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Show I The JOURNAL-Ju- ne ' page 7 j 10,1958 svsxvxy,. LAYTON STORE No Parking Problems Plenty ol Free Parking Banquet, milking contest Open Davis dairy month in Hear ol Store Davis County'' ton, Harold I. Hope, BountiKaysville largest agricultural enterprise ful, Robeit Telfoid, West Boun-tilu- l. Albeit G lawience, dairying will be pmmoted throughout the month of June Ninth Salt Lake, and Ross Mi. June Dairy Month activities Folknian, East Layton began at Daws High school folkman was second place Fnday evening with a mayois milking tontest, banquet and Guest speaker at the banquet beauty cc ntet. Wallace Banish, Logan, vvasi'V5 Frances Fiost Kaysvilles chairman of the state daily named county dairy punt ess line's contest He told hi' She is a daughter of Di and pi audience that June Dairy month Mrs. T. Leland Frost, Kaysbegan when cows used to give Attendants are Cathy mcne ville milk in June and there Linford, is, cl lughter of Mayoi was a surplus each year at that and Mis J. C. Linfoid, kaysIt has been sui h a suctime Gloria Hutches, is, cessful ville; and pi emotion that people and Mrs. daughter of Mi now eating seven pounds ol Thomas H Hutches, Ninth Salt aie cottage cheese per capita comLake. pared with thtee pounds a few LinCathys father, Mayor ago and milk consumpyears won cow conthe ford, milking inc leased ten pel cent has tion test, defeating six othei mayM .Ik is a tiue lefieshment, ors and town hoaid piesidents from throughout the county he said, "and cieam (leal including Michiel F. Kuison, cieam) is the best beauty cieam Sunset; Wayne Winegai, Lay- - a gill can use" I 54 NVxVffce.T V breaks price oil famous Towncraff IViiiifn"? Seagulls graduate Pat-ki- Walking f&szts WASH N WEARS n, $2.22 no! comfort wiih a low price " Penney s "I lag rmersily . . styled walking shorts trim labored in polished coi-- t 3 for a harbeque lunch. in Homebuilders Holiday Larks and Bluehiuls the Third fiom Ili-rnar- y 1 Baptism Ceremony Kaysville Lairy Nielsen, Teiry Green, Gary Zolhngei, Don Green, Richard Hamblin, Kent Blamnes, Lc Roy Hamblin, George Brakey weie boys Dom the Fifth Waid who paiticipated in the Baptism Cenmony at the Temple in .Salt Lake City la't week They were accompanied by Mrs. Joy Peteison, guide teacher and Alvin D. Kinsey. Penney the l e t c j l.ilnu ulmy q"ui .tshdav is on Avv '1 U INI OKI) of kuvsville topped si other llav.s ('ountv mayors in a milkcontest at Davis ol Junt High school last I riday evening, which marked the kuk-o!- t ing Month s county champion he received an engraved cowDairy activities in this county bell and invitation to compete in the world championship mayor's milking contest to be held in I ogan June 28 Other competing mayors were Michiel I". Burson, Sunstt; Wayne W inegar. Lav ton, Harold L. Pope, Bountiful, Robert Telford, lleq Bountiful, Clbert (, Rc flex-joiLawrence. North Salt Lake and Ross folkman, hast Lavton nal Photo) 1)11 I For drainage DAIRIES- Visitor' Always VVilcome at in the Heart of Davis (ountv APPLIANCES PLUMBING HEATING ANC E two-wa- A y UTOMOTI VE SERVICE- SPEUAI.IZKNG IN ENGINE TUNE-UFlectrical and Carburetor Motor Analysis Hydromatic Transmissions Front Fnd Alignmi nt Steering Corrections and Wheel Balancing J ROY FUDGE, 166 South Main, Layton, Phone 986 or Kays 2'13-- J Seivue Factory Trained Mechanics Authorized Factory Fnd Alignment Motor Analysis Complete Bnke Servile Carburetor and Fleitrual Tune up State Inspection Station All Types Automatic 'I ransmissions P No 34 TERRY STLWART, INC, 180 N Main, Kaysville, Phone GMC TRUCKS PON TI At CADILLAC Your local Texaco Dealer e Ripur AH Makes V A UTOMOBILES USED Each car is in excellent running A GOOD DEAL DEAL' READY TO GO -- A GOOD CAR-Lcondition WE TAKr TRADE IN'S BANK TERMS We Bought T hi m Right We Can Sell Them Right" DICK'S MO H)R SAIFS, 876 North Mam, Sunset Ph TA I INF HIGHWAY 91 AT ( nmi1 in and lots OFT HCQV MNTFTV A GOOD BLY FlS BANKS TA CLEARFIELD MAIL BANK Complete Banking Service for More Than a Third of a Century Regular and T HRIFTICHEC K personal checking for mfoi mation Complete savings department Safe Deposit Boxes -- N ight Depository and Letter Drop Depositoiv for after hours deposits 3G on Savings Complete Bank by Mail Service Insurance Corporation Deposits insured by the Federal Depo-i- t ( LEARF IF.I.I), UTAH Kaysville 37 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LAYTON THRIFTI (HECK SERVICE WITHOUT SERVICE CHARGE IN'TFREST PAID ON SAVINGS 3 SAFF.TY DF POSIT BOXF.S FOR RENT $2 75 Per Yr, Inc. Tax 24 Hour Envelope Service USE OUR NIGHT DEPOSITORY Personalized Check Ptd. free All Kinds of Loans Special Service ALL KINDS OF IOANS Special Service Peisonalized Checks Printed FREE! Member F.D 1 C Accounts Insured up to $10,000 Our service charges on regular eheiking accounts are low ask CAFES SIGNAL CAFE, Layton, Utah ELVA'G VAUGFIN, Manager Mon Thru Thursday 5.30 am. to 9:00 pm ; F'ri OPEN DAILY and Sat 6 30 am to 10 00 pm; Sunday, 5 10 am to 9 00 pm. LUNCHEONS, DINNERS -F- eaturing BREAKFASTS, Guaranteed F a't Service Only 5 Minutes Drive from Davis County Difense Plants STOP BY for BRF.AKF AST Drive down for a Delirious HOT LUNCH NO DELAY" Order Pastry to Take Home We cater to Civic Clubs. Luncheons and Special Groups Bring your Section here for lunch or dinner meetings n '4W'kz9vVX n aav, ,v,v.vKvS JUNE PREMIUM BUY! s,y UFF LWK CLIP SETS Dairy Farm W. Kerr 2.00 Plus t ed Tax special purchase- - of nti-la- r higher priicd sets to sell at this low prne tor Fathers j Day. V in pipe Jack W Ken, Syracuse lai use Li met ice truly com Ipetcil a upe Jay 'rig pmject at will ilium excess muistuic Horn his foi ty at it laim, pai t loi his overall roii'civatiuii pm jgiani as outlined bv the Ilau ( unity Soil ( i ii'eiv ation lhs-- ! 1 lc t of vvhuh he is a ctupeia 1 -- 1 l . it liitlailtd 5q feet tile, 77" lect ol c h ; and 5nn feet of installed by The was pipe PHONE PHONE and ( Summi Maipetts 34 OGDEN consulting engmeeis m FARMING TON FX 4 5791 Salt Lake itv , using then um a Locally Owned and Operated Taxpaying Industry Ique tile laying machine that does the entile job with one op A THRIVING DAMS COUNTY DAIRY BUSINESS We solicit your patron ige for the finest in your dairy need' ei ation with extra quality and the finest service to your homes at no In signing up with Davi' extra cost All Jersev Products Soil Conservation Di'tuct stv-eiSMOOT JERSEY FARMS AL1 5 2211 ago, Mr. Ktn years HI LIND DAIRY PRODL CTS Featuring This Month Cottage agieed to develop as it.piclly as c hpese With financially 01 othei w se piac Chiie or Pineapnle or Rcgul ir tical, a basic const v ation plan The plan as ioi his faun. pitpaied by tne S( S pointed out that the fai n nettled h be diauitd, leveled and a com plete new migiticm system m stalled If this vvi l k i' n t mplished, and a the n pint continued, sound soil manage nu nt and const i at ion piigiam adopted the fa m can become veiy TO YOUR DOOR The pm it i ol ii oi'i-iptn- y, fMIUJtuitMtttifl; cave OU FAVORITE ZllUZY SPORT SHIRTS! C Ptm.ev's cart free cotton and prints ti m bed It nos! Several styles to choose from makes it easy to iind just the one for you. Fee u 111 MAIN, LAYTON PHONE KAYS o 5 A(zv wAWONvavwvz, SPECIAL PURCHASE Sies small, fsi $1 Smartly colored, stylish neck- wear in variety of rayon fabrics and weaves. cviMM4w ft ViVWW 2 medi- um, large. WEEK BARGAINS FOR SISTER AND smwn v i 101 l( Sv at Farmington by Lagoon YOUR STORE TA STORE TA SMEDI.EY PIIMBING AND HFATING Featuring Quality Repairs Contracting Plumbing Heating radio telephone Fixture' All trucks equipped with mobile for fasti r service Featuring Westinghouse Appliances Building a New Home9 Special Discount for You' SYRACfSF UTAH Ai ILl SMF.DLFY tahs Finest 1 AT 306-- IK to n THE FOLLOWING LIST OF RELIABLE BUSINESS CONCERNS IS PAID ADVERTISING. TO PLACE YOUR ADVERTISEMENT IN THIS CLASSIFICATION, PHONE KAYSVILLE 10 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL ON YOU. 114 I I ( PURCHASER'S INDEX AND READY REFERENCE 1 c nllll SERVICE INFORMATION Magic Chef Ranges Hotpoint Appliances R C. W II LEY & SON SYRACUSE, UTAH For the Best in Appliances See Us Before You Buy LaMar Sessions, TA Lowell Hansen, TA Bill Child, T A CENTER GF.NFRAL EI.EC RIC SATISFACTION The Place That Nobody Outdeals Phone F I't Gentile lavton 101 vr vv That onihe d tops cotton keeps its solt . . . and its a real bear for wear1 Sanforized Jack Puts APPLIANCES d d - Ward Seagulls exercises weie held WednesKaysville Seagull graduation day, June K at the rock chapel foi the following gills from the Thud anil Fourth Wards: Nancy Swan, Walline Hammon anc Kmda Stephens from Third Waid, with Jeiry Black, teachei Tiude Lee, lieta Lynn Iaikei, Karen Mitchell, Judy Schofield Waid Robin Heywood, Dana Lee Guir and Giulia Baiton, with Nancy Ia-- is, teacher. sheen' Sanoriz FOR PENNEY DRESS WHITES! jf ! 4 uli OR NO IRONING LITTLE Ward Kaysville will hold a Homebuilders Holiday the evening of Friday, at the lock chapel Motheis of the gills will he invited June guests with the Seagull girls special guests. Mrs Lucille Butler and Mrs. Doiothy Mott are class leadei s 3-- um nmua im is3r Kaysville Church News Kaysville A swimming party'at the home of Mis Leone Guir last Thuisday celebiated the graduation of the tollowing Seagull gills in the Fifth Ward Mernlee Nielson, Sharon Susan Iligmote, Neva Coulam, Helen Rramey, Caiol Elliott, Sandia Laisen, Cheiyol Elliott, and Gheue Bone. Mis. LaRue Smuin is class leadei. After swimming, the gills went to the home of Cheue Bone . , June 15th is Fathers Day! You furnish the Dad, Penneys will furnish the perfect sport shirt! REMEMBER Um TOO! pio-ducti- 360 NOR "111 etiiiial. the 'oils aie deep anis and vciv line sands I nt li. gh watii table, alkali and the JEWELRY lough 'Uifdte conditions pit-veMLRLS JMVi I UY Clearfield Headquarter for PINE WATCH the soil fiom nothing h 24 Hr RPP'VIR Service All Work GuarmGed The fannI M I S JEW MERL KY, Gay ir Plaza, Clearfield, North of Safeuaj er plan- - potential' lmd ti hn to U't All Your See Is for Jewehy Gifts TAlor l t a nt daily pine 'Uppoit LUMBE- RThe plan of vvuik tali' foi1 all Duty amts, applydiainmg DOORS-PL- Y OAK F LOOKING WOOD SHEET ROCK wa-tt- q ing sulficicnt u l iganon salt-ou- t PAINT ROOF INC, AND LOWE BROIHLRs. PAINT to bath tit cxciss BROWN ILMBFR CO Nt N Main, Kaysville Fhone 177 of the soil, it vt 'mg ah fields; foi better ci'tiilutnn of MACHINERY litigation water; installation T an tntue new ungat on 'V- HAROLD W Bl ( K, Manigcr, 46 South State, Clearfield TA PORTO POWFP MFC CO teni including about I,'1"" leet WF STERN FACTORY OUTLET of new ditch, picpti lingation Buv Brand New, Guiranticd F.quipment at Factorv Prices cup nta AIR COMPRESSORS -- W AT F II PUMPS PORTABLE LIGHT water management, turn for coii'Ci v ation and PLANTS WEI. DFRS STEAM CLEANERS NURSERIES- KIRKLAND NURSERY CO Fine hoses Hardy Nursery Plants 91 BOINTII I L ON II I PHONE AX STEPHENSONS Sales ( ontact at 21 North Terrace Appraising, Dr or Phone G Stephenson TA Homes for Sale TERRACE VIEW Subdivision off 500 East ( enter, Clearfield Ueai field The drainage pi o net was tat fir't step m Mi Ken's oveiall conservation plan foi hi- - faint. Patrick REAL ESTATE- Building, li REALTY AND INSURANCE BARLOW REAL1Y AND INSl RANGE CO. Real F.state Appraisals and Property Management Insurance and I oans Sell Real Fstate Is Ojr Business 37X North Main, lavton Phone Kavs 755 TA 30 SOUTH MAIN', ( LEARF I ELD rhone TA 5 1650 C Washington, Mai me D I - (HIINI) foi ps Headquarters has announced the early May Pat' it k ( . Adams pit m 'turn of and Mis Clay Q on if Mi d.mis of 12" K Gentile St., g avton, to Coipoial, while seiv-nat the H Torn Mai me Santa Ana ( oips Ail Station, ( alif. KITCHEN Sies ( ompare to 1 1, J to Ienneys (.price! Iloat, crew, sweetheart necks' candy jar colors! (.ive your girls a summer assortment. Save! Hand Yummy BEAUTIFUL BLOUSE BUYS! 2 fr $1 2 fr $1 Adams Made corporal -- GIRLS STRIPED KNIT POLOS NOW! TERRY FOR THE lSxl'l Inches You'll simplv love them. Dynamic print towels add color 'n sparkle to your kitchen. Quick-drterry does a fabulous job on dishes Sops up y w ater, no lint ! 77 c w ill the price-tag- s really send you! Such smart classic cottons! More colors than flowers in a garden. Get several. Sies 32 to 38. '1 ht- - sty lc-- -- -I- T PAYS TO SHOP AT PEN HEYS! |