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Show Mr. and day m Salt Lake with Mi- -, Bert Martin and Mi. and Mi- - Biyan Swangei and family . Mr. and Mrs. Morris John- din-non and Oven ( ollett weie cuests Satitday evening cf G il and Mis. Wells Gollett. Mrs. Sam Bloxham returned home Thuisday fiom the St Marks Hospital where she was confined foi lout days vuth a hand mjuiy. Mis. Jesse Biiuha'l, Farmington, New Mexico, is visiting this week with hei pai ethf. Gollett ane) Mis. Everything 1 5 of Mi. and M's. Fail laikin and ianuly. Mr. and Mrs. Timer Lewis Robins. Word has been received from i etui ned home last Monday Mrs. Don EdKajsville llbam E. Gailey'nom a week vacation tup to wards and Mrs. A. J. Robinson, Mr. and Mis. have ben assigned to Kt!i Billings, Montana, where the;. they showet a in attended Layton, West Poit Angeies visited with then son, Mi. and Oienj last Friday evening 11 Wash Stieet, Mi. has Mis Gene I.uis and family. in. Gadey ngi, Wilfoid Gun. honor of Mis. Mr. and Mrs. of een made ei nell Swan-ge- r, Inarch piesident Mr. and Mrs. Iaul Layton Robei t Lenhait and Ai geles I'.ianch and Mis. rht Pint y attended a family leurunr, I ogau, visited Sun veiy h. )pv m then son Cotj, at Laytcr thew wdie evening: or k. Fouith Waid recreation hall nc Mrs. Y. (. A ose and son for all descendants of ( hristo-phe- i Layton. It was in honor Fian , Big P'hcj, Wyoming, if his tilth buthday annivci-sai- y .mite., last week at tne roue and the Inst one- evei ol Mi. i. ml Mis. Grant ( is more. held. Moie than too ft . . . Coal Supplier to the West Mrs. Olive 'Robins was a lescendants attended m-- t of her Mis n Mr. and Mrs. Hooper daughlei, lolman llountitu!. l.i and two children, Salt Dak Vlondav were Sunday evening ,ake '1 he of livers and Primary e.cheis ot the Second Waid meetheld then preparation ing loi the month at the home ot Mis. Beveily Wald, Monday tv ening. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse 1 lint returned home last week lioni a week vacation tup to Galina and A.i izona Mrs. l.eorge Go, Salt Lake, s guest spent last weekend ot Mr. and Mis. Paul Layton. Sidney Stewart attended the In the mountains ol Caibon County aie beautiful funeial set vice of his aunt Mis recreation aieas in summer, wonderful ski slopes m Maltha Rushton Kail at Amei winter. And from these same mountains comes the lean hoik Wednesday. chief source of the countys wealth: millions of tons Mrs. I.ucretui Slack, St. ot bituminous coal to feed the furnaces of steel plants at the Idaho, is visiting g at Gi neva and Fontana, to power giant electric hi in1 of hen niothe, Mis. Maty A aid foi plants, and to heat many of Utahs homes a tew weeks. With reserves estimated t more than 100 billion Mrs. Paul Nance and three tons enough to supply the entite nation for 100 ( oi y Illicit cn and Monica, years or more Caibon County will play an mcieas-inglBindley , Biigham Gity, vveit FOR important role m the development of the West. .nests of hi i sistei, Mis. Paul United States Biewers Foundation proudly The Lay Monday tin, INCREASED FARM salutes Carhon County, where the Foundation conMr. and Mrs. (live Gdrdner PROFITS Muiidv, visited Tuesday evestantly woiks for the maintenance ol clean, wholesome conditions wheiever beer and ale aie served. FROM ning with Mi and Mis Ben Webstei James Laird, Du Bois, Idaho, BEER and ALE . . . last week at the home DEAN PARKER visited oi his sistei, Mi and Mis. loldeii Tayioi. A Sea? EXport e Mrs. Robert l.enhdrl and son Coty, Logan, were last week Bv Norma Ireece Jhone Cleaner STAYS true 7fi9 Sat-uida- .Cooking Salute to CARBON COUNTY - ELECTRICALLY! Mor-tense- . Pols and pans, kiLltn walk, . thev all cui tains, enetian blinds and longer, stay bright with less work and fuss . , . when you cook with an elattu range. 82 m . fresh-lookin- Its white-glo- g clean e . . no giimy cooking Ik at Conks ilnht because smudge is fast, dnec bettei meals, too' . t uss Cock Belter ELECTRICALLY! ANHYDROUS AMMONIA IT w y' UTAH POWER Buy from UVI BITTIft & v v Sfd LIGHT CO. your dealer ol hei guest; Mi-- - . V paients, ei ut II ti. anti wJr I Swangei Glen (iicen is visiti.rg in Reno, Niv. loi a lew weeks a he In me ol In , daughtei and Mr and Mis. Dale yrL'r' ycetien WON ;utahw aaaias dbe4 BUT ITS GOOD FOR BUSINESS When You Keep You? Name Reioie Them in ihe Pages ol THE REFLEX THE JOURNAL THE LEADER ..." season for most Spring is the I'm in the mood for So reason the SEASON is people. enough to tep up your adYertising program . . . there yy as neYer a better time to reap greater inteiest, greater response and greater profits! Whether youre selling motor-car- s or resenations for the first trip to Mars . . . daffodils or dill pickles . . . y omens hats or real estate plats ... an effectiYe neYYspaper ad will reach your public and make them reach for their YYallets A call from you is all thats needed. Theres co better spring tonic for business than a con- Mat YYell-pianne- d, H Andersen Box Elder County && sistent, neYYspaper adYertising program! We haYe hundreds of successful case histories to prove it . . . YYhy not trv it for Yourself and see! takes Uvln men v SPRING I g . rn 99 Utah MAKES . PEOPLE WANT lass Hl'iUH NEW CARS NEW HOUSES NEW GOLF CLURS NEW HATS NEW DRAPERIES NEW FISHING TACKLE NEW COATS NEW FLOOR COVERINGS NEW AMUSEMENTS NEW SHOES NEW FURNITURE NEW SUITS NEW AWNINGS. NEW DRESSES NEW SCREENS mV Max H. Andersen of Box Elder County, Utah, the many farmers who agrees with the It takes N, Men. Last year, he that slogan is one of used NSS Nitrogen Fertilizers and teahed top yields and profits. Mr. Andersen used 400 pounds of Ammonium Nitrate per acre plus barnyard manute on his corn and got the best crop I ever raised; if I had had a larger yield than last year, do iI know- what I would have used to cut it. On irrigated wheat, Mr. Andersen useu 300 pounds of Ammonium Nitrate per acre plus manure, and reported a yield of 85 to 99 bushels an acre. I also increased my barley yield II bushels an acre over previous years, Mr. Andersen said. The added yields I got convinced me that USS Nitrogen Fertilizer is a profitable investment, Mr. Andersen said. 1 The - AND I HANDS OF COURSE . . . NEW UMBRELLAS! jorna: Use USS Nitrogen Fertilizers by United States Steel this year and increase your farm profits. Buy USS Nitrogen Fertilizers now from your fertilizer dealer. For the folder, Big Dollars from Small Grains," write United States Steel, 919 Kearns Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. 14 SOUTH MAIN PHONE Nitrogen Fertilizers 10 it a refoVercd trtW mark |