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Show I -- WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- NEWS JOURNAL. AUGUST 18. 1S7 IS sociation (DEA) officials Citizens speaking against the fluoride tablet By ROSELYN KIRK Davis County School Board instructed the administration to select four elementary schools hich will serve as a pilot study to test the advisability of dispensing fluonde tablets to children on a voluntary basis. THE BOARD acted on a motion by Sheryl Allen. Davis School board member, who said the decision would allow the board to study extensively the administration of the fluoride program and determine public reaction over a one year period Both the fluoride tablet approach and the fluoride mduth rinse program have been recommended to the board over a several month period by Dr. Richard Johns, administrator of the Davis Board of Health and Dr. Orson Wright, state dental director MRS. ALLEN phrased several motions, each of which were questioned by members of the audience and school board before the motion to place the decision of choosing the schools in which to test the program was placed in the hands of the administration. The board approved the pilot fluoride program by a 3 to vote with school board 1 member Morris Hansen 7 opposing President Lucile Reading does not vote unless there is a tie. DR. LAWRENCE Welling, deputy superintendent, had advised the board against adopting the tablet program since he felt it was not the mission of the school district to administer health programs. He also questioned whether too much time would be involved in allowing the teacher to dispense tablets. He cited regulations from the policy manual of the Davis School District which says that any student requiring medication during school hours must have a written statement and release from parents giving the teacher permission to administer the prescription. The statement, as read by Dr. Welling, also requires a written request from the students physician . DR. JOHNS pointed out that the volun- tary program, which requires parents who wish the fluoride tablet to be given to their child to sign a release, would fill the first requirement. He said the State Board of Health had approved the program and would supply the tablets in a bulk container. Names of children to receive the fluoride would be listed on the outside of the container. Mrs. Italasano, who seconded the motion, pointed out that the school policy manual quoted by Dr. Welling, applied to preventive rather than curative medicine. The fluoride tablet program has also been approved by the State Board of Health and was declared acceptable by the Attorney General's Office. OPPOSITION to the proposal was voiced by three citizens present at the meeting and by Davis Education As program said they did not feel the dispensing of the fluoride tablet was the responsibility of the school board Opponents said providing fluoride is a responsibility of parents in the home They questioned the teacher time neces sary to administer the fluoride DR. JOHNS said studies snow that onl two percent of the parents administer fluoride to children at home He said there is no doubt of the value of the fluoride tablets and urged that the preventative health education demon strated to the child would be significant Daphne Aller, former president of DEA, said DEA opposed the fluoride program because of the time element in volved She said teachers objected to an program which would take away teaching time Board members questioned whether a student acting as a leaihet s aid touid be allowed to help the leather dispense the tablets DR. JOHNS SAID this would be accep table. He suggested the tx.ard devise the least complicated sysiern possible to record which students participated so the board can evaluate the eflecliveness of the program. He said each childs dentisi would not need to prescribe the fluoride, but thal a standing blanket prescription by a pharmacist fm all students whose parents approved the prugiaru would tie sufficient Earlier Dr Wright had estimated that the fluonde tablets would cost 20 cents per school year for each student The board did not decide how the fluoride program would be financed Dr Wright told the board last month that about five minutes per week would be required to administer the fluonde tablet program THE TABLETS are given to each student who is participating in the program, each day. He chews them fot a minute and then is instructed to swallow the tablet. Mrs. Allen justified the pilot program saying she sees "tremendous benefits She had indicated in an earlier meeting that she felt the program would have a significant impact on the health of the children as well as teaching them good dental health habits at very little cost. THE FIRST motion made by Mrs Allen slated that the board allow principals to decide whether each school would like to implement the fluoride on a voluntary basis. The motion specified that principals would consult with teachers and parents in making this decision Dee Burnmgham, executive secretary of DEA, argued that this would create a "political arena in each faculty room. He suggested the district designate schools which would be instructed to initiate the fluoride program on pilot basis. MRS. ALLEN changed her original motion to this effect. Dr. Johns assured the board that his staff would be available to help in implementing the program. Consider (SDoaurffOeDfa Salaries Parnell To By GARY R. BLODGETT Residents as well as city employees will serve on a panel to study salaries and job classifications as Clearfield city employees, according to recent city council action. UPON recommendation of Councilman Gerald Heaton, who heads the study committee, the city council authorized the appointment of at least three noclty employees to the commfttee. Previously, the committee had been comprised entirely of city employees. WED LIKE to have input from other than city employees, said Councilman I think it would Heaton. make for a more healthy situation and perhaps give us some broader views from which to make our decisions. The committee is comparing Clearfield city employees' salary levels and job classifications to other cities of similar size, the councilman explained. THE council has indicated in past weeks that if the study shows salaries are below other cities, that a boost in wages will be necessary to bring them (employees' salaries) up to standard. A proposal to adopt a utility franchise tax which could be used, if necessary, to increase salaries was postponed until a study could be completed. COUNCILMAN Heaton said the committee probably would do the research by gathering data about the salaries and job descriptions, but that a private firm probably would be hired to do the final plan preparations. "We'll do what we can as a (Sem Rockhounds. lapidaries, gem and mineral buffs, rock collectors, buyers and exhibitor will all converge upon Ogden as the National Gem and Mineral Show opens at Weber State College August 18-2- INCLUDED in the hundreds of displays and exhibits will old be a priceless emerald necklace and a old Chinese jade lantern. These special artifacts are part of the Smithsonian Institutes Gem Collection available for public inspection. The Spanish Inquisition necklace was supposedly worn at one time in the Spanish Court and later in the French Court. 300-yea- r THE four-da- y Societies. convention will bring thousands of visitors from all across America to Ogden as well as many from several foreign nations. 400-ye- IN ADDITION to the smL cvftndric Q the emeralds, shapedBecklac also Includes over 360 diamonds, 230 of which weigh from 4 to one carat. Sponsoring the convention known as the 77 Empire of Gems" Is the host organiza Besides the precious display from the Smithsonian Institute and other exhibitions, there will also be meetings of the various societies, lectures and demonstrations for the public. THE council said it will ac- slid nominations applications for the study committee for a couple of cept weeks before making final appointments to the group. Councilman Heaton emphasized that the study committee is just being organized and contrary to a few rumors, there have been no decisions made to this time. "WE ARE not attempting to evaluate our department heads or employees at this time, only to gain a better comparison of how our city's salaries and job classifications compare with other cities of similar size," the councilman stressed. and nuclear energy for rockhounds. Other topics Mineral Structure of the Great Salt Lake, "Modern Techniques of and Bells and Faceting, Rocks that Smg. Special demonstrations will also be given at the shGW and Mrs. Russell Meacham and family. They attended the ordination of their grandson. Bert, who was ordained as a deacon in the LDS Church. Their other grandson Mike Meacham returned to Utah with them and will be spending the next year with his grandparents, while he attends Layton High School. Enroute home they visited in Rock Springs, Wyoming with Mr. Meacham's brother. Mr and Mrs. Reuben Meacham of Melissa Skym Uearbrook. Minnesota was a visitor last week of Mrs. ville Mrs Lillian Openshaw and daughter Mrs. Carol Partain and son Jeff have just returned from a vacation trip camping near Yellowstone National Park for one week. Mr and Mrs. Ronald Morgan and son Joseph of Arizona are visiting for three weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Raymond Morgan in Fruit Heights and other relatives and friends in the area. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wells F. Collett are their Mr. daughter and and Mrs. Richard Swade and children Janeen and Tanya of Simi Valley. Calif. They will be with her parents for one month. Mr. and Mrs. Nevan Crid-dle and daughter Christine have returned from a week vacationing at Lava Hot Springs, Idaho and other parks in the area. and Elizabeth Swearinger and daughter Jennie of Portland, Oregon are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ellis. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis entertained at a family dinner in their honor. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ellis and five children Stan of North Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Birch y have returned from a ten-da- business and pleasure trip to New York combined City. Mr. Birch flew there for a business trip and she joined for a few days of sightseeing and vacation before returning home together. n Mrs. Francis Strong Hel-ma- from Indiana County, Pennsylvania has been visit- ing with Mrs. Mary Timothy. Mrs. Kelman is a professional genealogist and has been serving as historian for Indiana County, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Taylor entertained Monday evening at a family patio dinner in honor of her brother Elder Richard King who just returned home Thursday, August 4 from serving a two-yeLDS Mission to the demonstrations will include wax pattern making, lost wax casting, OTHER flat lapping, jewelry and America Mission. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thorson and family from Livonia. Mich.; Mrs. Beth King. Mr. and Mrs. making. Over 25,000 people are expected to pass through the turnstiles at Weber State to see or participate in the show, said Joe Bybee, director of publicity. THE EVENT will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 9 and p.m. on August from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on August 21. Admission price is $1.50 for adults and 75 cents for children years old. 12-1- By ROSELYN KIRK Several business matters occupied the Davis County Board of Education Tuesday evening when they considered a right of way through school district property, asked for an appraisal before selling a small piece of property and heard a report on the details of school opening from district administrators. THE BOARD discussed whether to allow Delbert Duerden, 2082 Ridgewood Way, Bountiful, a right of way through school district property to reach his property located on the east side of the Woods Cross campus. Dr. John S. White, assistant Training Cadet Caroline D. Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Taylor of 1498 W. 1850 N., Layton, is participat- ing in a U.S. Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps field training encampment at Vandenberg AFB, Calif. DURING the encampment, cadets receive survival and small arms training and aircraft and aircrew indoctrination. They also have the opportunity to observe careers in which they might wish to serve as Air Force officers. Cadet Miller, a student at Weber State College, Ogden, is a 1973 graduate of Layton High Schooh A special ribbon-cuttin- g ceremony has been set for August 18 at 9.30 a.m. Utah Gov. Scott Matheson will be among the dignitaries present and he will split a precut geode to open the four-da- y convention. family. Lt. and Mrs. Cody Hull of San Angelo, Texas are visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Romney with their infant son Evan who was born June 14 They arrived July 27 and will have a short visit before Lt. Huft leaves on an assignment in Okinawa with the U S. Air Force. Mrs. Huft and son will remain in Kaysville with her parents until a later date, when they can join her hus- 1 Nev On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. I son entertained at a family band. Mr. and Mrs. Lane Jones and family and his mother Mrs. Maud Jones attended (he Van Orman family reunion at the Timpanagos Center over the weekend. It was a three-dareunion and over 300 descendants from all over the United States at- Other guests were dinner Mr and Mrs Stan Eltson and family of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs Gary Reeves and children are visiting for two weeks with her parents Mis Glen W Cundall attended the Shakespearean I estival at Cedar City last Kenneth a y tended. House guests of Dr. and Mrs. T. I eland Frost are their hospital the past week. The Kaysville LDS Stake held a stake picnic dinner at the Lagoon Resort in Farmington on August II with daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Soulier and children of Waynesboro, Va. They came to attend the wedding and reception of her brother, Tom Frost which will be held at New Port Beach, California on August 20. Mr and Mrs. Tony Reyna and daughter Lisa Marie of Merced, California are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Romney. Mrs. Reyna was the former Sheila Romney those attending enjoying swimming, rides and the picnic. Mrs. Bonnie Johnson underwent major surgery recently at the St. Benedict's Royce Pierson and five family. On a camping trip to Tonys Grove are Mr. and Mrs Lynn htldren of Edmonton, Alberta. Canada are visiting with a cousin, Mrs. Maud Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson of Alla Loma, California were t Nance and children, Mrs. Susan Hartley and two children, and Mr. and Mrs Stanley Webster and family Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dun ford and family returned from attending a family reunion at Colter Bay, Wyoming where 50 descendants of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Clark met to celebrate Dr. and Mrs. Clark's 60th wedding anniversary. Dr. and Mrs. Clark are the parents of visitors last week of her Mr. brother and sister-in-laand Mrs. Clarence Meacham. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wycoff of Kansas are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Giles and family and Mrs. Sarah Giles. Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Hall of St. George visited during the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orson Hall and with his sister and brother-in-law- , Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rush-fortand also with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Drake. Mrs. Dunford. Other guests included Dr. Janice Jensen and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mumford and family of Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Preece were Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cheney of San Antonio, Texas. r Mr. and Mrs. Burton of Vale, Oregon and Sandy; Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cundick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thom Clark and five children, all of Salt Lake City. Huf-fake- They enjoyed a four-dastay at the bay. Mr. and Mrs. Jack White and family of Provo were Sa- their grandson Carlton were recent visitors Huf-fake- r of Mrs. Sarah Giles. Mr. and Mrs. Orson Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rush-fort- her mother, Mrs. Mary Timothy. h attended the funeral the Morton family reunion held at Mid Attending services of Mrs. Ruth Pickett wwwwwawwoffl nmef&m Annoying Always forgive your enemies. Youll find that it Annoys them so much. Record, Columbia,J.C. superintendent, said Mr. Duerdens property was landlocked and that he had requested a right of way for access to the property where he will build storage sheds. The problem is further complicated by the fart that students attending Woods Cross High School used Mr. Duerdens property as a short cut to the school. DR. WHITE said Mr. Duerden had agreed to allow a walk way for students provided the board agreed to the right of way. The board to generally appeared approve of the matter, but questioned whether the agreement should include a restrictive clause limiting him from any other kind of commercial development. Before final giving approval they will consult their attorney, Felshaw King, for an opinion on this restriction and will ask for a letter from the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) stating the highway department will not allow Mr. Duerden to gam entrance from the east. DR. WHITE proposed a 10 foot easement. He said the school district does not propose that the triangular piece of property, now owned by Mr. Duerden, should become a part of the campus. In another property matter, the school board asked for an appraisal before determining whether to sell .39 acre of property to Mrs. Charles Larsen. The property is located on the northeast corner of the Bountiful High School campus. Dr. White said, although the district had considered that corner at one time for a tennis court, they now anticipated foreseeable use for the piece of property. EXMCE 14 fl Larwti no d iShiy1 Allen, a school board members mother, Mrs. Allen left the meeting prior to the discussion. Dr. White said that the property, which adjoins Mrs. Larsen's property has no road access. Dr. White said since the district had no use for the property, they had asked Mrs. Larsen to make an offer. She offered to buy the property fot between $750 and $1,000, at whatever price the board considered equitable. MORRIS Hansen, school board member, said the board would be making a mistake if they sold the property without an independent appraisal. They will ask for an appraisal and consider the sale at a later date. Superintendent Bernell Hospital in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hovey entertained at a family dinner Sunday at their home in honor of their daughter Chelle who was baptized and confirmed a member of the LDS Church. Guests for the special event were both of her grand- parents, Mr. Mrs. and Spencer Hovey of Layton and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Austin of Kaysville. Other guests were Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Howard and family, Kaysville; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hovey, Layton; Mr. and Mrs. Chad Hovey, Syracuse; and Mrs. Sally Higginson of Kaysville. Mrs. Donald Layton and children are here visiting from Las Vegas, Nev. They are with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Layton and will be visiting with other relatives during their stay. House guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Perkins and family are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bundy of Hanna, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Buchanan entertained at a patio dinner Sunday at their home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Measom and three children, Springville; Ken- - library and media. In other matters of business the school board will hold up hiring an appraiser to appraise the Farmington Library headquarter building until the library board has acted on the matter. Hollis Grange, clerk treasurer, said the jointly owned equipment is currently in the process of being evaluated. A Urban-Suburba- n is $1,000 for six months. Deputy Superintendent Lawrence Welling reported to the board that the district has principals meeting for new teachers 58 68 major surgery. A Friday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Albano was Mrs. Ruby Kennington of Alton, Wyo. Mrs. Kennington was a former school student of Mrs. Albano. They hadn't seen each other for many years, so it was a special occasion. Elder David Phelps re- turned recently from serving r LDS Mission to the a Mission. member of the Fruit Heights Second LDS Ward and the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Phelps. Mrs. Sally Anderson is convalescing at her home after being burned severely in an accident at her home last Thailand-Bangko- He is a Week. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace F. Allen have returned home from a vacation tour of the Eastern States. They flew to Cleveland, Ohio and then joined the tour for an extended trip to Niagara Falls, Palmyra, New York for the Hill Cumorah Pageant, and upper state New York, on to Vermont. Plymouth where they saw the Mayflower II and also toured through Boston and New York City. In New York they enjoyed visiting the Statue of Liberty and other points of interest as well as attending the theater play, 'The King and I. They visited Philadelphia and a three-datour of the Nations y D C. and also Williamsburg. Enroute home they visited all the LDS Church history points of interest and attend- Capitol, Washington, ed the pageant, City of Joseph" at Nauvoo, Illinois as well as Liberty Jail, etc. At Independence, Missouri they met friends and spent time with them and then flew home. They returned home Friday evening. Sisters enjoyed a day together. Monday was a special day for Mrs. Lucile Beck Sheffield and her four sisters, Mrs. Jeneal Beck Barlow, Clearfield; Mrs. Lavora Beck Jensen, Mrs. Grace Beck Snell of Salt Lake City; and Mrs. Margie Beck of Orem. They met at the home of Mrs. Barlow in Clearfield where they enjoyed a steak barbeque patio ten-da- y vacation trip to Spokane, Washington are Mr. and Mrs. Farlin Murri. They enjoyed a stay with their son and , Mr. and Mrs. James Murri and daughter Mandy. Mr. and Mrs. Wells F. Collett of Kaysville; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Swade and two daughters, Janeen and Tanya of Simi Valley, California were among the 166 descendants who attended the Redd Organization family reunion at Monticello, Utah on Friday and Saturday. The two-dareunion was at the family homestead in Monticello. Mrs. Collett presented her skit in costume of "Joe Jones Discovers His Family Tree" with members of the family participating. daughter-in-law- have imitated S0IIEFAJ& SEPT. 8 1977 -- Factory Authorized RCA Zenith Magnavox IN A personnel matter, the board agreed to call a special executive session to interview the two candidates for the position of media supervisor. -- -- ELECTRONIC Superintendent Wrigley said that the candidates for the position had been limited to 1981 No. Main, Layton two. Theo Italasano, school board member, said since the media sjecalist was a new position, it should require a convalescing at her home after undergoing recent Color TV Service new secondary teachers and elementary teachers have been hired for the school year. will attend Pennsylvania Stale University and work on his masters degree. Mrs. Marcia Mansell has returned home from the St. Mark's Hospital and will be communities. 28. Administrators say that Also the Buchanan's daughter, Jill an I husband Evan and two children from Pomona. Calif. Thirty guests in all attended. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mason arrived from Portland, Oregon to visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Buhler enroute to Pennsylvania where Mr. Mason the these models in establishing involvement with their school preparation for the opening of school will be held on the afternoon of Aug. 25 and all day on Aug. during HE SAID follow up meetings are scheduled to see how principals scheduled for Aug. 24. and Faculty meetings is Mrs. Helen Mecham. y other business the board voted to join the National Federation of School Districts. The cost IN summer to look at models for community involvement. 23. Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hafen, Bountiful; and Returning from a board interview. THE media specialist position will require a candidate who is qualified in both opening of school on Monday, on Tuesday, Aug. and Mrs. Harley Busby, Salt close relationship and love. conducted workshops with Aug. 29. Principals and teachers will meet on Monday, Aug. 22 and the processing of new teachers will occur children, Castledale, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lawson and two children, Ogden; Mr. dinner. After which they renewed and enjoyed their Wrigley reported that several meetings will precede the dall, Rodney and Roland Oldroyd, Springville; Mrs. Mac Huntington and two two-yea- Kenneth Young is convalescing at home after undergoing treatment at the week Susan and (heir other son, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Purdy and two children spent ten days in Tigard, Oregon visit ing with their son, Mr and Mrs. Roger Purdy and of and Mrs. Barry Avery and Atwater, Calif.; Horne and children, Roger, inda and Periann, Scottsdale, ( alif , and Mr and Mrs. Howard toles. Las Vegas, couple of weeks in Montana Visiting in Kaysville with relatives are Mr. and Mrs Howard Coles of Las Vegas, Nev. They are visiting with Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Berger, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bass. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bennett and Mr. and Mrs Dale Selison. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Putdy and son Russell and daughter turday visitors Miss Diane of Avery Phoenix, Arizona was a visitor of her aunt and uncle, Mr. School Board Considers Request For Rig hi Off Kfay dealing with chain making, filigree, scrimshaw and silversmith mg. faceting, tumbling h Roy Stephens. Mrs. David Genealogical Seminar for five days at BYU in Provo last week where some 5,?ihi I he members attended theme was "Family Or gamzation " Mrs Timothy was a guest of her daughter and Mr and Mrs Jack White and family in Provo during her Slav and al so visited with her sister and brother-in-law- , Mr and Mrs Francis Todd at Santaquin Mr. and Mrs and daughter Madeline of Yuma. Arizona were visitors of Mrs. Bert Giles and also in Fruit Heights of Mr. and Mrs. some of her from BYU by plane to California where they were bridesmaids for the wedding of a roommate. Miss Becky Harvey at Vacaville, Calif They also visited in San fra ncisco and Sacramento during their trip. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Hale Flison the past week were Mr and Mrs. Walter Huge ski and children, Sheryle and Sandy from Highlands. Indiana; Mr. and Mrs Gary Reeves and children Scott and Stephanie. summer production there in which their daughter Nola Mitchell was among the top performers Mrs. Mary Timothy attend ed the LDS Priesthood Gillespie are spending at St. George on Friday. They spent the weekend in St. George with relatives following the funeral services. Mrs. Pickett was a sister of Mrs Hall. Mr and Mrs Fred Scirner companied roommates attended the Ballet Uest Sarah Giles. Other visitors were Mr and Mrs Jerry Giles and family of Taylors- Columbia-Sout- way last week were Bernard Morion, Mr and Mrs. Melvin Monson, Mr and Mrs. Nathan Hawkes. Mrs Ginny Monson and two children of Kaysville; Mr and Mrs Wells Monson of Brigham City The reunion was held on Saturday. Miss Amy Jo Barker ac- Valley View Golf Club House in Layton Mr and Mrs Bernaid Mitchell have returned from Aspen, Colorado where thev Takes 18-2- 0 THESE lectures will deal with such diverse subjects as Utah geology, silversmithing include tact-findin- g Shew tion, the Golden Spike Gem and Mineral Society of Ogden, the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies, and the Northwest Federation of Mineralogical group before turning our data over to the private firm. This would substantially cut the cost compared to a private firm doing all the research, he said. Kenzie King and family, Mr. and Mrs Sieve Bishop and family, all of Kaysville, Mr and Mrs Ray Adner, Ogden Elder King showed slides u! his mission lour in South America Mr. and Mrs Evan Mecham and two children, Jason and Tiffany of Pomona. California are visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs Mts Dwatn Buchanan Mecham came to attend her tenth year class reunion of Davis High School, held ai Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Meacham visited in Sinclair. Wyoming with their son. Mr. 825-611- mm 4 |