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Show The Pyramid Page Eight April 24, 1980 Manti reviews plans for irrigation system 20-3- - Complex has received temporary approval from Comthe Six-Coun- ty missioners Organization under a Farm Home Act, the 601 Industrial Fuel to according financial support of the Act, Cluff. Councilman Jay system for either May or June with Ephraim City Cluff said 0 to the present percent efficiency from irrigation ditches. She said the system would paying for the other reviewed a proposal provide all the water that month. presented by Ruth An- users would want except In July remaining cities derson of the irrigation during drought conin the county will Join in ditions. for company and pay their share of the irrigation Mayor Ben Kjar added costa which are estimated system that would include that the fire department at $2 per capita. Sanpete pipelines to each property has designed taps that County will take over the owner. would adapt to fire hoses system next January. Mrs. Anderson said the and would provide a fire Mayor Kjar also said that the grant money for system that would include hydrant in every yard. The council gave its new radio crystals had pipelines down the center not come through so the of each block and provide support to the countya tap for each yard would wide dispatch system, city would have to exbe 70 efficient as opposed COMSAN, and approved change its old crystals By Cathy Buchanan Pyramid Staff Writer MANTI The city council Wednesday night and purchase new ones from dty hinds. The new Manti Office piped-pressuriz- Six-Coun- ty Planner Larry Seibert others have been the about positive possibility of grant money for the project inspite of and recent cutbacks. government It was reported that the library board has been concerned about the upkeep of the library budding if the new city office complex is built In light of all improvements being made the council reaffirmed its support of authorizing $1,000 to match a grant to the improvement Daughters for of Utah Pioneers improving Association, .with the city of the in- the old Patton Home on dustrial park complex 300 North and 100 West .south of the city, has The city, according to asked the city to decide a DUP representatives, fair price for a lot desired Mrs. Carl Mickelson and by Marlin Cox for the Mrs. Elma Tuttle could Manti Telephone Com- provide their share in materials such as sand pany. It was reported that for remortaring the the library building. : The Manti Bus-'ine- ss Guard Sgt. Kenneth that in addition to the parade and other festivities that day, the local guard units will have a wrecker and lowHowell explained strict about cutting off more customers who condo not pay. sistently Bessey suggested that a dty recreation board be . appointed to handle little boy available to remove league and other summer Junk cars and trucks from activities. As this has efficient, but an apparent engineers error it was through installed as single-phasMayor Kjar pointed out the forced-ai- r heating is not difficult, to change over to three-phas- e and the community. become too time con- said the dty would not Responding to a letter suming for one in- accept the building until from David Hutton as to dividual. The councilmen the change is made. his be why electricity will recruiting deposit was not refun- members for this board Theonly Justification of dable, Councilman Bob and said anyone wishing rebellion is success. Cox was quoted $1,750 for . adobe. The council authorized Bessey said the $55 fee to help can contact any Thomas B. Reed, Speech, the lot when he first Paul was not really a deposit member of the council 1B78. considered the purchase city attorney, e two years ago. However, Frischknecht, to contact but a Valley builders wrote fee for the council to ask for an Reforms should begin since that time, com- Forrest Washburn, owner getting on the books. hatacceptance from the city at hone and stay there. parable lots have been of the burned-ou- t the new LDS Anonymous ; Bessey pointed out that for sold for $2,250. The chery on 500 south concouncil moved to suggest cerning water that was the system has had much Seminary building near com- the hew high school. The trouble into the less At twenty a man is full to the MBIA that Cox pay draining the current price for his basement which they said pensating for unpaid bills council refused stating of fight and hope. He lot and that money from was becoming hazardous. since the fee was made the single-phaswiring wants to reform the The council approved a non refundable. The for the heating system world. When hes seventy part of the sale be used for road improvement parade permit to the council said it would was not adequate. The he still wants to reform In other action the National Guard for May review delinquent bills wiring was requested to the world, but he knows each month and be more be three-phas- e which is he cant council approved 17. e. 5 I one-tim- , e - W pi r titrl hilt ri zz , 1 . 93' ! . OIL Dnj ni oESu u .i |