Show an attack of the grip is often followed by a persistent cough which to many proves a great annoyance chamberlains cough remedy has been extensively used and nten with ith good success for the relief and nd cure of thia this cough many eases have been cured after all other remedies had tailed sold by price drug company comi I 1 f far so xea A ar 0 01 r 0 o 1910 10 is ready to mail it will be sent to any person interested in fruit growing on receipt of 7 cents to cover postage the stark year book for 1910 represents an entirely new idea in nurserymen s literature it is a work of art as well as a catalogue of stark nursery products within its covers are 32 full page illustrations of fruits and flowers represent representing ind varieties done in four colors and exactly reproducing ta nature 84 pages are devoted to descriptions prices and records 25 discount to mail order buyers is allowed from prices quoted in the year book for direct all cash etli with order business salesmen have been cut out commissions formerly paid them is given to the planter he can now have stark trees the highest star dard of tree quality at prices usually asked for inferior nursery stock we pay frei freight 9 ht pack free and guarantee safe arrival in addition to giving 25 discount we prepay freight 0 any point in sic the united states on order amounting to 10 00 net or more all orders are boxed and packed free most nurserymen charge extra for boxing and packing picking we absolutely guarantee s eife ife arrival gi give e liberal pr premiums md and assure every customer complete s i is faction 15 per box for delicious right boxe boxes of stark delicious Detic iou at the denver apple show old sold it at 15 1500 00 per boi box while while one boi box w wm iq sold lor for aeple 2 00 J W V murphy glenwood Gleo wood iowa iowa that is the world worlds record price for aulca apple all the newspapers reported it it further opened I 1 the e eye eyes of planter planters everywhere only su asang quality committe apple supremacy could command such a price stark delicious is all that and more if you have not yet planted delicious or if bour our planting plantings of it have been mall small make a big order for it thie this spring dont wait another cason season it la is the greatest profit producer producer in the whole list of apples you limply simply cant affo afford not to have it in your orchard dont be deceived by unscrupulous nurserymen offering you delicious there is but one delicious and that to i stink stark bu delicious e cious owned sold only by us send your order earl our immense stock will be oversold before the end of the season block black ben wins carload premium black ben won the 00 carload premium at the denver national apple show heres a telegram at national apple show just ut closed five hundred dollar carload premium wa was warded awarded a car ol 01 dieck black ben apple apples crown grown ott one hundred asit ny y stark tark trees ft at fruit fi colorado S ened dr A S I 1 green resident chamber of 0 commerce have you black ben in y your our orchard ird if not riot get it in this spring plant largely of it As a commercial sort it is ansur passed it sure regular producer of handsome profits it sold this year at the We wenatchee natchee wash fruit grower growers is sale at the carric price as jonathans Jonathan 2 00 per box while ben davis brought only il 10 IO gano 1 50 and mo pippin 1 50 you positively cannot make a mistake on black ben plant it largely never regret if it A As a amiller filler for spitzenburg newtown jonathan on athan delicious etc it is s excellent our stock of black ben is immense doer finer trees never grew get your order in sarly arty from prom a commercial standpoint iland point I 1 fully and heartily recommend pel vel cloin billack ken ben and as a three of the finest varietine vari etie es for or commercial orchard planting plen tint the eating qualities of 0 delicious Deli clou and nan nian winesap are superior to any other table apple while h hi i k hen ben I 1 Is the apple for the ma ses ant the he keeping 1111 of r ill all t aree irie ties are excel excell nt I 1 came carne to the united afaf s land landt fid d irrupt on an Fx exposition position at the Loli chicado Chic afo with the he 4 natchee commercial club exhibit anil and have sold a number 0 boxes of 0 del cinus at 10 0 1 thi this I 1 think speas perk well lor for them C VV il baroh rab c b re wah wash note mr willmeroth Wil WI meroth pent spent I 1 rara cars on south water st chicalo a at an apple commission man fig probably to bably is I 1 the beat best posted apple wn iq in the cout try stark dro bro I 1 stark early elberta A great acot h for western growers originated in utah A yellow free stone ripening with carnen carmen but hardier and better than elberta and a better shipper do what the peach king it i doing plant it commercially this spring when they fru fruit itou ou will want more stark mariy 1 elberta will increase peach orchard profit profits where ever planted I 1 believe stark Static parly farly iberia is one of 0 the bent beat varieties ed tin the fiest irot I 1 iberia Iberta came it will no doubt pidy an i I 1 part in cation cc tion such uh as we hive have here where growers rower ilo do n want loo main varieties variel lr but mut must have early and late kindi ink in I 1 clyl riar lberts mani one ha as all he tood good qualities tK ol 01 I 1 ia belt a id A it 1 e additional feature ol 01 C cily ly nix bine it II 11 ac favor davis bounty utah general stock we never grew a firer or larger stock of all the popular western varieties than we are offering this spring free perfection is 11 a description of every tree onil and remember we positively 0 s aure aure corr complete idlete satisfaction most of the country s reliable e 1 nurseries arc are already cold sold out the ue uc und ii Is ten times i me greater than I 1 the he su supply pa we have the lock stock to fill every order for all sorts and anti jbf the c kind of stock that will make the buyer our lasting friend but early buying is wise buying it ii is to your advantage to order promptly increase your orchard profits do it by planting d the ae sp sr idid edid tested special sorts of stark trees begin no now don wait until next season plant now and be that much dcarr i big profit paying crop than you would be by waiting 6 linthe 0 or r a year here is a brief brie list of varieties highly adapted toc to western stern conditions the kind that will make a model orchard which will yield profitable returns apple peach grape grope senator aluir mission banana alton jonathan elberta niagara newtown lovell campbell black ben krummel flame tokay spitzenburg red bird stark eclipse home beauty crawford moore early L ra raspberry be ry levy late white while muscat stark fr delicious l clous philipi philips cling stark K philip styman binesa winesap june berta bik blk Corn ichon S stark rk king davit david stark E elberta elberts thomai Seed seedier leed prof prot it 11 F van deman ex EU E U S Homolo lilt is and nd chief fudge of the he IW na national ional ap apple p ae show he held I 1 d at spokane wan wain art kloa DAV david d was the most 1 beautiful apple I 1 saw in all the west this year cherry apricot par pear bing ro roal al anjou lambert tilton bartlett royal ann blenheim lincoln moorpark cornice comice rayni duke colorado winter neli nelis black We wenatchee natchee easter bourre our stock of the above and all other varieties worthy of propagation opa gation is to complete in every sense of the word cordall wor dall oll sizes fn in one and two year but only one quality stark sterling quality our cherry trees fcc are the top topnotch notch of tree perfect on finer g grape tape vines than the stock from our branch at portland N Y never grew while the peach apricot ornament ds Lis etc arc just as perfect as modern nur nursby science can gro grow them we ve can positively fill every order which is promptly sent write today now for the stark year book the edition is limited it will be sent sc only to hose those persons writing for it postage 7 cent cents you will find the year book full of useful valuable information you will find 32 pages of color illustrations uch tuch as you never before aw saw you will find the best lut list of the best varieties ever propagated th varieties you yott want in your orchard and you will find the year book the best salesman that ever called on you it will tell you more than most tree salesmen tal esmen ever knew if you are planting only one tree or many you absolutely cannot afford to be without this incomparable book bedorr you dircie to buy jend 7 cents for thir stark yar book ja do it lejay today afir thir edition it 11 exhausted stark bros nurseries and orchards company lock box louisiana missouri U S A about everything in office and school supplies and legal blanks advocate publishing co hr far 1 lahm 1 1 l J I 1 NOW IS THE BEST TIME forthe for the farmer to have T his implements repaired for the spring work just now were giving this class of work especial attention four workmen at your service general blacksmithing blacksmith mg and wood work nork of all kinds Horse shoeing s 1 J J LLOYD PRICE UTAH ufa U fa fw ahl 1 mth ll 11 l l t 14 l t ill 4 bids and estimates on job printing 1 school furniture and office ice furnishings advocate publishing co price utah |