Show ATER RESOURCES K 1 OF UTAH UTAI m IF 1 cw hk ging stations have been established on the different streams and a daily record of the flow Is now kept fc the year 1889 the united states logical sur survey c began the study of ater resources of the state of sw 11 stations were established d on bear river river near collinston collingston Col linston and on provo river at the mouth of 1 canyon the behavior of these two utah rivers is pretty well ea I 1 known t the he present time as a practically replete ee I 1 daily record of the flow in cabic bic feet per second has been kept faa a period of twenty years year raith ith the exception of some scattering ng records kept by the army en beers ers very little data had been kested acted bearing on oil the water ater re rees of the united state prior 1889 but in that bear a a aste tic ic study of the subject was inaugurated augu rated by the federal bur u e in ral otate and the work has dually inci cased from bear ear to I 1 until at the present time the covet practically r state and tei in the on n including alaska and the hailian ian islands the study of ita its water resources united states has been divided tig districts the work in each dis it being under the direction of a brict engineer thus the tile state of h is li included in what ia n reat basin district which acm es the states of id ihu iho utah and hada E C larue 1 truc district en ver aseer jS eer nas charge of the work nork it in S three states lan n account of the limited federal only a small amount d bg allotted for this work in h and consequently the work not progressed as rapidly as I y f people have wished how these investigations carried by the government throughout west have led to the coniti uc i of federal irrigation works dur the last seven years costing ups girds of the building wj these large irrigation projects project a id of necessity have bave been great if not indefinitely delaind dela ed had it k been for the long time records stream hows flows showing the vast of water A ater running to waste aste ih year in these western rivers I 1 also the amour t of flow which aich d be depended upon hou thousands sands of acres of rich land in southern utah today lie practically worthless because tiny are without irrigation with the development of the available water resources the value alue of these lands will be rai kaiwi ed to se u eral million dollars creating a magnificent asset for the state and the nation the preliminary to such d development in every case must be a reliable record of the flow of the sti eams during the last session of the utah legislature a law was enacted authorizing the state engineer to toco operate cooperate co with ith and spend dollar for dollar with the fedei fedrial al government in exten extension hion of hydrographic investigations to cover southern utah As a result the water resources of the state of utah are now being carefully studied under the direction of E C larue district engineer e i for the united states geological survey and caleb tanner engineer for the state of utah the work in utah nearly doubled dur during ing 1909 at the present time a daily record in cubic feet per second is being kept on the following streams in this part of the state cottonwood creek at dangeville rang eville perron ferron creek at perron ferron green river at elgin huntington creek at huntington muddy creek at emery price river at helper san rafael at green river |