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Show 1 SOI SOUTH DAVIS AD. LRT1SER DAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER, AUGUST 17-1- 1978 LEADER 1 COOKING CORNER spoons butkr, stirring frequently, over low heat, utd very Lghtly browned Stir m paprika, then bread crumbs Stir constantly over low heat until crumbs are crisp and browned Sprinkle with parsley and emon salt Dram beans and toss with lemon juice and remaining tablespoon butter. Sprinkle with almond crumb mixture, toss lghtly and serve at oi.ce Makes four servings lb green beans W cup w ater 1 tsp salt cup unblanched almonds 3 tbsps. butter, melted tsp. paprika 1 cup coarse soft bread crumbs 1 tsp chopped parsley N tsp onion salt 2 tsps lemon juice Remove tips and cut beans into 2 inch lengths Cook, cov ered, with H cup water ar.d sJt just until tender-crisabout 15 minutes Meanwhile, coarsely ch. p almonds Tuast 1,U tly in skillet with 2 table- - By MARJORIE RICE Copley Newsservice . Its so bad, you practically need an armored truck to Curry the week's food money to the grocery store Maybe net that bad, but food prices are steadily geiBg getting up The lid Ludbtt standlys hamburger, tuna, ch.cken have gone up to the point that a tuna casaerule may Soon have tlie luxury status once pun to the Sunday rcast beef There are strategies to help you win the battle of the food budget bulge The first is to buy seasonally Youll save money, and fresh vegetables tas'e better N :v3 round steak tbsps olive oil 1 cup chopped onions 1 cup canned tomatoes 2 cups beef broth 1 tsp garbc powder 2 tsps Suit l tsp pepper l4 tsp sugar, optional h tsp oregano 1 cup uncooked nee U cup grated Parmesan cheese Cut steak in small, thin pieces Brown m olive oil Add onions and cook two minutes longer. Stir in tomatoes, broth, and seasonings Bring to a boil, cover. Reduce the heat and simmer 30 minutes, or until meat is tender If necessary, add hot water to make 2 cups liquid in ASH1NGTON "If three ides of reform i he tone have r Kia.ed little reform, they at have prod ueed a consensus eng recent Democratic and presidents that the kpibh-dU.eril regulatory agencies are the covlest mess in Viashirg- V axioms about regulation. One, nearly everybody agrees that the rules and red tape generated by the pyramiding federal bureaucracy are excessive and expensive Two, nobody has yet come close to solving the problem As Kohlmeier further observes, "1977 has produced more lather than less government, with the creation of a new Cabinet department (Lnergv) and an attendant increase in regulatory clout ic'i n s wrote Loins kohlmeier, ngjournahst in a rt.tnt article for the National nation of Manufacturers he regulatory burden shoul-jtie- J , rv businesses and m-jn us i be comment points up two . 1 pme-win- n i d v Shift in Fmphasis The focus of the regulatory agencies has changed since Congress established the first such bod, the Interstate Commerce C omnmsion, in 1887 rice is tendtr S, rckle w.th grated cheese Mates s.x st mrgs until pn ROMAN STEAK RISOTTO JOURNAL, AUGUST 17, 1978 Perspective on Government Regulation lb. tender!, zed boneless 2 Battling those food budget blues 3 Lv'b WEEMY REFLEX Stir in rice, heat to boilirg cover and simmer 20 minutes , ktlr ICC and the older agencies were set up to regulate a single industry and over the years they developed over more than one mdusirv consequently theyre have only a limited knoult a of the industries they reguj At times, critics charge. pes seem to pay Lttle attention tc effects of their actions on ) basic charge of business M to produce goods industry services people need and R at prices they can afford a good working knowledge of those industries They also were concerned with the industries welfare as it related to the broad public interest Rules and regulations were proscrptive what an industry could not do the emStarting in the phasis shifted to regulation as an l0s, instrument of social change Rules became prescriptive what business and individuals must do for society At the same time, the newer regulators agencies are task-oriente- d rather than industrv-orienteThat is, their concerns range d 0j n n t t t i ( K f 0 - Is 4M Lunch Boi with Roughneck Bottle dollar-stretch-in- g. 4-Pa- can cling peach slices, drained 1 large bell pepper 1 medium onion 1 cup chopped celery 331-o- z cans pork and beans 1 lb frankfurters, cut in -- ( GE pieces can tomato sauce tbsps. soy sauce tbsps. brown sugar sauce cup wine vinegar t ' - - - ,. "fry 111 CS-- 1 finw iff tbsp. Worcestershire ck on 'fill vlKi' JUMBO BAKE 29-o- z. n 13 rzr L L Drain peaches; discard syrup or use in other recipes. Set peaches aside. Chop onion and bell pepper. Saute pepper, onion and celery in a dutch oven until soft (If you cook quickly, stirrirg, no fat or butter is needed, as the vegetables will give off some moisture Howevpr, 2 teaspoons margarine may be added ) WTien vegetables are soft, add remaining ingredients and reserved peaches Heat to boil, reduce heat, simmer10 ing occasionally for minutes Serves 12 A d digital clock radio that gives you exact time at a glance Fits conveniently on night table or dresser top f value-price- ,, VALU-RIT- E A flow 15 DIFFERENT SHAMPOOS, LOTIONS, MOUTHWASH, ETC YOUR CHOICE 3 OZ SIZES Chlor-Trimeto- Here's a homemade sion of seasonal roa'mg mix fur chicken U Ilir.SiiV, cup ft si h crumbs tbsp corn'-G- ' 1 tsp sugar 1 dr, FAST n ALLERGY . ALLERGY 41 MAKE-AND-BAK- W PHARMACIES TRIAL SIZE SALE! Reg. 29.97 ver- CHIC KE RELIEF TABLETS 24 TABLETS Reg. 1.57 freal- - h chicken fav bouillon granules ltsp instant h tsp salt H tsp papr.ka H tsp dried minced onions tsp garbc powder chicken, cut up 1 tbsp oil Into a large plastic bag turn the Dour, breadcrumbs, cornstarch, sugar, bouillon granuels, salt, paprika, onion and garlic powder; shake together. Brush each p.ece of chicken with the on all sides oil. Put two pieces of chicken into the bag and shake thoroughly; remove, repeat this process with the remaining chicken. Place chicken in a single layer in a shallow baking pan. Bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes; turn chicken and continue baking for 20 minutes more. Serve at once. Makes four servings. iick Us 2H-l- b GREEN BEAN'S POLONAISE -- jc t smaller pieces (quarter the breasts, for example and separate drumstick and thigh). This seems Lke eyewash, but two small pieces of chicken just seem like more than one large pie e. The casserole pictured demonstrates Beans are a nutritious addition to the menu, and give a good share of protein for the money. cup Dour r n, n One boneless pork chop weighs about three ounces (four with the bone; To keep that serving from looking lonely, use it in a casserole, or cooked with a fiavorful stretchier i bake the chop over herbed rice, for example) Rut chicken into 4 U T 900 Watt Now v -- 1 v XX Lceirtsl ANALGESIC TABLETS EXTRA- STRENGTH PAIN RELIEVER FOR HEADACHES 100 TABLETS Year Guarantee Reg. 26.97 Fort Lena Shopping Confor in Layton 3762473 St t jC'f-tws- Serve less m at, more fruits and vegetables Nutrition charts that list the recommended servings of foods from the four food groups, say that three to foLr of ounce-- , is a serving or fish meat, poultry 1 It v foods 2 aber now K , of Management and B lOMB) estimated And Commission on federal but inexpensive garnishes, for example A few slivers of orange of pic el, a scant quarter cup toasted, slivered almonds, a small handful of thinly sliced mushrooms all can add considerable appeal to simple 2 L ioi n Regulations cost the pur $130 billion a year, the Off pretty, z. pjbl v billion to $4 billion annua strati gy JIFFY alone Tr.e i int Scope of Regulation There are now more iban regulatory agencies and vt missions and some 100,0 Hr g ernment workers with thejnf interpreting and implemen' regulatory laws passed bv C press Their sal, ir.es range h is to cook creatively Inexpc nsiv e food can take on a luxury lo k w,th Another rerw itdei H c |