Show impressive FUN AL SERVICES j the funeral services over the remains ot of the late charles ewer held in the third ward meeting house saturday afternoon last were most lm impressive the balding bul ding was waa filled with sympathizing relatives ivea and friends and the spirit ot of tho the oc assion was one ot of sublimity accompanied by a rich outpouring of the influence that gives peace and comfort bishop lorenzo N stohl presided and consoling as well as eulogistic remarks were made by elders larsen larcen of logan A madsen D P burt and bishop stohl the musical numbers tendered rendered by the ward choir father knows providence Is over all and though deeping deegin trials the prayers were offered by john evans and pres L A snow the casket was all but hidden in a wealth of floral emblems and tho the stand w was as draped in white and covered with flowers A great many relatives of the deceased including his parents brothers and sisters from logan and relatives of the family came from out or 0 town to attend tho the services A long ong cortege accompanied tho the remains to the cemetery where they were interred |