Show CARBON WINS takes second gurne ime of kenw n from arice 1 academy 11 last friday coach vaughans Jail ghan foot ball heroes again demonstrated their superiority oyer the price academy delegation to the tune ol 01 0 forty to sav even the core score sif gives a fair idea of the ret relative a tive strength of the two teams the high school team his several styles of play to resort to while the academy team elleg almost wholly on the line plunging of captain keith which waa wits so effective the first time thae the two institutions came together on friday hc however wever the high school line wae was ip jr much better hape shape holding keith n close to the goal which occurred but twice during the fame came tos attack seemed to dazsie the academy defense line buchi end runs forward passes ard takes were mixed so 0 o cleverly that ach tach waa was effective and substantial gains resulted on two a high school man hid bid out and received a pretty pass and run for a touchdown doth both I 1 ams baete much time in quibbling with the officials vibo bo nere certainly none too good this delay however detracts acta much interest from froin the game and should be topped stopped the academy excelled in one depart ment rooting practically every academy student was on hand and used full lung capacity making tho handful of high school rooter rooters seem comparatively pa ively dead the high school team mowed tha h effected of systematic train og vc and at the clone close of the game wax was filly illy 60 per cent bt ht than the academy men who were constantly conet antly calling I 1 tam time mr sir maughan realizes zea though that his team Ls in far being tit fit to beat the fast lit alt pleasant Plea nant aggregation and will work overtime 1 in strengthening the weak spots pot and developing teamwork Sy cyeral eral shifts may result la in the lineup tony dry r and DU cult fraud en sen were the tellar stellar performers for the high school tony got away with several long ions gains on passes and played a trong strong game same frond fraud sen en played a mighty heady game came at fullback he ife was always good for a gain and picked hia bin holer holes car carefully eully captain played a good con sistena guma me aleo also for the academy wright keith and jonee tones tarred started wright probably played the best text all round a name of the day lie ile rau gilt edge interference tackled wll well aad and covered acre acres ot of ground keith showed strong on an hit ting the line but friday his hi off day hie his usual spectacular placing being conspicuous for its absence jones got away tor for two ions long end 4 runs 0 one e of them flying tha tho attal a atil einy its tta beat chance to core score but a tumble prevented the lineup C C p ton arnier LE LH glnn bench LT harris nixon LO LG comet frandsen 3 Z morgan barker RO RG tribe RT mcaraw 0 I 1 boon it n V I 1 agne ito I 1 wright frandeen frandsen lill jonee jons leonard FB fn cody bradley I 1 keith to gibson 1 dreiser 1 frandsen Fran daen 2 bradley brad 2 goals alter after touchdown bryner four out of six keith one i referee ne teree jonee jones umpire uni pire Ellert ellertson sor |