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Show 141 avj. tJ fl W Cl i 1 4 Wf W Ail 2amd SAYING ARE DAVIS COUNTY'S NEWEST NEWSPAPER That recessions, good times, depressions, normal, what hue you public offices should do their tradin'r at home. City officials should be certain that all the avenues of supply in their home communities have been exhausted before they buy outside of town. Taxpayers have the right to know that their tax money is being channeled back into their towns whenever possible. County officials, likewise, are obligated to shop within the confines of their county wheneer buying equipment or supplies for their offices. This is true with minor purchases as well as major ones. The amount of good will that is purchased with an order cannot be measured in dollars and cents and that good will should be spent at home with the people who are paying the taxes that are laying the wages of the officials. With many axenues of public purchases towns, schools, counties scores of businesses stand to profit on a local basis. Fortunately, public officials on all levels in this area are cognizant of the obligation to shop at home. It should be kept that wav and if there are evidences of infractions, they should be mended NOW. BASEBALLS X ol 13 8 new homes, A Haseball frames at Davis High school ) Class All ( June ( 3 unset, tul.X pm leal f leld West Point, s r, pm Comets-- S June Hill Gai 4 s June Sy i o IX p.m dens-Clmto- px p m. s ix acuse-Kaysvill- m American Legion llaseball June i Cleai field at Brigham Ogden at Earmington June Ch ai field-Ogde- n 10 West ( 0.1X Iomt-Layto- die, linton-Kay-- v ir Class six pm p.m Baseball June 7 VII games at 2 p.m Sviaiu-at West Point ( lmtmi at Sunset Ka s die at t leal field Lavtmi at Bountiful Class C Baseball June (All games at X.4X pm.) Faimmgton at Bountiful 2 Kd.vsville at Kajsville 2 TUESDAY. JINE 3, 10X8 NO. Pei nuts I'm budd- lesuleiue, l'1'l S. Kaysville E, sII.ihki ings totaling Ml I. TJX weie is- B E. Stringham, residence, 10.; sued in Kaysville duiing the N. 0 E., S11.INNI; B. E. String-hanmonth of May N. lesidmce, 020 E. The following leceived 1,000. Gun-Tulesidence and 2Xo S., .Ml, non, Chuich of tt& Nazaiene, rt gaiage, 14'i Fianh Bidsaul, gaiage, 140 S. model church, SX,ooo, Gordon c E., .M.MHi; B. E. Sti ingham Guir, lesidence and gaiage, 4X (Sprinter Const! uction Co.), N. T'iO E., 811, .XOO; Iioss Green, lesidence, 4'H .No. 200 E., S!,.Xoo; new' addition, 11 N. ,'i E., SsoO; Austin Chappell, carpoit, 2X0 E. Hemy John, lesidence and loti South Main, .Ml.ooO; 2 S., Smx; John Mainland, lesiFiank Burns, fa Id and stoiage dence and gaiage, !io N. 2X0 E., .M J,(wiO; Roheit Bone, nurnull, So N n V., $1 ',ooo. Daniel B. Allen, gaiage, 247 sery stock slats, 721 E 2 N., E. S., STtKi, Roheit Eiickson, SU.--i i, pei-nut- s: 147 permits issued since January ga-iag- e, Says Bug invades Davis E Dari ell Stokes, Davis County agent, ported an outbieak of Says Plant bug, sometimes called "Green Bug, in the county this m the fall week, paitnulaily w heat. He uiged fat met s to check losely foi the Says Bug which is doing considerable damage to wheat that is out in head He lecommends a spray of Iheldien, n ounces of actual oi one quait, to the acre. The chemical can be applied in tiom In to t;o gallons of watei The soonei we can get aft-e- i this pest, the less damage will lie done. The bug sucks and ini luded 7 To tieat effectively, Set afire Bountiful at Centerville Cleai field at West Point Sviacuse at Layton Sunset at Clinton June 11 Webei Farmington at Affleck At Kaysville Layton A fire at the Mountain Fuel Supply pressure regulator station in Layton Sunday evening was apparently caused by cluldien and matches. Firemen, called out at s;l.X p.m. found a small, steady blaze burning neai the noith entrance to the building which is located east of Highway '1 near Moigan Stieet. Nearby weie matches and a cigaiette, appal ently chopped when a gas leak from the building was accidently ignited by the burning match Company employees located the leak and repaired it the following day. - Team membeis Kajsville for Kaysvilles (lass B and two Class C baseball teams weie announced this week. On the B team aie G. Baldwin, catchei ; G. Laikins, pitch-e- i K. Felt, first base; D. ; Cunningham, second base; M. Duckwolth, shoitstop, J Nielsen, thud base; B. Sheffield, left field; T. Thatchei, ccmter field, and L. Duckwoith, light field The team defeated Layton in their fust last Thursday, game. On Class C Team One aie Mike Paul Sheffield, Tillei, Ralph Lewis, Lewis Buffington, Knoll Sandall, Davin Heas-toGarth Biown, David Peterson, Claii Yenson, Mike TimoBarnett, Dennis thy, Geiry Rushfoith and Kenneth Pettin-gil- l -- Hew owners give new look To Layton Davis Drive-i- n More than $.l,iHHi Layton has been spent to lemodel and Drive-i- n on Davis impiove Highway 01 noith of Layton, it was announced this week by the two new theatie owners, Tony Rudman and Don Blasius ol Salt Lake City. Everj thing has been painted painted in sti iking colors of burnt mange, turquoise and oh hid. Speaker poles have been painted pink and aisle lights have now been topped off with umbrella shades. To the giant Davis neon on the hack of the screen has been added the word Drive-in- . The near the highway has maiquee al-- o been rebuilt and fieshened with paint. More beauty will be evident to movie goers in the form of landscaping at the entiance to the drive-in- . The weeds are being killed with 4XO gallons of spray. It is all part of a long range impiovement program for our theatie, says Mr. Rudman We have added $200 wmth of com- plajgiound equipment, pletely lemodeled the snack hat, adding new formica coun-te- i , gull, hot dog machine, coke dispenser, ice cteani cool-e- i and snow cone m.u hine Snack bat colois are yellow uid gieen. Other new featuie.s aie a row of seats near the pi ejection booth, and all new pi ejection equipment, the best that is available, says Don. Working with Mr. Rudman and Mi. Blasius this auiiinei aie Lauiel Laj'ton, Joyce Dawson, snack bar; Butch Owens, piojectionist, Rebecca Day, Bud Baley, manager; Peggy Hardy, cashier; Cal Stringham, assistant operator; Sandra Adams, and Stanford Layton. Don: We will have the best of enteitainment for our customer this season, including the movies, Peyton Place, Long, Hot Summer, Sheep Men, Faiewell to Aims, and Snow White. 0-- On Class "C Team Two aie Roger Richins, Brent Major, Call Chappel, Steven Hill, Steven Ganett, Steven Ashby, Teriy Gieen, Dennis Pettingill, Don Vincent, Keith Linford and Raymond Blood. The two teams will meet foi their fust game Thursday at X:30 p.m. at Kaysville Elemental v school. Baseball-Softba- Scores ll Lomond ('lass "A 14 1 Baseball May 27 ...Force Base. at Hill Aifv When completed, sometime in May, !).!, the $88(5,(100 hangar will provide housing at one time for four of the six twin engine l Ills assigned to the squadron. The adjacent apron will cost $l,02r.l!13 and will be eight inch concrete with 10 inch edges. The utilities contract was for $3."!l,fi3!l. 1 C-- Brush fire Volunteer fne-me- n Kaysville at Kaysville were called out Friday, Memorial Day, at ,M-p. m., to put out a brush file along Highway 'O. lust south of the junction with Second North. ( hief Belaud Bone said the blaze which burned only a small area along the east side of the highway evidently had been started by a burning cigarette tossed from an automobile. Moving Layton Police office Layton - Following the move of Layton city office to the Vei deland Pai k admmisti ation building, the Layton police department will this week take up new quaiters in the same building, abandoning their downtown location Facilities at will be mine than six times the size of the old office, savs Chief .eland Nalder A Ver-dela- ll'h West, Woods Noith 2nd East, Eight, Iva S. Wood, X'.H N'oith 1st East, Fatnnngton; Nine, Lucille Strong, 411 Last 31 Cleai field Brigham City PRON ANI) UTILITIES WILL BE THIS NEW HANG R WITH ITS PARKING BUILT at a cost of $2,2(12.132 for use of the 733rd Troop Carrier Squadron (Reserve) South ple, 12 Fat nungton Ien t Registration agents list Approved for Davis County les-den- ts v, Service station Ea't o oo South, Bountiful; XU loss Drive l.i Toss, Three, Mis. Zelma Iluf-- 1 Hedgepeth, field, and 41 Blanche A in, 4:io South Xrd East, Boun-iCleuful; Four, Hazel B Cutler, ,X7Bnggs, 2s2 East 12th South, Noith 3rd East, Bountilul; Live, Fima Biough, Mo Noith Main, Bountiful; Six, Mavis G. East 200 South, Clayton, X,X Centerville; Seven, Effie T. Ap- May 20 A 1 X2(i Fai nungton Ogden w 12 5 rross; Two, Chle M. Aihuckle, Sarah Hepvvotth, 4ss North 4th Carroll 241 10, Ninth sth West, WoodsiEast, Boiintifu May V? FIRST I)V) AT kINDEKG RTEN. Steven Layton, (i, son of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Layton, 710 Valeria Drive, Lav-tois waiting for ilass to begin on first day of school at E. M. Whitesides Elementary school. Our guess is he's wondering just what Mhool is going to be like, and is just a bit bored with the signing in activities. I.adene Bird is his teacher. (Reflex-Journa- l Photo) Registration1 Bountilul; .XX, Sudla Tiump, Faimmgton agents for the year l't.xs have 121 East too South. Centerville; been approved by the Davis 10. Lucy Batket, 0i Ninth 2nd County Commissionei s for tilt East, Kaysville, X7, Yvonne too South, 47 East II distmts. They include, Dis- Gailev. trict One, Mrs. Etna F. Nelson, Cleai fin'd ; Xs, Lue Child, ,X2 American Legion Baseball six-ne- foi 1 at Affleik homes, huh mp maikmg lesidents Layton pio)eit v ill begin next Satui nay, .nine II and wdl continue the following Sautiday. Session-- will he held on the Aeideland Talk Business nuts issued weie Administiati.m building lawn d f,,nOUi; pel R E Danslef Sln 2 until am tiom lo pm "ni.l(lir sgivice station at Main those days land Phillips Street, 817,000; Du k Adams Distributing Com A nominal fee of u cent- - pel hub cap will he ihniged toa"-- ' "arehfe RayCe- - Daw12 b,,uth help pay foi the seiial numbel son, new office building at 40 maikmg machine Each num- - Noith Main, $s,ooo; Granba oei will he icgisteied vcith the ( onsti uction Company, T, r rostop foi aytnn police department lew ci earn store, 4.X.X North use m case of theft. Davis Sandall, Main, s.X,ooo; The huh cap maikmg pro Arctic Circle ice cieam store at gram is being sponsored by X4I North Main, $3,000; and the Layton Junior Chamber of Dick Adams Distributing ComCommerce, under the direction pany, installation of propane if Vaughn Fowler, and the tank at 301 North Main, X.X.ooo. I.ayton City police department, Other home building permits undei the dnection of Officei included: Don Avery, Route 2, Biian Mottishaw. slo.siHi; Loren O. Kay, NXti Elm, A shaip dei lease in hub cap $ll,s72; Earl Jacques, Route 2, D. $10eXot; Jones, Eugene stealing is expected if all of the community will Route 2, Ml, OHO; John G Brough, Golden Ave., $lti,ooo; Alt Bulk-e.lake pait, said Mi. Fowler. !mh Elm, $11,:Jn(); Glen Jacques, RED 2, :7,2sn; E. W. Pettit, RED 2, $'.,(00; Loien Building Layton 0. Kay, 00 Elm, J? 1 1 , 4 ; B. E. Stringham, 34 Owens, $ll,32s; B. E. Stringham, 340 Owens, $10, son; and Douglas Close, Layton Stokes also said infested alfalfa should be spiayed with pint Iaiathion Dieldien can not he used on anything that will he fed to animals. hoi any additional mtot illation, farmer may call the agent's office at Faimmgton Mr Teams new' Begins June 14 cient Fuel leak 122 garages or carports, Cap marking all who aie infested should he added The Diel-die- n pray, will kill the Says Bug for from two to thiee weeks. One suffiis usually application Form baseball new business buildings, and pel nut- - to remodel. Laytons hub luice fiom the stem and keeps the wheathead fimn piopeilj dev eloping. faimeis 1 Laxlon New building valuation in growing Laj'ton City topped the $1 million for the first five months of 1958, according to a report this week from Citv Building Inspector Fred A. Bradshaw. Mr. Bradshaw said luilders took out building permits during the live months valued at $1, 596, 090, .1 1 2! storage . 1 e UTH. Top Kaysville building Fainungton 10 LAY TON, 10c i June LJJMJ JjUJ Farm-ngto- I.ayton Now undei construction at the intei sec turn of Main Street ami Phillips Street in Layton is a new M7,ihhi iv-n-e station, lining built by R E. Dansie, X!iX South Mam stieet, foi lease to Simian Oil ind Gas Company. Of cement onst i uction, the build-n- g dock Remodeling permits weie isto the following persons by the city: D. C. Shurtz, 214 Dawson, $.Xoo; Don Spurlock, .(10 Chuich, Mioo; Lloyd Weaver, Route 2, 2,020; Earl V. Tucker, 700 East Gentile, $sso; Flank Adams, oo North Main, '4oo; Don C. Parrish, 7Mi Hill Villa, remodel and gaiage, Letei W. Wagner, 70 Elwill he 2n by in $2, .Xoo; R. L. W'illiams, lison, size and will sit on a 12.X by 02 X Adams, $70'; Jim Conosa, the lot just east of (07 W. D. 2,000; Moigan, 01 Batchelor, 400; Beacon, Daily Queen. Dean R. Adams, Route 2, lX.X-io- $0,-xo- This Week s Old Photo Penults for garages and cai-por- ts were issued to the follow ng: Dale Giay, XXX Moigan, '1,000; Floyd W. Massey, I.owell L. Walker, .X40 Coates, 44o; C F. Dowden, XO ! Coates, M, iu; Joe Kersting, 2X.X Glen Place, $2,2"; and James T. Patteison, 4Xs Kirk, -- n; $2,-oo- lohuis, East Layton; 12, Ruby Dikenlooper, West Layton; 1!, Norma By tarn. South Wibei; 4, Ivy M Johnston, Cleat field, 52,01 Eighteen, Iona C. Cook, 47!i West Gentile, IP, Layton; Nancy A. Martin, 4P; Noith'lj Main, Sunset; 20, Beth Hutches,' sji; South Main, North Salt Lake; 21, Mane Stoker, l!is xast 700 South, Clearfield; 22, Anna S. Thompson, 17 East 4th Ninth, Bountiful; 2T, Mai y belle liggs, ,X7 Ninth 1st West, 3ountiful; 24, Julia Memmott, in South sth East, Bountiful; ' Twenty-five- , Virgie L. Rose. 02 East c.XiM South, Bountiful, Sylvia N. Call, 301 West ith South, Bountiful; 27, Arta iVhitesides, 7s Beacon Ave., .ay ton; 2s, Alta J. Hayvvani, Ss South .xoo West, Bounti-ul- ; 3 h 20, Edith Jackson, NOW WHO COULD THESE CUTE little kids be? For Drive, Layton; xo, Col-ee- n the first person that can call in and correctly identify them Simmons, 2P) Barbaia Avenue, to our Old Photo Editor Mary Bowring, (Kaysville 127) Layton; XI, Maggu there will be a $i bill. Now we can tell you this much. lirch, 310 Idaho Stieet, ,32, Saiah Mi Entile. They are from the same family, and either from Kaysville. 00 South !X, Main, Sunset; Layton or Farmington. Do you have an old photos? Why office 'holma Steed. 702 West Xm not send them or bring them to the Reflex-Journin Kaysville. We will pay J! for each one used. This Torth, Clearfield, Mis. bontena M Thii week's Reflex will carry the names of our two mystery figures. levev, loo East ns.Xo South, Wa-atc- al HI Art course Is offered I.X, Fein Seaile. ls.X .South Lakevievv Drive, Cleatlield; Id, Alice Dahl, Syracuse; 17, Della Jon k, West Point; r. sued c 2nd Ten, South, Kaysville; NTuma T. Swan, 1X1 West 1st N'oith, Kaysville; 11, Maijoiie C-- RED 2, $.x,2oo. Kaysville J Kaysville Do you appieciate beauty in the commonplace aiound you? Heres your chance to learn moie about that beau-8- , ty as well as how to put what you see on canvas or paper. I.eConte Stewart, professor emeritus of the University of k Utah, is offering a ait course to adults in the area. The classes are limited and the first one will he held Saturday, with one each succeeding Saturday at 7 a.m. The group will study landscape painting under Professor Stewarts tutelage. A nominal fee will be charged. Anyone interested in taking the course may contact either Professor Stewart or Mrs. Russell Barton in Kaysville. ten-wee- |