1 agrem kilk killam I 1 liliie t gitig filled here ih hind kind of stere that hold mold at 7 25 and 47 7 53 nou bring f 1 SO 50 and 7 75 ani ant c aper braats lia hae nd ad van an fd ed us u mii 11 tow 3 a m m nun num ber of shipments of fed U tarn utter tda from northern color colorado a do utah and ida io 10 mere her here the fernl G ret of the week ethera at as 6 ko bo to 7 60 bulls u 75 the t jp steer selling guenda before the market made ana an adane demand for fur eto e to karm and friders ani 1 I 1 t baik to normal next week fk ar as takes off restrictions on lat t att tac tl coming into tho katr state 1 ginning monday A good many han buy bu fra erm have hap been bet n malting ailing for the first cha halt act to ship battle from here to their hoine illinois and iowa hu era erg hae hane been here this wack cek p aing top prices for feeders up to 7 SO 50 alog i have hae been louir although a rood good order bueng arale N 1 holding 1 ex up here better than tops here esterday et erday five me cents abor bt lou 16 1 cents c nta above aboe Chic chicago ajo 15 lents ahoe aboe st joawph and anti 2 aj cents duboe omaha th murk act t 19 1 5 G to 10 cents louer lower toda sat of light boss hogs up to it ab t 70 bulk rf cf malts 1 b 45 to 6 60 receipts pt 10 all breaks have stopp stopped d mound the 6 SO 50 mark ae Lording to kolh rul some a ad vanies 4 will be due stitt nt t week evic 11 heep heel and lambs bold sold 11 thit thiv tek the market avancing ib 25 to 40 cent cents first of or the butek and holding the g iraln in order buyers have hae bald top irlas ritts tach da lne honda in t ing toda hen they paid 8 au u and anti 8 40 packer packers paeng 1 8 30 for all th good lambs or orter ler buyers clia not take rn rl apts som t met ond balty Ual ty ewes rough rought t 6 40 3 x terla ter la no ewes r I 1 beding liurni ea up to 8 15 |