Show quality QU ity in GROCER C kit i nel the tile supreme po point int about our ao 00 ds is their reliable quality our business guess work we know fora for a fact that our groceries are of the very best qu quality clity before 44 ve let them enter the stores we have found th that it these arc ire the tile kind of groceries most people want arl don t get bet the idea that high quality makes our prices high hish for it T doesn doean t we carry a complete L line of general general merchandise an and UW it L our mir service service is Lin unexcelled excelled vo wasatch store co 4 stores at Sunny sunnyside side castle gate winter quarters and clear creek X rv vs vve e strive to 0 please we carry a complete stock of gener general A merchandise including staple and fancy groceries shoes dry goods and notions we can furnish anything for the ranchman or our prices are the lowest and our goods are of the best it is a pleasure to quote prices and show goods J M MILLER COLTON COL TON UTAH awn mah ul ah fud fuel ro company W apan y I 1 MINERS AND SHIPPERS CARBON COUNTY COLS COOLS ALSO manufacturers OF COKE carbon county coals are the best in the market for hors mules for mines hay ilay and grain mine props ties sprays sprigs and various other local products HOME industries patronized general offices seventh floor judge building salt lake blakej j city CAY mines at clear creek winter quarters castle gate gatej i utah ulah mine bline and Sunn Side carbon county utah the central barber shop and pool hall block price utah Basem basement mt under corner Is PALLAS co a u gli 1 for im neer gie glie a 9 child t cough medicine that contains cont alna opium in any form 1 lien opium Is gi g ahrn en other ald aud more serious dase iren rna fullon lono lonal experience ban ha th ahal 1 thero there fc no better or safer medic c for cough cold colds and croup in acty c ren than chamberlain chamberlains a cough I edy it ij Is equals valuable alu able for r try it it contains no opium deal cleal 1 1 harmful drug for eale siale by I 1 era ad adt L tr r room 1 foil folt KENT modern han no house mr mrs winifred sf att I tf seventh street rl AL t 9 den en ac ing 0 3 BRANCH HOUSE AT PRICE UTAH UFAH PRODUCTS ask for nectar brand hams and bacon gold leaf and sego lily brands of lard also full line of fresh meats and sausages only utah packers operating ii under inder go government Goern crement ment inspection I 1 X OGDEN miff DO apro V isa U N C 0 z 0 ODGEN 1 GE N SALT LAKI PRICE C tox lM lellin llIN u two and one belt half miles from price ind three miles from helper HO acre acres of dally daily land tt muth alid ha lia rod red top op and alfalfa only dairy ranch in carbon county milk colle sells readily for 1 Is itji a quart cow cows tan lan run during summer fiirst blaw dairyman wanted nothing but cash rental consider ii 1 the foregoing facts guaranteed address it NV advocate it really doe 1 ii clitie It rheumatism everybody who li Is afflicted with ith rheumatism in an form should b by ill all mean means keep heep a bottle of sloan liniment on and the minute you feel pain or soreness in a joint or muscle bathe it with sloan liniment do it nta rub it 11 sloan s pene almost immediately right to the seat of pain relieving the hot ten der feell ig and making the part aaa and comfortable comfor tabe get got a bottle of alaan a Lin linert for 25 centa cents it t my any druggist druB Kat and have it in the nourr colds colda ore sore and wollen swollen joints lumbago oc and like all meau your money back if not at isfried but it doe does give almost instant buy a bottle tou tot r adl h 1 cam ifeng all desiring teem steam heat installation for buildings apply to J it H mans caneon lennee of the price elear Ele tr light and D power plant ilie ller 4 tile iia 1 care So treone bar has aid said that people ith chronic itier lher complaint be shut up aviah from humanity tor for they are ats and see through a IL kaaa a darkly lut cause mental states depend upon physical sta test biliousness headaches dizziness and constipation disappear after buning dr kings 1 new ufa ilias at your druggist stationery ot of all kind kindl L the advocate ad L camarri S harries s I 1 Ever thins in concrete work UTAH estimates on buildings walk Is and all kinds of contracts contract cheerfull furnished modern machinery Mathi mit nery and method methods ei 0 0 0 ON A r eastern Easter fl utah telephone co wishes to announce that effective peb feb 26 1915 the rate for minute 3 conversations will be reduced from 35 25 to 15 cents for distances within a radius of three miles from anastation any station eastern utah Tele phwe pit co 0 I 1 kentucky kentuck k y liduor L u or MARRY HARRY oed prop of dista p BUDWEISER schlitz ZANG your solicited free delivery in price avenir plate given away nith ith each 11 1 purchase of wine or whiskey if K entac k L liquor 1 house e UR suits arc a e rich f OUR 0 in in appearance perfect in fit and handsomely hand tailored to your measure own oan the most perfect dollies clothes mer ade if ir JM ear LAMM lAMI COMM COMPAN rS hand tailored clothes for m are the smartest WE W fabrics in a varied assortment of colors rj for the spring sprin ami and summer season your early inspection is invited FRANK L BUCKIO 1 price utah the white dove doti hal has in all 11 aea ageg been deemed emblem t of peace and it ha has to ni zari sri abi abl been uve especially ta famely affairs here ou find fira ft mf us of chife dove hour peace and harmony prevail this li Is a bagh crad grade viete flour ery err sack te Is old by the price co price trading co county commission 0 co o no truit trust meat and grocery 0 garden store in fact no that claim 1 grocery etore store hm hu ui 4 complete unless unie he carrle tu brand of lour flour L registered trademark Trade roark the high COAL C 0 A ir Goern government ment equivalent 2104 lbs unequalled for will not slach best of steaming ancy heating qualities s independent coal coke go mine mines at kenilworth Xenil worth uth gen walker kank fmc b alt alt CITY NORTHERN N 0 RTH ERN BAR aveo thing first claa claw and aza up to date courteous Courte oua and fair Tte theatt Treat att mt to AIL all I 1 |