Show f COIL oil Ll NO sit ILL ON I 1 iti should ou ruu run across a nine operator these dais days hastening along the streets with a wild lid blunted glitter in his eyes you need hardly I 1 ago go to the trouble to ask what the trouble i i just ity it t to the inabell ity ty to secure an adequate fuel sup up div for his mine or mill says bait salt lakes lake s tribune chiq Is a source of a considerable amount of forn complaint plaint and it is 1 supposed to bi b due not so much to the lack of fuel nr r cirs to c arry the alme 14 to the lack of motive power to move coal trains ec tu to rc report port the fuel situation has assumed t very serious as hect and there la is little hope of any m iderial miter lal improvement for the next two to or three months owing to the winter inter weather which litch ordinarily reduces tile mothe p power oer cf f of the Il clestern estern to boida do dui ing the tile past two years industrial conditions hive e not been favorable I 1 tor for the rill road c 14 of te tte country placing urge large orders for equipment nor hae has the of the iniesta been whetted to i t ken keen edge for equipment securities during the th agitation of or corporate bul busl nes ne s and the geean roller treat ment in je corded corporations in the meantime coal Is a pre cloua clous icle in the mining MEAT et and nd the ile lack of an id equate t may create considerable Incon ieni veni ence for the few months |