Show nonan a 1 l Q the that horae horse racing feature of 0 the fair 5 was ra ticul arly and bd ae ev ov 3 elyone likes a rood good clean horse race the he bleacher bleachers were plied with weeo 0 akots to to witness theme events cv antu which li an follow follows C 41 in tatt batter win dah dash ise olsen hon horse won from stevene stevens black mare and the drohr sorrel r brown drowns ekrol 1 lt the v horse in the one onh half mile 11 dash L olaen olsen won from brown in its the one quarter dh dash 1 D F loveridge tt tot daou beat be ivill i seamey of 0 catle in 1 a mile race r stevens bat drown irown in 10 IM sue o half mile dash fond und also the ottoson horse |